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Nintendo Wii U

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    Originally posted by gamelife View Post
    talk about a company running out of ideas and re-packaging 10 yr old games!
    //looks at Microsoft rereleasing Halo...

    Seriously though, updating OoT and Starfox 64 for a new generation certainly gets my approval, if it means new people can appreciate them without having to purchase old hardware for the privilege. And we certainly don't have to buy them, so what's the harm?!
    Lie with passion and be forever damned...


      Originally posted by gamelife View Post
      the 3ds has only been out a short while, they'll be more along the way...along with the standard updates, mario kart 3d, mario 3d...just the same old 3d lol
      Originally posted by gamelife View Post
      this is why Nintendo had to go down the route they did (with the wii) to stay in the market. they dont have what it takes to be a front runner in the games industry wihout 'being different'.
      Sooo damn them for sticking to established franchises and damn them for being different?

      Anywho, even though they may stick to releasing new games in old series, the games often show a hell of a lot more variation/improvement than the weekly brown/grey bald space marine/soldier FPS/cover shooters that are released. Even if these games are brand new with no ties to another series, they're similar enough that they may as well be.


        I would rather play OOT again than Halo 1 tbh.


          Originally posted by Mayhem View Post
          //looks at Microsoft rereleasing Halo...

          Seriously though, updating OoT and Starfox 64 for a new generation certainly gets my approval, if it means new people can appreciate them without having to purchase old hardware for the privilege. And we certainly don't have to buy them, so what's the harm?!
          There is no harm, Only that when SONY or MS talk about another FPS or update to their IP it's 'Yawn... can't they do anything new' ' I'm bored already' Only for the NCl faithful to seem to have no trouble or issue with NCL doing exactly the same . The trouble with NCL and well to be honest most of Japan game development is compared to where they were at last gen (never mind the 32 bit and 16bit era) they're all worryingly poor in most cases (bar the odd magic title here and there) .

          NCL just don't make the classics they used to (that we all took for granted ) bar Zelda or Mario Galaxy, even the likes of Treasure have been for the most part totally forgettably this generation (as painful as it is to say it) . Its seems that only FromSoftware and to a point Capcom have been able to keep up a decent level of quality this generation and have some decent tech. Maybe this will pick up if the PS3 can really start to take Japan and Japanese developers are forced to up their game for HD and next gen shaders , instead of the east route of HH games development, but I doubt it


            more variation/improvement than the weekly brown/grey bald space marine/soldier FPS/cover shooters that are released.
            This is the standard NCL robot response that makes me sick , more so when my over riding memory of Zelda OOT was brown washed out blurry textures. I really couldn't careless what colour a game is... as long as it plays well . It may be dark it may be a FPS but COD IV is one the best games I have ever played in any generation of gaming and that's all that matters to me


              Originally posted by mekanor View Post
              Sooo damn them for sticking to established franchises and damn them for being different?

              Anywho, even though they may stick to releasing new games in old series, the games often show a hell of a lot more variation/improvement than the weekly brown/grey bald space marine/soldier FPS/cover shooters that are released. Even if these games are brand new with no ties to another series, they're similar enough that they may as well be.
              my point is that its just the same old franchises with yet another hardware twist/gimmick. mario with motion control, mario with touch screen, mario in 3d...and so forth


                They may be twists and gimmicks but they're expertly implemented and far more varied in those tweaks than 99% of the other sequels that come out. The simple fact is that the frequency of Nintendo's releases means complaining about them isn't justifiable in light of the rest of the market. If you don't like 'em, don't buy 'em


                  Originally posted by crazytaxinext View Post
                  They may be twists and gimmicks but they're expertly implemented and far more varied in those tweaks than 99% of the other sequels that come out. The simple fact is that the frequency of Nintendo's releases means complaining about them isn't justifiable in light of the rest of the market. If you don't like 'em, don't buy 'em
                  That really depends on the game for many just being able to play HALO Combat evolved over LIVE is all the tweaks and gimmicks they'll ever need. And you can say don't like, don't buy them about any game or any game system yet people seem to love to stick the boot in to Sonic, COD, FPS's and consoles like the PSP


                    I think what this all comes down to, the real meat of the Wii U discussion, is TA taking issue with the fact that people dislike the really godawful Sonic games.


                      Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
                      I think what this all comes down to, the real meat of the Wii U discussion, is TA taking issue with the fact that people dislike the really godawful Sonic games.
                      The simple fact is that the frequency of Sonic's releases means complaining about them isn't justifiable in light of the rest of the market. If you don't like 'em, don't buy 'em

                      Don't tell you don't ?




                          Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
                          I think what this all comes down to, the real meat of the Wii U discussion, is TA taking issue with the fact that people dislike the really godawful Sonic games.


                            Goichi "Suda51" Suda has given a strong indication that No More Heroes 3 will be a Wii U game. In an interview with Des…

                            Suda cheekily hints at WiiU based... No More Heroes 3


                              Originally posted by crazytaxinext View Post
                              Suda cheekily hints at WiiU based... No More Heroes 3
                              Wii U, sold!

                              Quick, someone give the man a Wii U so he can take it in the toilet with him.


                                Despite the drumming some quarters are giving the Wiiu, devs seem keen on it even despite the issues they had with the Wii. Hopefully we'll get a few cool titles

