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#DriveClub PS4 (Evolution Studios)

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    Top notch! We should a thread started in the relevant forum when it launches, and get our frankly already legendary club started.


      Really disappointed that drive clubs appear to only allow for 6 members. I for some reason thought it would be a bigger more communal experience.


        Should've called it Drive Clique.


          Mais oui.


            Originally posted by hexxed View Post
            Really disappointed that drive clubs appear to only allow for 6 members. I for some reason thought it would be a bigger more communal experience.
            Do we know if you can only be a member of one club at a time? Or can you be in multiple clubs?


              I'm going to likely be in a one club, a club of one. I really need to read up more about how the club system in this works. Typically I despise anything mp related in racing games.


                You basically earn more and get bonuses by being in a club, also you gain access to more races, special club challenges and events.
                So get in a club from day one is what I would say.


                  My US version has now pre-downloaded, just 1 day and 12 hours left (tuesday 9am gmt+1) - exciting!


                    Originally posted by MoFo2 View Post
                    My US version has now pre-downloaded, just 1 day and 12 hours left (tuesday 9am gmt+1) - exciting!
                    Nice! I've got Friday booked off work, and a special edition pre-ordered from GAME. Been waiting for this for a year now, and it's by far my most anticipated game, so bring on the epic disappointment!


                      Just set the download to from the U.S. store, 13 hours and I can see if it will live up to the hype, here's hoping it does as the ps4 really needs a good racing game.


                        Surely if PS+ updates on a Wednesday this should release on the same day?

                        Europe get it then but the UK, once again, have to wait.


                          I can create a Bordersdown-club tomorrow (when/if I find out how) if people are interested.


                            Review embargo ends at 2pm Tuesday UK time by the looks of it so should have loads of opinions by tomorrow evening.
                            Is a shame we have to wait until Friday yes teddy. But at least we will have the PS+ version to start with.

                            Anyone know if you get a free PS+ trial with a new USA PSN account sign up? could be a way of grabbing to tomorrow then.

                            Full game is a 15.7GB download, anyone seen how big the PS+ version it?


                              I thought we weren't even getting the PS+ version in the UK until Friday.


                                David, good shout on the embargo deadline, I've read about 5 different proposed times it's supposed to finish! So fingers crossed the one you found is correct. Actually pretty nervous about the review scores, it's been a while (many years) since I pinned such high hopes on a game pre-release. I have a bad feeling it may well end up getting 7s across the board.

                                MoFo, definitely count me in for a space in the club. I may end up not touching the PS+ edition, and just waiting for my full retail copy on Friday, but will be in 100% from Friday onwards.

                                Mr M0by, I believe the PS+ edition is being added to the store tomorrow (October 8th) along with all the months other new free games for PS+ subscribers. As the full US version gets released today, kind of makes sense to get the PS+ edition out asap too I suppose.

