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More trouble at Edge towers...

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    Originally posted by Max M
    Originally posted by dreamylittledream
    [pedantic] Oh and does this thread really belong in import gaming news? [/pedantic]
    Ha! I posted it in Gaming Discussion and they moved it here.

    Really? Is this a new 'import' edge I should be aware of? hehe


      I like Nagoshi-san's articles. They just confirm my beliefs:
      1) He's a genius
      2) He's utterly insane.
      3) His insanity is a good thing.

      Biffos' hmm, can be a bit jaded. He is in danger of slipping towards the dark side of Digi when, during the final days, reality was interspersed with plausible fiction. Which wasn't bad, I liked it, it was just very confusing for me.
      Steven Poole's articles. Sometimes they're good, sometimes they're tripe
      (see last two articles, especially last month's column). The MGS2 spoiler was annoying, I really didn't want to get the game after that.

      As I've said before, Redeye pisses me off, and then I realise he is right. So I hate him for ten minutes every month, then love him. Take his hardcore bashing with a pinch of salt. He is an experienced journalist writing a column in one of the world's most hardcore gaming magazines. Edge is Elitist and so are Hardcore players. Good thing? I don't know.

      I'd miss Edge, if only for what Toshihiro Nagoshi-san was thinking. I'm very excited about the secret project he is working out that he unveiled in his column. After my appetite was whetted by an F-Zero demo, very excited indeed.


        Originally posted by otaku84
        Anyway, I dont want to argue, I know some people love redeyes column, personally Im glad to see Mr Rose writing again, one of the last few good things left in EDGE. (wonder he rememebers the interview I did with him years ago?)
        So you know his real name......(do tell )

        I quite like Redeye's monthly rant--I think they're deliberately provocative, but surely that's a good thing? His articles get all of us thinking and discussing, then having a rant ourselves....oh and I rate how he's also a fan of the Pixies


          So you know his real name......(do tell )
          Doesn't Mr. Rose = Mr. Biffo?


            Hmmm Poole does have his moments but he steers far too close to anylising (sic hehe) gaming as a pseduo-science.

            I find Nagoshi-san quite hard to read lucidly, but he does come across as very sweet, if perhaps a little confused.

            and Mr Biffo's darkside is a great place to be!

            So anyway that has always bothered me...who is RedEye? Is he a person or just an excuse for the edge staff to wind people up?


              With the Sega "Captain" article you just knew it was a pisstake of collectors. So I'd say he's a wind-up. But he poked fun at magazines eager for exclusives, and personally I believe Edge prides itself on it's preview scoops. The Killzone was very in-depth and was a chance for Edge to show off. So it would seem odd for a member of Edge to take the piss out of themselves. But then again, they do have Reset every month so it is plausible.


                Originally posted by Max M
                From Gamestyle. Seems Edge is left with only one writer now!

                Regular readers will be aware of the high profile resignation of Joao Diniz-Sanches (editor of Edge magazine), who tended his resignation due to actions by Future Publishing. This was soon followed by the resignation of his deputy editor.

                Gamestyle is now aware that the rest of the writing team has handed in their respective resignations - with the exclusion of Margaret Robertson, who recently joined the magazine.

                Just what does this mean for the future of Edge? Any new direction is likely to be met with much debate from the Edge devotees, whilst Games TM looks set to pick up the pieces.
                Could be bad, could be good. In one sense I'd be pleased for them to bring some new blood in, but on the other hand, if it's going to go too mainstream, does it really matter? I only really buy Games TM these days anyway, but it would still be sad if it folded. Next month's issue should certainly be interesting. Hopefully Margeret wont have to write it on her own.
                Acquiring new blood is best done in a transitional fashion. A near complete resignation will result in a completely different magazine.


                  yeah, there was an interview with 'Biffo' in Edge a while back, about Digitiser--before he got fired from that and started writing for Edge. But who is Redeye then? Maybe he's more than one person? Or does no-one actually know his real Banksy


                    Does that mean the funky art staff have gone too? Best looking magazine around. Well, it was. Maybe we can start seeing 'Exclusive!!!!' on the cover after Christmas.


                      Hah, very Red v Blue, Moodmon.


                        Cock bite


                          Moved back to Gaming Discussion to avoid any further mass-confusion


                            Future most likely came up with some ideas to modernise the the mag and surgically remove its head out of its arse which seemed to have gotten lodged when tony mott left.

                            Im looking forward to the new teams input. I just hope redeye was one of the guys who walked out, and not because of his digs at anyone who remotely likes games, but simply because its ****ter than the Maya and 3d studio max articles.


                              I'll miss the Redeye column, there really aren't enough journo's like Redeye or S Campbell who stir the pot. Sometimes you agree with it and sometimes you don't but at least you FEEL something when you read it. As someone said in another forum, do you want journos or do you want a cheer squad?

                              As for the hardcore bashing. And I know I'm sticking my neck out here.

                              Sometimes the hardcore do it to themselves. Some points.

                              To expect someone who is new to gaming to instantly appreciate Radient Silvergun over FIFA is like expecting someone who has never drunk alcohol to appreciate the difference between Brown Brothers and Grange Hermitage.

                              Everyone was new to gaming once. It shouldn't matter if you cut your teeth on Space Invaders or Tomb Raider.

                              Sometimes the hardcore can be snobbish. And yes, I do have a mental picture of the comic book guy from The Simpsons.

                              Not everyone has the time or inclination to learn to read Japanese.

                              This year has been great for hardcore gamers. But it has also been great for mainstream gamers with fantastic titles that will draw new gamers in. Just look at Eyetoy and to a lesser extent (commercially) Super Monkey Ball.

                              Here's hoping that Edge returns rejuvenated and not 'N-Gage Power in all but name...'


                                I agree with alot of the guys here. Edge has become cold callous and calculating. Intellectulism reeks like an old museum from every page and its not a nice experience.

                                EDGE should of evolved over time, to become more like a Euro Famitsu or similar. The magic and vibrancy of the original magazine has dissapeared, with only frail attempts at excitement now and then with some cool covers being the main talking point.

                                Why should we analyse games in a scientific calculated way. Why do people seem to harp on about the good old days of gaming. Why the meloncholy attitude to the whole scene these days. Edge and its writers had already sunk into a dark gloom of despair long ago.

                                The industry is fantastic these days with amazing games for every machine. The future of gaming perfection can now be felt as we experience FzeroGX, PGR2 and CallofDuty. This is a time to rejoice and embrace games like never before. If Edge and others feel embarassed or tired of games, then they need to move on and find other pursuits.

                                The last thing any gamer needs is some miserable think they know it all guys spoiling the party. So grab your pads and smile, because gaming is alive with a passion.

