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PSP or 3DS?

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    PSP or 3DS?

    Really been getting into my handheld gaming over the last year (thanks for the GBA recommendations chaps!) and think it's probably about time I got something a little more current.

    Which is the best way to go? I'm not overly familiar with either handheld (both have pretty much past me by) but from what I've read on here the PSP is basically a glorified emulator; which would be great if it would allow me to play PSX classics. The 3DS doesn't seem without it's merits either and has some of the series I'm interested in like Resident Evil and Paper Mario, but it seems to have had a slow start. I've not played the original DS either so backwards compatibility is a nice bonus if I go to 3DS route.

    Which in your opinion has the superior features and better games?

    I play different things on both. I have a hefty back catalogue of DS I can still play on the 3DS so that one wins right now, although my CFW Go with 16GB internally and a 16GB Duo in it packs a punch for storage and choice.

    I play my 3DS(s) more though. MUCH more.


      Depends on price too. If you want PS1 games they are pretty cheap (like ?3-10) or free if CFW and yarr, the best 3DS games don't drop in price, well ever; so you will be looking at ?25+ a time for the likes of MK7, Mario 3D etc


        As Steven said why choose, there both different and great. But why is it PSP or 3DS , shouldn't it be either PSP or DS, or Vita or 3DS?


          The most ironic thing about the Vita is the name meaning "life". But fair point there, Vita/3DS.


            A 3DS. But you might as well just get a DS lite as most of the games you will want to get will be DS games not 3DS games, and they look better on the DS lite.


              It's tough, both consoles have their merits really. Just depends on what kind of a gamer you are. The DS back catalogue has some really cool unique games that are really worth checking out, on the other hand the PSP has some wonderful more 'grown up' titles and the addition of really decent homebrew emulation and PSX support is great.

              Personally, I'd get a DS Lite - they must be dirt cheap and there is some really cool stuff I think you'll really appreciate...


                Originally posted by MisterBubbles View Post
                As Steven said why choose, there both different and great. But why is it PSP or 3DS , shouldn't it be either PSP or DS, or Vita or 3DS?
                I get the impression the Vita is pretty much dead in the water.


                  The PSP is miles better than most give credit for. Buy one, actually play PSP games on it and you will love it.


                    You can't really go wrong with either, as they both now have an excellent catalogue of titles. Though saying that, you can probably get PSP games for cheaper.

                    If homebrew and emulation is your thing, the PSP is great for this - perfectly emulates most formats up to the Megadrive and MegaCD, is very capable of playing Snes games (though some require frameskip), and can perfectly emulate PS1 games due to the official Sony emulator being embedded in the firmware.

                    I think my PSP actually gets more playtime, though this is due to PSP games being cheaper.


                      The PSP gets a lot of praise as an emulator device, but calling it a 'glorified emulator' is harsh. It has some brilliant original titles too. Peace Walker, Ridge Racers, the Project Diva games, and the GTA games on it are pretty great too.


                        Wipeout Pure
                        Sega Rally
                        Final Fantasy titles
                        God of War
                        Ridge Racer
                        Jeanne D'arc
                        Tactics Ogre
                        The 3rd Birthday
                        Lord of Arcana
                        SF Zero 3
                        Need for Speed Most Wanted 5-1-0
                        Initial D
                        Star Ocean
                        Gradius Collection
                        Kingdom Hearts

                        Just a handful of ace PSP games.

                        For the record I adore my 3DS. I just think the PSP gets a hard ride and people just say it is only good for emulation. The 3DS is actually my fav portable console ever.


                          I really, really liked Metal Gear Acid 1+2, if you can get used to the whole cards thing. And there are the enchanced ports of BoF III and Persona 1+2 which are excellent


                            I'd put it like this.

                            The best DS games are generally good handheld games.... Where as PSP games lean more towards being console games on a handheld.

                            So It depends what you want really.

                            At this point though I think we could give a big list of worthwhile games on both.


                              I'm pretty sure they said the PSP was dead for years too, Sony won't give up in it and im sure all it needs is a few AAA titles to make the Vita come to life again.

