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To buy a PS VITA or not?

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    Woohoo, price drop in Japan i might finally pick one up!


      At the end of the day, it's down to the individual person to decide whether or not the current software line-up appeals to them. I bought a Vita just after launch and still only own one game. For other people, there are plenty of great games on the format, and it would be somewhat churlish of me to say that everybody is wrong. Not many of the games appeal to me though, bar Persona 4. PSO2 too, but I think I would rather own that on the PC.


        Skim read the above, great machine and screen, just needs a few more frequent top notch releases to take it that step further.
        Don't regret getting mine about five months back at all.


          Great system and great games . Don't get the hate myself


            Get it. For me there are more than enough games to make ?120 worth it, I own about 13 or 14 myself and like all of them lots. In fact I need to pick up NFS MW again too.


              They're available for ?120 now???


                Buy one Colin!! You never had one before!


                  Love my Vita!!

                  Uncharted, WipEout, SF x Tekken, Gravity Rush, Lumines, Virtua Tennis 4 and Ridge Racer (especially as its ?10 for the Ultimate Edition on PSN). PS+ means you don't even have to pay for 4 of those games!!! All those without mentioning the vast PSP and PSOne back catalogues.

                  I'm sorely tempted to pick up a blue one when I go to Tokyo next week - or even the Soul Sacrifice bundle as its out whilst i'm there.

                  It desperately needs a price drop. Christmas at work proved that ?200 was the sweet spot for the system when it had a game download and 4Gb card thrown in. Made a good alternative to the 3DS.

                  The highstreet has put the price back up to ?229 (?249 for the bundles) and people just look and laugh.


                    Originally posted by ikobo
                    They're available for ?120 now???

                    According to the OP.


                      Originally posted by nakamura View Post
                      Buy one Colin!! You never had one before!
                      I didn't say it to buy one, I was just surprised! I'll be trimming down my gaming stuff massively in the run up to leaving London, it's less I need, not more!


                        Well the response to the topic has been pretty decent and informative. Nice set of rounded opinions on the matter. Will double-check on that 2nd-hand model today.

                        Want to ask, is the PSN account tied to the user again with the PS VITA? As in, can I not download PSP titles from different PSN stores to the same VITA and play them from the same account?


                          No, you can't play them from the same account sadly. It is fully possible to use multiple PSN accounts/stores on the Vita (despite what a lot of people seem to say on forums, ignore them, I've been doing it for a year), but it requires one memory card for each account you want to use.


                            Lovely machine, I got mine this year, bought it from the on Black Friday, the Assassin's Creed pack, mate brought it back with him a month ago. I love it, and have been getting some games for it now too. Just need to get a bigger memory card to take advantage of PS plus, 32 gig card is around ?60 though, but still with my original price I paid puts it cheaper than most UK based bundles or even Vita on their own.


                              Sony need to stop taking the piss with the price of the cards. The price of those on top of the system is one of the major problems it has when trying to compete with the much cheaper, but admittedly technically weaker, 3DS.


                                Especially when the 3DS actually comes with a 2GB SD card.

