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PSP or 3DS?

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    Originally posted by Kit View Post
    I get the impression the Vita is pretty much dead in the water.
    I'm playing mine more than any other console at the moment. Ragnarok Odyssey between labs at university, Metal Slug on the train, Jet Set Radio at lunchtimes at work. Really hoping that it gets a foothold in the market next year.


      I'd recommend getting a DS Lite, if you haven't experienced DS games yet. You can pick one up WAY cheaper than a Vita or a 3DS. There are tonnes of games worth getting on it, but it's also probably the best way of playing GBA games. The colours look so vibrant compared to the SP, you won't want to go back.


        Originally posted by noobish hat View Post
        I'd recommend getting a DS Lite, if you haven't experienced DS games yet. You can pick one up WAY cheaper than a Vita or a 3DS. There are tonnes of games worth getting on it, but it's also probably the best way of playing GBA games. The colours look so vibrant compared to the SP, you won't want to go back.
        I agree with this.

        Off the top of my head some essential Ds games are.

        Pokemon Black/white 2
        Castlevania: Dawn Of Sorrow
        Castlevania: Portait Of Ruin
        Castlevania: Order Of Excelcia
        Ouendan 2
        Elite Beat Agents
        Kirbys Power Paintbrush
        Metroid Prime Pinball
        Phoenix Wright
        Rhythm Paradise
        Professor Layton and the Curious village (and then the others if you like it)
        Ghost Trick
        Legend of Zelda: the Phantom Hourglass
        Space Invaders Extreme

        Some of those games will have different names depending on what region you get though.
        Last edited by rmoxon; 05-12-2012, 00:57.


          Originally posted by MisterBubbles View Post
          I'm pretty sure they said the PSP was dead for years too, Sony won't give up in it and im sure all it needs is a few AAA titles to make the Vita come to life again.
          I sold mine last week despite being an ethusiastic early adopter who pre-ordered. The reality is it just doesn't have the install base to justify top new IP's from a developers stand point and that will only get worse now that the Wii U is out and the thing to have for Xmas. The Vita really impressed me so I hate to slate it because its the consumer who is wrong here not the device itself, but people evidentially don't want dedicated hand held gaming devices any more. If they did, the Vita would have been the one to get. Having said that, I get the impression if Apple announced an Ipod touch with dedicated controls it would sell out on pre-orders alone.

          In answer to the question, you can't go wrong with either a DS-lite or a PSP and I'd recommend the pair combined over getting the 3DS or Vita.


            You can't miss out on Tactics Ogre on the PSP. I've put over 350hrs into that and I'm still not finished, and that is just the one play-through. The story can branch off depending on your choices (You can rewind the timeline to explore alternative branches, no need to breed a whole new squad).

            I need to look into getting PS1 emu on there.


              Think I've settled on getting a 3DS.

              What games best showcase the 3D?


                I've yet to meet a 3DS owner that actually enjoyed the 3D feature.


                  I love the 3D. Mario 3D Land probably uses it best I think. It's stronger in something like Pilotwings but 3D Land also happens to be a pretty fantastic Mario game. Actually Zen Pinball from the eshop has pretty fantastic 3D but the game massively suffers from the low res of the 3DS screen - the 3D on it is incredibly solid though.


                    Originally posted by speedlolita View Post
                    I've yet to meet a 3DS owner that actually enjoyed the 3D feature.
                    I enjoy it in Mario Kart and can't wait to play Paper Mario in 3D.


                      I love the 3D because it is on a small screen.

                      Best looking 3D games? Zelda, Resident Evil, Kid Icarus, Star Fox. Other games with getting are Ridge Racer, Street Fighter, Dead or Alive to name a few.


                        Originally posted by Kit View Post
                        Think I've settled on getting a 3DS.

                        What games best showcase the 3D?
                        I wouldn't buy a 3DS for the 3D.

                        These days I usually just turn it off, it adds very little to most games. Not that there's many good 3DS games anyway, I still say you'd be better off just getting a DS lite with a load of games.


                          Originally posted by speedlolita View Post
                          I've yet to meet a 3DS owner that actually enjoyed the 3D feature.
                          Oh shut up, you talk to me every day!

                          Best game to show off the 3D is Pilotwings Resort by far - max the 3D, jump in the jet and hit the afterburner!


                            Originally posted by Kit View Post
                            Think I've settled on getting a 3DS.
                            Yeah just ignore most of the advice in the thread why don't yer?


                              Originally posted by Kryss View Post
                              Oh shut up, you talk to me every day!
                              Haven't met you though.

                              Whenever I see a friend playing one I enable the 3D and then they turn the slider back down. lol


                                Time to find better friends.

