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New Persona Games (including P5)

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    I always really wanted to get into these games but I never managed to make them click, which I know is a fault with me rather than with the games themselves. I played the version on the PSP but I always felt out of control, I wanted to get stronger, but it meant I had to fuse, which usually give you a very different persona than you had before; couple that with the constant nagging feeling I was getting that I was always in the wrong place (should I be studying, grinding in the Tower, improving social links etc). I know these are key tenets of the series of course so I'm guessing this new one isn't for me either! It does look gorgeous though.


      Loved P4G on the much that when I was on a business trip I threw a sickie for 2 days to stay in the hotel and play it :-) !!


        Dancing All Night Box Art.


          I approve. Why is this coming out on the same day as IA/VT? WHY?! We only get 2 rhythm action games a year and they're coming out on the same bloody day lol it's unbelievable.

          Incidentally, Play-Asia have the LE of Dancing All Night marked up to ?150 odd which is just beyond absurd.


            US Dancing All Night Collectors Edition.


              Switched my pre-order from Nin Nin to VG+. Standard edition though, not limited. The U.S. version is coming much sooner than I thought it would.


                I pre ordered the special edition from VG+. Lots of nice extras in it.


                  Glad I waited on a pre order...only going std edition...won't be able to use the dlc stuff anyway and don't want to risk customs charges on a bigger package!

                  No clash with IA/VT Colorful now either

                  *edit* Especially as IA/VT was moved again to July 30th!!
                  Last edited by BaronSqwelch; 02-06-2015, 23:46.


                    Tokyo game Show, Persona 5 delays buggery. Summer 2016 for Japanese version, US/Euro version slated for the 'holiday season of god only knows':

                    Edit: to be accurate the Western release hasn't been mentioned at all in TGS announcement, but I'll eat my own arse if it comes out before the Japanese.


                      My EU copy of P4 Dancing All Night has been despatched! Surprised none of you importers did a first play!


                        It's good, make sure you download the patch first though to enable setting the scratch controls to the triggers, makes it much easier!


                          Anyone got any hints on the cheapest place to order from?

                          May just cave and pick it up from a store this weekend anyway.


                            Mine arrived from Amazon today- of all places I never expected early delivery from them!


                              I wish they made these games so that they were actually challenging instead of pandering.

                              It's a shame, the PSP had much stronger releases.


                                I've heard it's quite difficult actually according to GAF folks...!!

