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To buy a PS VITA or not?

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    They're maybe offsetting some of the cost of the system? Not that I agree with it... my 16GB is doing my head in with how little I can fit on it. If I can have 64GB (80GB really if I include internal storage on my S3) on my phone, why not on my Vita?


      64GB cards were "down" to ?44.99 at Argos last week, don't know if are still that price, otherwise CEX prices aren't too hard to swallow, I've never been one for having loads of stuff stored, so my 8gb card does me fine I must admit.

      Still better prices to swallow than the ?80 I paid for a 1GB card for the PSP when they came out back in the day.


        There are 64gb cards for the Vita now?


          Nah he must mean 32GB. I remember buying a 1GB memory stick duo for the PSP for about ?80 from VG+...Sony Centres at the time were selling a 2GB version for ~?600.

          I think expensive memory cards would have been more acceptable if the system had some kind of built in memory. When you consider that virtually every smartphone on the market (which, to be fair, normally cost around ?400 - ?500) comes with 16GB of internal storage, you feel Sony could have thrown us a bone with 8GB or even 4GB onboard.


            well with price drop in japan its only a matter of time before it gets here

            i have a vita and i have a bit of a mixed feeling about it i like the hardware though i have had a few lock ups but it always impresses me that i am playing really good conversions of marvel vs capcom 3 and blazblue on the go (And the fact the system never even gets warms and with the psbutton can pause the game at any moment)

            But as far as games go there is not that huge amount that really appeals to me i would really like a few more AAA games thats not based on a existing franchise or a update of a older game

            i am REALLY hoping it gets hacked so i can run emulators
            Last edited by eastyy; 19-02-2013, 08:38.


              I do mean 32GB sorry, ?43.99 it was


                so is it worth getting the 3g version then?

                any actual use?


                  Originally posted by zeroboo View Post
                  so is it worth getting the 3g version then?

                  any actual use?
                  3G has GPS for what it's worth too.

                  Always said I'm going to get one and now I'm sold with this price drop, may wait a few months though as I want to mainly play EDF which I need to get from Japan - being a physical version.

