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Call of Duty: Black Ops 2

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    Originally posted by jim g View Post
    So as the countdown begins to the live date for this I really pray and hope they have addressed the connectivity issues that plagued not only BO, but MW3 for the PS3. The 360 has always been better for connectivity, but I always play the COD games on my PS3.

    Current big issue not resolved is the much complained about Lag Compensation. Now high speed internet is with us the Lag Comp is totally broken and I wonder if they will address it?

    Others things like Akimbo, Quick Scoping and Shotguns should be removed, but I doubt they will be. Also the ability to run around quicker than Usain Bolt should be addressed.

    But I will settle for a good connection that does not penalise me for investing in BT Infinity.
    In all fairness to Treyarch, black opps was much better net code wise than any of the other cods, farr above IW efforts.


      Care Package edition will cost ?159.99

      Or ?59.99 if you wait till Easter


        For quick-scoping they have said it is still possible but what they've done is in the moment you bring up your sights there is no auto-aim assistance for the first .5 second or whatever time delay they've put in.

        Not sure how that will transfer to gameplay but what they're hoping to achieve is to make it more difficult, down to skill and reflexes... And basically not the piece of ****e it is now in MW3.

        I'd rather they turned off aim assistance completely for public matches for every weapon. But hey... It has to be accessible right...


          Originally posted by nonny View Post
          I'd rather they turned off aim assistance completely for public matches for every weapon. But hey... It has to be accessible right...
          Someone else on here mentioned this & I agree. There was a time when 1st person games had no aim assist, so turn it off


            I have played several games of MW3 today and the lag thingy is truly awful. I don't know whose brainwave it was to implement this but they are an idiot.

            I corner camped on Terminal, and get shot dead. Note, I can see no one, yet I am dead. Replay camera shows the guy running straight at me, quickly crouching and then killing me, al because I have 70 MB connection I can't see him until after I am dea. This happens constantly and I host 100% unless I join a game in progress

            My hope is Treyarch have a solution to this otherwise on-line gaming will always be ruined. so Mr Tryarch if you are reading this please take note.

            I use my 70 MB connection work, downloads (legit) Netflix streaming, BBC IPlayer, etc. etc. But for on-line FPS I am severely punished for investing in the latest technology!!!!!!!!

            As footnote, there was a guy at E3 from IW says that people who complain about this and other faults are just moaners, so there is the rub.


              Originally posted by jim g View Post
              As footnote, there was a guy at E3 from IW says that people who complain about this and other faults are just moaners, so there is the rub.
              What a lovely attitude to take regarding your long term customers. I would love for someone from IW to explain to me how exactly they work the network speed and how it affects your gameplay as MW3 makes no sense. My rankings for the IW games are as follows, MW1: 3.4 kd ratio over 3 days playtime, MW2: 2.9 kd over 5 days playtime, MW3: 0.5 over ten hours, i had to give up on this version because of the appalling net code and the random deaths from people who were not on my screen and such.


                Originally posted by fishbowlhead View Post
                What a lovely attitude to take regarding your long term customers. I would love for someone from IW to explain to me how exactly they work the network speed and how it affects your gameplay as MW3 makes no sense. My rankings for the IW games are as follows, MW1: 3.4 kd ratio over 3 days playtime, MW2: 2.9 kd over 5 days playtime, MW3: 0.5 over ten hours, i had to give up on this version because of the appalling net code and the random deaths from people who were not on my screen and such.
                Yep me too. In fact on reflection it is Lag Penalisation. What's next "oh player Y in country X can only get black and white TV and mono sound and has 14K modem, so everyone has to play in Black and White and we will slow all players so he has a chance"


                  Aah, it'd be awesome if this was how BO2 on WiiU turned out


                    Treyarch have stated that Black Ops 2 on PS3 will include a Texture Pack option allowing gamers to make a small install onto the systems HDD. This won't have any impact on how the game looks but for those who play COD a lot, it will create less loading strain on the Blu-Ray drive.


                      News seems to have gone really quiet since the Live Extravaganza a few wks ago


                        Originally posted by crazytaxinext View Post

                        Treyarch have stated that Black Ops 2 on PS3 will include a Texture Pack option allowing gamers to make a small install onto the systems HDD. This won't have any impact on how the game looks but for those who play COD a lot, it will create less loading strain on the Blu-Ray drive.
                        They should be commended for that, the drive noise for the game is just scraping the drive all of the time back-and-forth.

                        I'm a bit late to this thread, how much of the game this year is being branded as "Elite Subs" only then? Is Multiplayer included in the main off-the-shelf product?


                          So far nothing has been really mentioned for Elite. Im guessing its likely he same as MW3 where you get everything on the disc with the Elite sub just paying for map packs


                            Its good to see that Playercards are back too.

                            Cant wait to start creating jizzing cocks, Unicorns anal raping gorillas & up the skirt shots of ladies bits!


                              Zombies reveal.


                                Last week Activision teased a zombie mode in Treyarch's upcoming Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, but now we can see it in ac…

                                Two extra modes to Zombie exist also. 4z4 is a mode where two teams of 4 players battle but can't directly shoot each other, instead they have to lure Zombies to their opponents.

                                The other is Tranzit which is a story led co-op mode in a more open environment where players ride in a bus through different areas.

