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To buy a PS VITA or not?

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    To buy a PS VITA or not?

    Well Hamlet asked a similar question but his was more existential than my selfish enquiry...

    Anyway, I'll need to double-check but I had noticed a 2nd-hand PS VITA in my local Cash Convertors for ?120.00 (probably without memory card) and wondered whether it would be worth taking the plunge?

    The main reason for my interest is the re-release of Persona 4: The Golden on the portable next week. Part of me really wants to play through the game again but I am also aware that spending around ?150 to do so is a lot for one game.

    The good thing is I currently have an active PS+ subscription so after buying a memory card I'll have free access to Uncharted Golden Abyss & Gravity Rush, therefore having 3 decent titles to play.

    What do those on the forum think? I keep on hearing its a decent machine but it seems that unless you're willing to import its a very niche games device with hardly any must-have titles coming out in the near future.

    Any opinions for/against are very welcome.

    Yeah go on. Sure why not?


      Defiantly is a beautiful machine and has a great screen and great games, just don't listen to the haters.


        I will buy the PS Vita in due time. There are few games that I want for it (Persona 4 and Tales of Hearts R) so these games are a console buyer for me. I haven't played Persona 4 but I tried it out the other week and then found out it was on the Vita so it was a no brainer. Honestly though, what machine isn't worth buying if you are a gamer (and have the money to spare)? The PSP has a ton of great releases on its backlog. I don't know if it's an underrated system but it has many exclusives + remakes + ports that are definitely worth it. The PSVita seems to be the same with tons of original games as well. I might get the Vita but I still need to get that X360 though.


          Will probably keep the PSP as you can't play UMDs via the PS VITA right?

          Good reasons given so far but I need more convincing before I'll commit yet (so convince me).
          Last edited by Paddy; 17-02-2013, 21:34. Reason: Added detail


            PSO2 is coming out soon, going to rock and killzone looks amazing, plus a PS1 back catalogue with amazing games and some PSM games, it's an under-rated machine.


              To be honest if you have PS+ then surely it is worth it. I'm not a huge fan of this wonderfully underpowered for the amazing screen handheld, but Gravity Rush is magnificent.


                I thought you be all over Grandia on the Vita screen nakamura?


                  There is just nothing really of interest on it MisterBubbles. I have Grandia on US PS1 which I just convert to play on my PSP and it looks brilliant on that.

                  Do PS1 games look even better on Vita?


                    Just watch this video nakamura


                      Bit better colour? Hard to tell.


                        Buy it, I'm having a lot of fun with all the free PS+ games. (US account) I don't even buy new games on the console, I don't have time to play everything that is free on it.


                          Persona 4, Escape Plan, Gravity Rush(Need to play this more), Uncharted, Strangers Wrath and Super Stardust have kept me pretty happy with my Vita I like using it way more than my 3DS XL.


                            Like others have said its probably worth it if you have PS+. However its been out a while now and I can count the amount of good games that are on it on one hand (if you don't count PSP and retro stuff). So I'm not sure it's exactly a system that screams value for money even at second hand prices


                              Well the truth is you will want to pick up a Vita at the end of its life cycle, as with any console. I got the PSP early on from Japan and it was stored for years but I've picked it up again and got many games for it during the past year. So, get some games for it now and buy the unit in a few years time.

