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PTE52: Playstation Vita - Two Years On

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    PTE52: Playstation Vita - Two Years On

    In just five days time it will have been two years since the japanese launch of Sony's handheld took place.

    With Sony hoping a revision, a TV variant and a focus on PS4 connectivity will boost the formats prospects how are you holding up with the pocket pleasure?
    Got it and I still love it!
    Great but no longer got mine
    Never owned one to this day, not sure I will
    It's dead to me
    I want one

    I got mine for the first time a couple of months back, and have only been playing ps plus stuff so far. Went through Lumines, then UTF, then Motorstorm RC, all of which were a blast. Now I've started on Uncharted and it's bobbins - the thing is practically playing itself, the only part where I make any difference is in the shooting sections (and the balance beams). I expected this to be the highlight so far, don't think I will stick it out much longer.

    Tearaway should be coming in the post, and Gravity Rush is also queued up so there's plenty still to go.


      Tearaway is reason #1 for me to get one... Awaiting four more.

      When I bought my PSP on JP launch I played Ridge Racers on it exclusively for four years before anything else came along I was interested in.


        Recently got one again due to spare credit and I do love the machine. Got a fair few things to play through but its biggest threat as to whether it stays remains the dire release schedule. Year 3 needs to be supported by Sony


          Missing the bit about crazy people buying the 2000 version


            I rebought one for PS4 remote play and Tearaway!
            Both awesome.


              I got a 2000 last week. The hardware is much better than the first revision. I still cannot stand the rear touch pad though, I just don't see what the point of it is, and it just seems to get in the way more than anything else. I tend to only go for games that don't use it. Why they just didn't add clicky sticks and two sets of triggers to match playing with a Dual Shock is beyond me.

              I've got Killzone, which is fantastic, but could have been incredible had it been able to use a full set of controls as above. I'm waiting for the TV update before I start MP.

              I've ordered Dragon's Crown. That'll give me something else to play on my TV too, although it isn't too import-friendly from what I can gather, so I'll see how that goes.

              Phantasy Star Online 2 is totally free, but a bit text heavy, so I might delete it.

              I'll be getting both the Final Fantasy X remakes. I enjoyed X hugely, and I'm yet to play X-2. They should last me a good while.

              Other than those, there doesn't seem to have been much happening since I sold my last one in February. It seems the online is dead on Ridge Racer, so that isn't much fun anymore. I'll order Michael Jackson in the new year as I did like that last time around. Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 might be worth a go too. I've got PS+ now, so I'll try all the free stuff and I buy PS1 games on it like they are going out of fashion. My two PSP Metal Slug games get a regular hammering too.

              On the whole there have been two games that I've wanted to play in a year vs almost 100 on 3DS. Not exactly fantastic.
              Kept you waiting, huh?


                Bought my first one just a few weeks ago - Tearaway is absolutely wonderful and worth the admission price alone. Haven't gone OTT in additional purchases, just LBP, Dragon's Crown and Malicious Rebirth so far, but there are many more titles on my radar. TxK will hopefully be a worthy successor to Tempest 2000.


                  The 2000 is amazing! (Thanks ETC )

                  Use mine all the time: Tearaway and LEGO Marvel currently keeping me entertained.

                  PS+ make it an utter no~brainer to own one.

                  The only issue is still the high price of the memory cards and Sony's PSN pricing. The digital versions should be at least 20% cheaper than the physical versions.


                    The hardware is still seen as extremely powerful for a handheld even two years on, which really says quite a lot. Powerful beast from Sony.

                    The machine will continue to suffer from a software drought from non-Japanese developers simply because developers and publishers only have a finite amount of resources with are already being stretched across many different formats. The Vita is quite far down the priority list for most developers. Still, it does have a rather large range of high quality titles now, Persona 4 still being regarded as the best. I play Phantasy Star Online 2 all the time, Sega really need to release an English language version.

                    Going forwards, the Vita has real potential as a PS4 remote play device as well as a second screen. Remote Play is a valuable feature for people who have to share a main TV, and the second screen capability could give the PS4 a real edge over the XBox One. Still, I'd like to see more dedicated PS4 games.

                    I love my launch 1000 unit with the OLED screen.


                      Brought my second Vita a month or so ago in order to use it for remote play for PS4. Have to say I completely forget that it's actually a games console in its own right with many games I have yet to play, Persona Golden and Tearaway etc. it really is a lovely piece of kit, just wish it was given much more love by developers.


                        With Tearaway, P4, Terraria, Everybody's Golf, Spelunkey, Sonic Racing Transformed, Katamari, EDF, Hotline Miami, Muramasa Rebirth, Virtue's Last Reward, Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus, MGS HD all sitting on my Vita's Live Area... My gaming from bed, when the missus and sons are asleep, is deep.

                        Such a great system.


                          Originally posted by J0e Musashi View Post
                          I've ordered Dragon's Crown. That'll give me something else to play on my TV too, although it isn't too import-friendly from what I can gather, so I'll see how that goes.
                          Why getting the Vita version when you're going to play it on the TV? That way the PS3 version would make more sense.

                          Anyway, after completing Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus mine went unused for quite some time. It will get some use in December thanks to a new game, but it's essentially dead to me.


                            Originally posted by briareos_kerensky View Post
                            Why getting the Vita version when you're going to play it on the TV? That way the PS3 version would make more sense.
                            I no longer own a PS3, so the Vita version is my only option. The fact that it is one of a handful of playable TV games is a bonus. I quite like pulling my save data down from the cloud and carrying on on the big screen. EDF is TV compatible also, so I'll give that a try too.

                            I shall put Muramasa Rebirth on my wanted list.
                            Kept you waiting, huh?


                              I love my Vita. It doesn't get as much okay as my 3DS but I still love it. I basically have all the same issues with it that I had just after it launched - not quite enough great games considering its age and it's still shocking that so many games can't run at its native res. Played PSP Ghost of Sparta on it the other day and it looks like it could have been a Vita game. Okay so that's a testament to how great it looked on PSP but I'm so used to seeing lower res games on the Vita that GoS does not look much different.

                              But it's a lovely handheld with a gorgeous screen. I love Sonic Racing Transformed on it, Lumines, Uncharted, Rayman Legends and so many others. Just played through Flower on it the other day and it's beautiful (think that might be low res too...).

