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What has everyone been playing this week? 2

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    Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
    I had to put them in a spreadsheet and use a RANDBETWEEN calculation to pick a game.
    It landed on #52 - Sniper Elite 2.
    I think I'm going to become a Strictly widow starting from Saturday...
    Not used randbetween for a while, nice one.

    Strictly starts tonight - great stuff!


      Been playing XB360 Mass Effect 2 this week.

      Epic, great presentation, script etc although following the complex storylines is not easy. But, as I felt about Mass Effect too, despite its undoubted quality it still has problems with the gameplay and controls, particularly with regard to the very average allied AI. Yet again it often feels as though you're fighting as much against the command controls as the enemy trying to prevent your team from getting themselves killed in almost every big fight.

      The planet resource gathering I thought was the weakest element in the original - a ridiciously small area on each visistable planet to explore. But that could still be fun trundling about even such a tiny area of a huge planet. I'd read they'd replaced that and was expecting something more interesting instead but: wrong. Much the opposite in fact, resource gathering has been reduced to a planet wide but rather feeble scan for hidden object mini -'game'. A poor idea that quickly gets boring despite the work that obviously went into trying to make it more interesting.
      Last edited by fallenangle; 26-09-2015, 15:29.


        Also been having a blast on Castle Crashers remastered and Volgarr the viking. Both are hard as nails. There's something about volgar though that makes me want to keep chipping away at it.

        Also had a toot on Tom Raider on the Xbox One. Not sure if I can be arsed to play through it again though.


          Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
          I totalled up the number of games I have waiting to be played on my 360 - physical, DLC and Games with Gold.


          I had to put them in a spreadsheet and use a RANDBETWEEN calculation to pick a game.
          It landed on #52 - Sniper Elite 2.

          Man alive, it's a gory game! If you target someone with the "bullet time" mode, the camera slows down, tracks the bullet and then shows you an X-Ray of where the bullet goes in and various skulls, ribs, spleens, hearts and giblets get blasted out.

          In the first two levels, I got achievements for shooting lots of people, shooting somebody through the eye and for getting two headshots with one bullet.

          I've kinda got the idea after two levels and I'm frustrated by being unable to climb through open windows because the game doesn't want me to go that way. Is it worth persevering with? Are there any environments more varied than bombed cities?

          I have a plethora of better games to play.
          I think I'm going to become a Strictly widow starting from Saturday...
          Wait until you take out someone knackers. and by that I mean shoot them, not man handle them.


            Agree with that - I made sure I played games as part of my bean dive that I could see myself playing because I wanted to, rather than out of some kind of duty. For example, I ignored a lot of the PSN freebies.


              Originally posted by k0pp0 View Post
              Wait until you take out someone knackers. and by that I mean shoot them, not man handle them.
              I laughed.....


                Skyrim: Game Of The Year 2015 Edition.

                I'm putting together a small video series covering the enhancements.


                  Battlefield 3 (yes 3!) Seems a bit sub par for aiming and stuff but maps are still awesome

                  Deathsmiles, infinitely fun.

                  Beat Hazard - gets my pulse racing every time

                  Compromised - one of the best xbox indie games.


                    After finishing 1 and 2 this week now onto Mass effect 3


                      You 'completed' ME2 in less than a week? Wow! You must have put some hard time into it.

                      I've put at least 20 hours into ME2 over the last week and I'm only just up to the point where you can, if you want, use the Omega 4 Relay. But there are still plenty of side missions not yet done, planets unexplored and the sub-missions for Grunt, Jacob and Jack to do before that. I'll be playing it for at least another week.


                        Yeah i put quite a few hours into and did most characters side missions to ...checked my play time it said 16 hours.

                        I did think the combat was not that good compared to the first game but when i leveled up and got better weapons it improved a lot.

                        With the third game i am enjoying that a lot more they got rid of all the hacking nonsense and allowed upgrading of weapons which is much better and it is nice to see that some actions in previous games influence what happens in the this game ..but wish it went further

                        What really really really annoyed me though even though i bought the trilogy collection that all the dlc is not included and what bugged me even more there is one dlc mission that if you know mass effect lore is a major screw you to not include in the main game.


                          I'm playing the secondhand original release versions of all the games and all DLC is unavailable unless I purchase it as extras. Not sure if I will as for a game like this I'm against paying extra for story significant DLC on fundamental principle. But, having said that, if I was going to buy any such DLC it would be for Dishonored a game I loved. ME is a game series I'm 'merely' enjoying greatly rather than loving; if you are truly objective you simply can't ignore those flaws, bad ideas and rough edges a lot of the reviews seem to ignore, seduced by the high production values.


                            Majora's Mask is finally clicking with me. I was worried that I just wasn't going to like it.


                              I never got into it - after leaving the town, I got confused as to what I was supposed to do, whereas OOT always had a good balance of signposting and letting you explore.


                                I hate MM. It's a small game made big by repetitive actions.

