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"Next gen" three months on (PS4/XBO)

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    "Next gen" three months on (PS4/XBO)

    Give or take a few days both the PS4 and XB One have been out in the UK for three months now (how time flies).

    Thought would be interesting to gather people's opinions on how things have gone so far. Left the Wii U out intentionally as think it's short life has been covered many times in the Wii U thread alone.

    Me - picked up a PS4 after Christmas, no regrets at all, not struggled for something that excites me to play and games are starting to drop pretty frequently now. Money well spent for me personally.
    Own both PS4 & XB One and enjoying them both
    Bought PS4 & XB One and regret it
    Bought PS4 and enjoy it
    Bought PS4 and regret it
    Bought XB One and enjoy it
    Bought XB One and regret it
    Bought PS4 and wish had got XB One instead
    Bought XB One and wish had got PS4 instead
    Holding off for price drops/big games to arrive

    Bought both, Very happy with the Xbox One but regret the PS4 purchase.


      Just PS4. Very happy. One slip up with ACIV which I tried to convince myself was something I'd like but didn't. All 3 free PS+ games I've played have been good to excellent. SP Killzone was pants but looked good. BF4 was surprisingly good and I'm enjoying the MP too. Contrast was an excellent experience. Outlast is great. Resogun is superb. Stay Alive I'm not feeling the vibe. TR is on its way. Love the Remote Play feature though; I sometimes get a quick game in before getting out of bed :-) Wasn't expecting so many launch titles to actually deliver on the high res and framerate. Very pleased and now looking forward to inFamous. No regrets.


        Bought my Battlefield 4 machine and don't regret it.


          I'm waiting for something I want to play to come out, that isn't also available on PS3. None of the currently available titles appeal to me with the exception of Outlast, which isn't an attractive enough game to justify dropping ?350.

          I'm hoping for something interesting to come out around Xmas time. It's a shame because at the moment, none of the games that are on the slate appeal to me either. The cross-gen stuff isn't helping. As much as I like to own the latest and best version of home entertainment type stuff, knowing that MGS GZ will be the same but with a res and FPS bump isn't much of a draw. On top of that, most of the most interesting games to me (Outlast, Resogun) could have easily been released on the PS3 and been pretty much exactly the same. This irks me and again discourages a purchase in the near future.

          Really glad I didn't buy a PS4 at launch as I had originally planned - I'm sure it's great if you like the games that have been released so far though, and the hardware itself looks excellent


            Same as Wakka pretty much.

            I'm going to pick up a Wii U when Mario Kart 8 comes out, and there're way more other interesting games on it than on either of the big boys.


              Got both very happy with the ps4 and the Xbox One

              The ps4 is a very good value package allround it has better graphics on the multiformat stuff at present and they dont have any of the microtrasaction stuff creeping in yet, Remote play, and the very generous playstaion+ are great features too. Games coming soon look good to, just watched a quick look of The Witness and cant wait for that, and games, Like infamous second son, Drive Club (if it ever arrives) will keep me busy too.

              my irks
              The PS4 camera is a waste of space much like kinect there's nothing to play on it and it just takes up room in front of the TV, the design of the camera is terrible as its really difficult to get the thing to sit flat thanks to the strange position of the cable on it, lack of rear usb ports is a pain as i constantly have charging cables hanging out of the TV cabinet due to the bad battery life of the controllers, and the availability of a decent charging system is very annoying.

              On the xbox one, ive only got Dead Rising and Fifa (not really into football) but the little un likes it. Cant wait for Titanfall to hit next month the beta was ace and Microsoft have got a real system seller very early on which is great. Hopefully Forza Horizon wont be to far off or full of the micro-transaction stuff that Forza 5 is, i really want a good next gen racer voice recognition is good but not perfect, with my Yorkshire accent but its a lot more useable than the last Kinect.

              my irks
              Microsofts Back tracking doesn't fill me with confidence, exploitative Freemium models in full price games (Forza, Crimson Dragon, Ryse) the Recent price cut is annoying as its only 3 months old (some store credit or some free live subs would be a nice gesture to those who already have the console, the lack of demos for download games is a step back from the xbox live arcade model too as this persuaded me to get tons of stuff last gen.


                Both and still happy with them, BF4 firmly has its foot in current gen yet ably demonstrates that claims these new systems are underpowered are ill founded. I sure as hell wouldn't go back. The WiiU has a great little collection too to it but there's simply no competition in which to buy if your not in a multi-console owning position. I fully suspect E3 is going to pretty much drive a nail in PS3, 360 and WiiU's coffins. Great machines but it's clear which are the future for the next 4-5yrs.
                Last edited by Neon Ignition; 24-02-2014, 16:23.


                  Yeah, well, if they ever stop releasing the games on 360 and PS3 as well!

                  It's annoying because I would rather see some proper balls out **** that isn't just on PS3 in a lower res, to give me a reason to actually buy this shiny new toy.


                    Visually KZ is a good showcase and shows what a PS4 can do over a PS3 (a LOT!). I have a pretty decent PC and KZ looks as good / better than anything I've played on PC. The actual game has many many problems though.


                      Yeah, well...exactly. I'm not going to play a crap game just for good graphics.

                      Unless they're the most mindbending graphics imaginable in VR or something.


                        I really quite like my PS4, though I've reached games drought stage.

                        Loved -

                        COD Ghosts
                        Tomb raider

                        Hated -

                        Need for speed
                        FIFA 14

                        So I've only enjoyed 50% of the games I've bought for it, luckily they're easy enough to sell on when you don't want them.


                          Bought ps4 from shopto, pre ordered last June, and is my first Sony console since the ps1.
                          I decided to jump over after ten years of xbox and my worries about the one hardware and direction ms wanted to go.
                          I love the ps4,from the controller, through to the slick dashboard, and I prefer trophies too as I believe not having a numerical attachment to them makes the playing field more level in that respect.
                          I have ac4,tomb raider and battlefield. I bought ac4 brand new for 28 quid off currys, and its OK, just a ps3 upscale really, but the other two are ace.
                          Got pinball Arcade, resogun, contrast, outlast, don't starve and flower. Ps+ is fabulous.
                          II'm well happy, it's better hardware and a slicker all round machine in my opinion. I had kinect before, and I wouldn't buy it again, my buying decision has been vindicated in my eyes, nothing on x1 looks as good, I'm not a bit interested in kinect, forza or titanfall. Or ms obsession with TV integration.
                          They're going to be spanked on a massive scale this gen.


                            I got a PS4 and Xbox One. I sold the Xbox One to fund a holiday then I was happy with my PS4.

                            Shortly after my first PS4 went wrong and then my second so I am selling the new one Sony are going to send me and I bought and Xbox One again and considering how good Titanfall is I am glad I did. Resogun was good but there are no other Playstation exclusives for the foreseeable future I am interested in so I am now going to hold off till the PS4 has a price cut and a good library of games before picking one up again.

                            I also realized getting the Xbox back again how much quieter it is than the PS4, that may have just been because I had a couple of malfunctioning units however.


                              Love my PS4, but ill be trading most of the games i have for it in at Game tomorrow towards a 3DS. Enjoyed the free PSN games more so far than any of the full fat retail stuff.

