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Nintendo Wii U

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    The Wii-U will have a much bigger touch screen - making it like using a mouse. And the 3DS has shown tilt controls can work really well for aiming. I could see all FPS' offering touch and motion control options. Plus they're not sticks, which was kind of the point we were discussing.

    Resting the tablet on one leg and holding one side to use a circle pad and shoulder buttons is hardly rocket science, I didn't think I'd need to specify this.


      Why reinvent the wheel? Sticks work better than a touch screen imo. And I don't see how a bigger touch screen makes it like a mouse either. Unless you mean like a trackpad? Which in any case is terrible to control a FPS.


        Because the touch screen will be nearer the size of a mouse mat, as well as being more accurate I'm guessing, and the way you used a stylus or your thumb would be the same as how you'd use a mouse. A mouse is far more accurate than sticks, and allows you to rail someone in Quake 3 on the other side of the arena in a split second without zooming in, which is far more rewarding than anything you'd do with 'sticks'.

        Why reinvent the Wii, or games consoles in general, if that's your attitude? Why bother with sticks at all, why not have 2 d-pads and that's it?


          Originally posted by Party boy View Post
          Because the touch screen will be nearer the size of a mouse mat, as well as being more accurate I'm guessing, and the way you used a stylus or your thumb would be the same as how you'd use a mouse. A mouse is far more accurate than sticks, and allows you to rail someone in Quake 3 on the other side of the arena in a split second without zooming in, which is far more rewarding than anything you'd do with 'sticks'.
          Nobody is arguing against the mouse that's always going to be the best control method for FPS.
          The touchscreen has potential but I'm expecting it to end up more like the DS touch screen control which wasn't that great.
          Would be surprised if many games took advantage of this type of control method anyway, specially as they're meant to be able to stream to the controller which would make touch screen aiming useless.
          Also if one was to use the touchscreen for aiming (most likely with a stylus seeing as it's resistive touch screen tech) the buttons would be a pain to reach for reloading, jumping, ducking etc. There could be on screen buttons but unlike the DS there would be a massive gap between the Nintendopad and the TV so looking down to press certain commands would be time consuming which isn't something you want in the likes of an FPS or 'twin stick' shooter etc.

          And the 3DS has shown tilt controls can work really well for aiming.
          I've tried it in zelda OOT and it's alright but I still prefer the slider over the motion controlled aiming which seems a bit too sensitive.


            It mostly depends on what your used to, personally the sliders don't bother me too much and I've no interest in using the touch screen for aiming etc but I don't think I'll struggle too much with the option Nintendo's gone for. Mouse style controls might allow for split second aiming on enemies that are nearly 180 degrees from you but that's exactly why I've always found mouse controls to be s**t. Turns FPS's into twitch shooters, bores the kecks off me, lol


              wii mote controls are also excellent for shooters much better than keyboard and mouse.


                Originally posted by yesteryeargames View Post
                wii mote controls are also excellent for shooters much better than keyboard and mouse.
                Seriously though.

                Wii controls are pretty spastic for 1st person shooters as the turning mechanic is ropey, infact no console interface is a replacement for mouse and keys, hence why games such as Bad Company 2 on PC wont even let you use a pad by default because its a step to retardation.

                Console FPS typically have aiming assist because the controls are not accurate enough......tho they can be turned off.


                  Seriously though, yesteryeargames is right. Wiimote and nunchuck is FPS utopia when done right. The Metroid Primes are great examples of what an amazing system this can be. Analog movement + precision shooting. IMO this is the best FPS control scheme to date.


                    What's so great about keys? Yeah there are lots of them , but they weren't very precise last time I checked.


                      Having played PC Descent with one of these, you are all wrong etc.


                        Originally posted by FSW View Post
                        Seriously though, yesteryeargames is right. Wiimote and nunchuck is FPS utopia when done right. The Metroid Primes are great examples of what an amazing system this can be. Analog movement + precision shooting. IMO this is the best FPS control scheme to date.
                        So not the case for me it isn't funny. Mouse and keyboard is the best combo for any fps. If you have to rely on a sensor for absolute precision then it needs to be a VERY good sensor, which the wii lacks in it's bar. Motion plus or gtfo. Didnt get on with goldeneye or metroid trilogy for this very reason - sharp, sudden movements just aren't possible without sending the sensor into a spasm.


                          Ah, each to their own. I experienced no spasms playing metroid. Dead quick and dead accurate. The lack of twin IR emitters in the Playstation Move system means that I've actually found it less accurate for shooters than Wiimote. It's more versatile but you can get 'drift' sometimes and that never happens on Wii. I'm not dissing KB/M by the way. I think a nunchuck / mouse combo would be excellent - analog movement and mouse precision aiming. Yummy.


                            Keyboard and mouse controls do have one major flaw though. They are utterly useless sitting on a couch.


                              Originally posted by Party boy View Post
                              Because the touch screen will be nearer the size of a mouse mat, as well as being more accurate I'm guessing, and the way you used a stylus or your thumb would be the same as how you'd use a mouse. A mouse is far more accurate than sticks, and allows you to rail someone in Quake 3 on the other side of the arena in a split second without zooming in, which is far more rewarding than anything you'd do with 'sticks'.

                              Why reinvent the Wii, or games consoles in general, if that's your attitude? Why bother with sticks at all, why not have 2 d-pads and that's it?
                              My attitude? I'm just saying don't force people to use a touchscreen because they haven't put decent sticks in. And I still don't see how it'd be like a mouse just because it's the size of a mouse pad. My iPad is bigger than the screen the wii u is going to have, that isn't better for aiming than sticks.


                                I think the real problem gestating on Nintendo consoles is the sheer number of different controllers. Only Nintendo have made proper use of the Wii remote in the Prime games, and from games that support more than one controller, often only one option has been sufficiently developed to be playable.

                                Wii remote on side; Wii remote alone; Wii remote and nunchuk combo; Wii Classic Controller; Wii Classic Controller Pro; GameCube controller with rumble; Wavebird; Wii Zapper; Wii remote with motion plus... And then throw in the Wii-U controller.
                                Last edited by egparadigm; 21-06-2011, 16:49.

