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Wii U - thread 3

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    Originally posted by Fader209 View Post
    I have to say, just from observing your posts and updates it does show you are enjoying gaming more these days. Is it because you don't have to be enthusiastic about releases and consoles that you don't care about?
    The same thing happened to me when I worked for GAME. I got battered into submission and couldn't stand to be around games in the end. Part of the reason I never want to work in the industry.


      Originally posted by Fader209 View Post
      I have to say, just from observing your posts and updates it does show you are enjoying gaming more these days. Is it because you don't have to be enthusiastic about releases and consoles that you don't care about?
      To an extent, yes.

      As I didn't choose to leave I am slightly bitter about the situation but I can totally see now where people's hatred of the place as a videogame retailer comes from.

      The sheer pressure put on the staff from managers is terrible but all anybody seems to look at are the numbers. A friend of mine worked a 16 hour day (starting at 7PM) on Sunday night but she'll only get paid for 8 (a standard shift).

      I was told today that Sony & MS have invested a couple of million ? each for store refits to allow next gen to look better.

      But the staff will still get the shaft.

      Anyway, it's not willpower stopping me from playing now but the Missus. She'll kill me if I open it. Not worth the risk!


        Amazing the stores are still open with some of the prices I see in there.

        Went in the new Kingston one yesterday and checked out a copy of Dragon's Nest for PS3. Was stickered at ?49.99. I walked out shortly after.


          Originally posted by dataDave View Post
          How are you getting on with it so far?

          To the First Play thread!!1

          Haven't got up to much yet as I was pretty tired last night.

          Did play some New Super Mario Bros U on the Gamepad though. I'm really appreciating how you can game on the Gamepad. I think the majority of my gaming will be done on here..

          Imported my Mii from my 3DS and updated stuff so far, so not so much.

          Tempted to grab Trine 2 on the eShop for ?5.49 or whatever, been meaning to play it.

          Routing the audio to my ampifier via my monitor works nicely too. Directly replaced my PS3 in my setup.
          Last edited by speedlolita; 13-11-2013, 12:16.


            Trine 2 goes back up to ?13.99 at some point tomorrow. Most eShop deals only last 7 or 14 days. New eShop content and sale prices get announced every Monday - then they get added on the Thursday, same as the 3DS.

            Gamepad gaming is great for when the other half is watching some reality crap on TV yes, though I don't do it often, it seems a come down coming from a 42" screen. Nice to have the option though.


              Drew this in Art Academy... what a great little piece of (for now cut-down) software!


                Wow! That is awesome.

                Might have to give that a go. All done on the gamepad I assume?


                  Wow, great work there, dude!


                    Didnt realise Nintedo Direct feed starts in 2 mins


                      3DS only I think


                        Oh no...

                        Unified accounts for Wii U and 3DS are here.

                        An update to the Youtube app on Wii U is more welcome news to me personally though, the current one is a bit of a faff when it needn't be.


                          Unified accounts being a bad thing? What?


                            Also, nice to see that

                            Rosalina from Galaxy will be an unlockable character

                            in Super Mario 3D World, plus

                            that shoot'em up-ish level


                              Unified accounts. Hopefully they untie content to single units.
                              Kept you waiting, huh?


                                what did I miss other than the unified accounts, only just logged on to see a few indie games being shown..

                                so does unifying the games been I can play the 3ds games on the wiiU and vice versa ?

