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Wii U - thread 3

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    NintendoLand is a very good launch game - offers some massively unique, awesomely fun - and actually quite cleverly designed - couch-based multiplayer action. Some of the single player games are pretty fun too, donkey kong's crash course a particular standout.

    I do feel similar to others about Mario Bros though. I did enjoy it, and some of the later levels are quite inspiringly crafted, however overall the experience is, for me at least, quite underwhelming for a Mario launch title, which is a shame. Rayman Legends, even simply the demo and the awesome challenge mode, is far more creative and clever than Mario's 2D latest :-(

    The 2D Mario Bros games could definitely do with a fresh coat of paint and a new gameplay spin. Simply being in HD was not enough.

    As for Mario 3D, now that has me toe-curlingly excited to see what they have in store... whether it's another Galaxy type experience... or something new, different. I will be happy either way :-)
    ----Member since April 2002


      Nintendoland IS a launch game. It could never be a full price title. It introduces you to the GamePad, and it does EXACTLY what it's designed to do. Nintendo are keeping it real enough, that they do a pack-in game. You only have to buy Super Mario, and you're all set. All set for at least a month. Get MH3U, and you are set until they shut down the servers.

      Anybody who writes off Nintendo at this early stage is a fool. Wii U is going to be home to some classics. There's no two ways about it.
      Last edited by J0e Musashi; 02-05-2013, 20:26.
      Kept you waiting, huh?



        I honestly truly believe that. I speak to people at work and it frustrates me when things like "Wii U" is dead is mentioned, because it is just ignorance.

        Interestingly I see a pattern where those who do not own a Wii U are usually those daming it.


        Guys, download Rayman Challange Ap. Add me too:


        Last edited by Adam Stone; 02-05-2013, 21:40.
        ----Member since April 2002


          I think one of the problems isn't people don't know it exists, I was talking to my boss about the ps4 and he said are Nintendo doing a new one, I said its out now, and there lies the general,problem, I can't remember the last time a saw an add on the Telly, it was a while ago, I'm sure it will sell just like 3d once the software is there I hope so anyway


            Originally posted by danstan21 View Post
            Sorry if this has already been mentioned here, but a quick search suggested it hadn't.

            What do people think of this? I'm surprised more hasn't been made of it, but then again I have no idea how reliable an indication it is either.
            I doubt very much they are making an F-Zero game, most likely they are talking about a sequel to FAST which is also a futuristic racer.


              Originally posted by Ghost View Post
              I doubt very much they are making an F-Zero game, most likely they are talking about a sequel to FAST which is also a futuristic racer.
              I read the tweet reply as "we're developing a futuristic racer like F-Zero" rather than they were making an actual F-Zero game.


                Originally posted by Ghost View Post
                I doubt very much they are making an F-Zero game, most likely they are talking about a sequel to FAST which is also a futuristic racer.
                Ah yes, that makes a lot more sense actually. I did think it would be odd for a developer to disclose that they're working on a first-party Nintendo IP through Twitter of all places, since things that large are normally kept under wraps for an E3 reveal (although I know Nintendo won't have such a large presence this year). But yes, now I see they're the developers that made FAST, that seems far more likely.

                Ho-hum, maybe F-Zero will be revived next year instead...


                  Hints that Nintendo is planning a huge Xmas WiiU software push which will be spearheaded by the latest 3D Mario out by October. Marketing will ramp up from July.


                    Just got my Wii U today and just wanted to say I am loving it so far, really enjoying Super Mario Bros and going to give Nintendo Land and Zombi U a go later. Got to say the pad in stores seemed silly but once you start using it at home its great!

                    Anyone know if Tekken Tag is worth it on Wii U or any other third party games that shine in particular?

                    EDIT: Thanks for the post above, if 3D Mario is for October then that is awesome news, with Pikmin coming in August the first party releases should tide me over nicely as I don't have the time to play games as much anymore.


                      I also feel we punish the Wii U as its still so new, can anyone tell me what AAA games are due on the 360 or ps3 during the summer, bar grand theft auto in September, has I missed any on those formats.


                        Originally posted by arcnas View Post
                        I also feel we punish the Wii U as its still so new, can anyone tell me what AAA games are due on the 360 or ps3 during the summer, bar grand theft auto in September, has I missed any on those formats.
                        Splinter Cell, Grid 2, Last of Us (PS3), Beyond: Two Souls (PS3), FIFA 14, CoD Ghosts...

                        May not all be AAA but they'll all sell.

                        Of those; only Splinter Cell is confirmed for Wii U.

                        This is the issue I think many people have. There are those who bought a WiiU who know that the big games will come (mostly from Nintendo) and there are those that expect a similar output in terms of quantity to 360 and PS3.

                        That 2nd group could be in for a shock with PS4 and Xbox when they suffer a similar "drought".


                          I'm not sure grid 2 or FIFA 14 , call of duty can be described as AAA In fact there not, and the wii u will have pickling 3 by then, if mario is October then zelda and mario kart then it looks better than the current gens line up I think.


                            Originally posted by arcnas View Post
                            pickling 3
                            A vegetable life extrapolator sim sounds awesome. I'd start with beetroot.


                              I must have still been half asleep Charlesr i think we mean pikmin. , but maybe pickling is a good idea for Nintendo or what they are in with the wii u


                                Originally posted by arcnas View Post
                                I'm not sure grid 2 or FIFA 14 , call of duty can be described as AAA In fact there not, and the wii u will have pickling 3 by then, if mario is October then zelda and mario kart then it looks better than the current gens line up I think.
                                Of Course they are AAA games. People love Call of Duty games, and it would be stupid to argue that they aren't well made and highly playable, and Fifa is simply the best football game out there and an all round quality product.

                                I didn't really like the first Grid, but I'm not going to deny the fact that it was an AAA game either. It got good reviews and people seemed to like it anyway
                                Last edited by rmoxon; 04-05-2013, 10:54.

