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New Persona Games (including P5)

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    Looks like Persone 5 will be shown on the Persona stream at 12 noon.


      It's TOTALLY the graphics engine from Catherine smartened up. Makes be have a boner over what Persona 5 will look like!!


        Yeah, I think the intention with Catherine was to give the team a break from Persona and to develop a new engine outside of developing a huge RPG. Catherine looks amazing so I can't wait to see P5.


          A break from Persona so they could spam us with Persona overkill.


            wow it looks amazing. Can't wait to get my hands on it.


              To be fair, I think that's all Segas fault haha- none of these came along until they took over, then is So ic syndrome of pushing out as much as possible while it's popular.

              For now though, it's been quite good. Persona Q is a great mashup, and different enough from the main games to survive, and so is this. Areba was also a top tier fighting game. At least so far, all the spin offs have been brilliant- hoping this is too. If they re-release P3 and P4 AGAIN then it'll start to implode.
              Last edited by MrKirov; 05-02-2015, 09:49.


                Never played a Persona game...but can't resist any Vita Rhythm Action game!


                  Play Persona 4 golden on Vits first- you'll enjoy it much more!!


                    Woohoo, finally. Now we just need a solid date for IA/VT. I feel like I've been waiting for these two forever!

                    June 25th feels so far away...




                        OMG it looks ****ing incredible. Absolutely everything I wanted !! When Atlus!??! WHEN?!?!?


                          It really does With this and Yakuza 5 is an ace year for contemporary Japan styled RPGs.

                          Anyone know what the PS4 version will have over the PS3, apart from probably a bit more visual polish?


                            This is going to be the best game of all time and anyone who says different is a goddamn liar.


                              AGREED. They haven't made a bad game yet, and no reason to doubt them. The amount of time they spend on them shows they aren't rushed out the door, and it shows. Perfect trailer. I'm now interested in the story and the new mechanics, but don't know anything more! What a tease!!!

                              Release date anyone??


                                So what do we know from that trailer?

                                -Personas = masks now?

                                -Main character is a thief of vigilante outside of school hours? Leads well into the prison motif in the early posters

                                -Red is the main colour after blue and yellow.

                                -Platforming and stealth sections in dungeons?

