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More trouble at Edge towers...

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    I think its fashionable to think that its fashionable to think that Edge doesn't like H4RDC0R3!1 gamers.



      And they quite obviously hate Japan because they don't come across as fawning, otaku geeks.

      Maybe they should start dropping Jap words like 'kawaii' iinto their senteces and stuff.


        Originally posted by Ady

        And they quite obviously hate Japan because they don't come across as fawning, otaku geeks.

        Maybe they should start dropping Jap words like 'kawaii' iinto their senteces and stuff.
        it's ****ING DOBRU DASHU YOU ****S.


          Why would anyone want to concentrate on the U.K or U.S market? The Japanese still make the majority of the best games and this year Japanese companies such as Nintendo,Sega and Namco have released AAA titles that shine with that special red-sun magic.

          I loved Mean Machines because it adored Japan. I worshipped SuperPlay because it had that special Japanese buzz. When I visit importers I have always got excited by the import titles. Through the 8bit to 128bit the Japanese have given the world reasons to play.

          When Edge started it loved everything from Japan. Its articles were indepth and its interviews enlightening. Sadly those early days faded away and new people took the helm. For the past 8years Edge have pandered to the the U.K scene. The odd Japanese article being like breadcrumbs thrown to a starving man. The devoted enthusiasm was absent and that is why Edge is in trouble, they lost their sense of wonder.

          We need fresh blood that are proud to be serious extreme gamers that hold their heads high whilst whistling the tunes of their favourite games. People with the passion and honesty to play play games now and into the future regardless of age and what society thinks of them. Only then will gaming take the next evolution and become true.


            Originally posted by Captain Falcon
            For the past 8years Edge have pandered to the the U.K scene. The odd Japanese article being like breadcrumbs thrown to a starving man. The devoted enthusiasm was absent and that is why Edge is in trouble, they lost their sense of wonder.
            Was that Sega issue a couple of months back a figment of my imagination then? And the constant interviews with tecmo? I suppose you see only what you want to see...





                Originally posted by Duncan
                Originally posted by Captain Falcon
                For the past 8years Edge have pandered to the the U.K scene. The odd Japanese article being like breadcrumbs thrown to a starving man. The devoted enthusiasm was absent and that is why Edge is in trouble, they lost their sense of wonder.
                Was that Sega issue a couple of months back a figment of my imagination then? And the constant interviews with tecmo? I suppose you see only what you want to see...
                Not to mention the Japan issue last year...


                  ...proud to be serious extreme gamers...
                  Oh deary, deary me


                    I always thought they got the balance just right. I like their sega interviews, but I also like the fact that in another issue, they talk to a lone codeshopper (yeah, as a game, Unity is not important, but shows how the industry has changed (not saying for good or worse, just changed))

                    I think they get the balance right. Sometimes I wonder why they review obscure titles that will never see a PAL release, but they do fall within the magazines remit. And I am in the minority of avid gamers as being a strict non-importer. So my views on that don't count.


                      We love you insin_


                        I think they have all bases covered. Anyone who think the magzine ignores Japan obviously doesn't read the same Edge as me.

                        There's more to gaming than some obscure Japanese mecha game loved by a little otaku clique, and I think Edge proves that point well.


                          interesting topic.

                          quite like it, anyway, no need to describe how loathesome some self proclaimed hardcore gamers can be, anyone who spent the night in london would have cringed at the discussions. someone insisiting he was more "leet and hardcore" to the point where he'd eat "hardcore" (rubble used for house building) and other silly things, to show us. thing is, he was like 14!? not that age should realy count if you love gaming.

                          anyway, I could argue pros and cons on this subject, playing devils advocate, for ages, but onwards to answering a question.
                          Someone said "do tell" with regards to my Mr Rose interview.

                          well its not nearly as glamorus as it sounds.

                          I was doing an english project on 2 different forms of media. Most people compared saturday newspapers, but I was the only guy in the whole class who decided to do gaming publications.
                          So I compared Arcade magazine and Digi
                          Arcade was easy, there were already interviews online, and plenty to take out of the mag and its site.

                          Digi was more... reclusive.

                          I am and have been a secret fan of Mr Roses for quite a long time, he is undeniably
                          a) a genius
                          b) totally nuts
                          c) his nu..... <ahem> his craziness is a good thing.
                          (yah, I borrowed the other posters style, hope he doesnt mind )

                          I had a radio recording of paul, whee he was interviewed about somepart of the gaming industry, gaming mags I think. Sadly I didnt record the Seaman interview weeks later, which he answered with a great deal of tact.
                          Anyway, I knew what his voice sounded like.

                          So I rang CH4, telling them the story. They said theyd get him to contact me via phone. So i could interview him, now from here things go all horribly wrong.
                          Since I write up a bunch of questions, then promptly lose the sheet of paper and my recording device.

                          It hits saturday morning, and im watching TV, in not exactly a focuesed frame of mind. Suddenly the phone rings, and being semi naked, I jump up, and answer it, I get "Hello, this Paul Rose, you wanted to do an interview?"

                          I hurriedly explain the situation, and he says that should make an interesting project, since little did I realise at the time, but he ended writing a bit for arcade.
                          Very polite guy.
                          So I have to quickly make up questions, and they end up being really awful, like why did you call yourself biffo, and
                          "do you write the turner the worm cartoon?"
                          "yes I do"
                          "right, so you write it then?"

                          well, maybe im exagerating, he didnt actually shout.
                          he was very patient, friendly, and honest with his answers
                          Apparently when first writing digi, they would all describe things as, "like thats a biffo hat"

                          he also said he hated it when journos tried to make themselves out to be celebs, saying "they had no right to do it", and he deliberately didnt want to make himself out to be a recognisable celebrity charatcer, like "some other magazine journalists were doing"
                          Interesting stuff, he seemed really down to earth, and passionate, a kind of "fellow gamer" almost. Well, I dunno, thats the impression I got.

                          Suffice to say, i felt like an idiot with my poorly scripted questions, cloudy fuzzed over head, and general vaguary. I had just drained a batch of homemade rose hip wine you see, and wasnt exaclty of sorts.

                          anyway, I had to scribble this all down quickly, and afterwards, I couldnt remmeber it all, so it wasnt actually a Q/A type of thing, but just random quotes in a large paragraph of text.

                          Still, I thanked him, and he wished me the best of luck with my project.

                          Anyway, I got the highest grade in the year, and went on to get the highest english grade in the year, I think in part to my 40 page novella I wrote and my media comparisons.

                          I emailed the digi email adress to thank him, and I dunno if he got. So, if your out there biffo, cheers dude.

                          Anyway, its no biggie, a friend of mine at uni, with contacts, met him in London the other week, and along with a load of other industry types, they all spent their time at the bar, engaged in friendly conversation.

                          Anyway, yes, quite. I was chuffed, since I am a big fan of his work, its original, funny, and mostly sureal. to be honest, I have the majority of Super page 58 saved to my HDD, since it contains alot of content from the Digi. That and the knife and wife cartoons. Hilarity at its strangest.

                          PHEW! look all that text!
                          Im off now, need to rewrite my skygunner and goemon reviews, plus there other apps to be filled in and sent off.

                          until next time, fellow board users!
                          <jumps onto tramamploine and flies off into the sunset>


                            Originally posted by Ady
                            yay! And here was me thinking that noone read the damned thing!


                              true gamers-UK
                              where can I get that magazine!? - kidding
                              now thats funny, and pokes fun where fun needs a good poking.

                              actually, I too also used to really love Super play.
                              Wil overtons artwork was excellent, I emailed him from ebay once, he was selling RS, and bombarded him with questions. He was slightly taken aback by the fact that I recognised him, probably thought I was a stalker.
                              I still have Issue 1, mint condition..... but, did anyone else get an issue 1, where the last 50 pages were double printed? I mean the mag ended, at whatever page, then after that, the last 50 pages repeated. So it was like geting 1.5 magazines. hmmm, <pictures that stamp with the aeroplane printed upside down....>

                              I also used to read gamezone at the same time.
                              Hmmm, this topic has turned into a classic mag debate.
                              So while we're here, Id have to say, the old EGM was classic. not the new issues filled with too many adds, I mean like egm from 6-10 years ago.
                              Wonderfull old issues.

                              and GameFan, oh how I miss thee, damn now there was a good mag. lots of handdrawn art on the covers, superb import game coverage, lots of great news, and really enthuisiatic writers. I rememeber how they waxed lyrically about suikoden when it first came out, and everyone thought it would never get translated.

                              I dunno about anyone else, but i really prefer handdrawn cover art, be it handdrawn art from JPN, USA or UK games. I always traditional hand drawn art over CG art.
                              Which reminds me, what are the recent covers like in gamesTM? I stopped at around issue 9 due to the difficulty of finding it on the mainland.


                                Originally posted by JAPJAC
                                Through reading Edge I know it is the latest fashion to dismiss what the Japanese have done for videogames, but this to me is quite offensive due to my own experience growing up with Japanese videogames. This fad will pass I am sure.
                                What the hell are you talking about? Edge is a UK magazine and thus will primarily focus on what it's target market in the UK want. As far as i can see this includes the best from both East and West. As others have said, they've done whole themed articles on Japan, interviews with tecmo, articles about Sega etc. The reviews also cover a whole spectrum of genres, from Japanese shooters to new western extreme sports games. Pretty much any big (or at times even obscure, but 'cult') Japanese release will get coverage in Edge.

                                Do you really expect Edge or any other UK magazine to focus on the staggering array of obscure and quite honestly a lot of the time, utter ****, games from Japan. Maybe a dating sim section would be more hardcore?

                                There are also, *shock horror* those of us who grew up with Western systems (C64, Spectrum, BBC, ST, Amiga etc) as well as Japanese counterparts, and to be perfectly honest, if anyone's history is oft forgotten it's what the West did for gaming. Convienently forgotten by most 'true hardcore' gamers whose history begins (and usually ends) with Nintendo.

                                If there has been a resurgance of Western focus, maybe it's because of the current market, and specifically how well the Xbox has done (yes i know it's flopped in Japan - we get news from Japan quite quickly on the "internet"), and thus more column inches will be dedicated to this (along with Japanese Xbox games).

                                Oh, and i know this may shock you, but most people have heard of Famitsu, and brace yourself, some of us have even been to Japan! It's true!

                                Oh, and i prefer GamesTM

