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Xbox Vs Playstation based on E3 reveals

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    Xbox Vs Playstation based on E3 reveals

    I know we have the other poll, but E3 might change things, because previously eveyone assumed that Sony would also be imposing all sorts of DRM stuff which turns out to be a false assumption.

    Additionally the price of the Sony at ?350 vs the Xbox's ?430 entry point might be a factor, but remember if you like games with cameras, Sony's is extra for the cam and therefore will probably not be supported that much.

    If you had to put down a preorder RIGHT NOW and HONOUR it, which would it be? Sony or MS?

    I'm not including Wii-U deliberately.
    I was going to preorder a PS4 and I still would
    I was going to preorder a PS4 and I would change to XboxONE
    I would preorder both
    I was going to preorder an XboxONE and I still would
    I was going to preorder an XboxONE and I would change to a PS4

    I've had the PS4 pre ordered since the 21st Feb and have pre ordered the xbox one on may 21st but its got to be the PS4 for me at launch especially at ?349 just hope they get watch dogs and the division out at launch


      I still have to watch the Sony conference and will do it in the afternoon after work, but from the snippets I've got (just the price, really), I would go PS4. And consider me pleasently surprised (and proved wrong) for Sony not leveraging DRM on customers.


        I have both preordered but the Xbox One is on a knife edge. If I was preordering right now with the commitment to buy regardless... then the XBO really isn't an option.


          If there was an option of "I had no intention of ordering either, but will now preorder a PS4" I have to admit I'd be tempted to go for that. All this talk of no second hand sales, constant log ins and the DRM (Which I still don't really get due mostly to not caring) had me quite happy to ignore the new systems. The fact that the PS4 will seemingly function just as the PS3 has brings back someone with no interest.


            Any surprises from me you think? No DRM, no 24 checks, used games if you want, DDR5 , 349.99, In Sony We Trust. Game Over Man, Game Over.


              It's a tricky one I think, Machine-wise the PS4 wins hands down, but the XBox One games line-up almost wins hands down for me for exclusives, though I'm still not blown away by them. The PS4 would be better for multi-format games, but if I got the Xbox One for the exclusives there wouldn't be much point in a PS4. Though there's the DRM to consider for multi-format games on Xbox One...


                I knew you'd all come around to my way of thinking one day. *rubs hands together*

                I don't believe in pre-ordering though. I've had anything I've ever wanted on launch day and I've never pre-ordered anything in my life. Xbox 360 was probably my favourite. All this talk of shortages etc. I casually walked into Woolworth's, picked one up off the shelves and then casually walked back out of Woolworth's with it.
                Last edited by J0e Musashi; 11-06-2013, 08:31.
                Kept you waiting, huh?


                  And your way of thinking is J0e Musashi?


                    Buy Sony.
                    Kept you waiting, huh?


                      Says the man who only talks about Nintendo systems these days? And pal ones at that......


                        Well I hadn't actually pre-ordered a PS4 but was always going to buy one. I Just wanted one from which ever region got it first.

                        I wouldn't get an Xbone in it's current state, but if they backpeddle hard and I mean HARD, get rid of ALL of the DRM crap - I'd be tempted to get one because to me Dead Rising 3 looked cool and I'd be interested in Killer Instinct and Crimson Dragon down the line...


                          It's a stop-gap Colin. The same as Dreamcast was, and Xbox 360 was etc.
                          Kept you waiting, huh?


                            There is no option for "I was going to skip both but will now pre-order ____", so I'm not voting, but I would be PS4 now...And I may even pre-order.


                              If Microsoft backpedal completely on this (requiring them to completely change the way xbone works - no installing games and running without a disc now) would people forgive that and get on board again?

