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Your favourite level in a game? (May contain spoilers)

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    Bowser123: Yeah, I love the way the music changes in that Mario 64 water level, too, and that was way back in 1996!
    (Cue sock from the Egg advert...) You get nought percent... erm, a nice rythmic beat when on land, strings join in when you hit the water, and finally a percussion-only beat when you swim out into the cave with the falling rock-pillars.

    Phlebas: Yeah, I love the Gerudo Fortress area - there's a professional orchestra version of *that* tune around the net somewhere... it r0x0rs my b0x0rs. :P


      Halo : The Silent Cartographer and Assault on the control room : this is gaming perfection

      Mario64 : all of it

      Rez level 5 : no comment needed

      Goldeneye : Facility and Bunker


        Originally posted by TheForce
        Rez level 5 : no comment needed
        Amen to that.


          Originally posted by KartoffelKopf
          Whilst Rez Lvl 5 is of course utterly awesome, it's the 'Running Man' boss on Lvl 3 (? - I think) that always gets my juices flowing, as soon as that guitar riff breaks through, gaming couldn't be better.
          That was Area 4 actually. But I know what you mean.


            I love the Sonic 2 Special Stages too!
            I damn near threw up the first time it started to curve downward on me.


              Originally posted by Alf-Life
              Phlebas: Yeah, I love the Gerudo Fortress area - there's a professional orchestra version of *that* tune around the net somewhere... it r0x0rs my b0x0rs. :P
              The orchestrial version is inferior to the original, I reckon. You can't play Gerudo Valley on violins... it *has* to have twangy guitars to work.

              However, the orchestrated Zora's Domain is ****ing genius

