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"Next gen" three months on (PS4/XBO)

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    3 months on and tis the games what maketh the console. So XB1 has hooked me with Killer Instinct, Crimson Dragon (a bit) and recently Strider. The PS4 has captivated me with Tomb Raider,Injustice and Zen pinball. However the PS4 feels "cheaper" than the Xb1. and somehow less shiny and just a PS3 continuation. (Maybe because I ditched the 360 years ago due to unreliability). But overall I am happy with the times I have had with both. I only wish that there was something coming out soon that could really show off the capabilities of each.


      Bad luck on the ps4s beardy. Mine is almost silent.


        It is nice the next gen machines are out, I look forward to the next gen games....


          I'm glad I've got both, had the money when they came out so don't regret the price I paid, but I much prefer the xbox one, simply because it has forza, dead rising 3 and killer instinct. For me forza 5 is visually only the truly next gen game so far.


            Even with the cutout crowd and trees?


              Had PS4 since launch day and I love it!

              Have finished all SP portions of games I have bought except AC4 as, though amazing, was getting in the way of my LEGO Marvel addiction!

              Looking forward to Infamous in a few weeks too.


                More a case of bought a PS4 and have barely used it for me. No regrets and I have now been able to get the Pinball Arcade discount season 1 bundle as Farsight sent me a ST: TNG code, so it might actually get a bit more play time.

                I am glad I didn't get both consoles at launch (Xbox One is the first console I didn't get day 1 since the SNES)
                Last edited by MartyG; 24-02-2014, 19:18.


                  Used the One loads when I first got it then it sat untouched for over a month. Played Ryse to completion and put in quite a bit of time in AC4, however Forza just annoyed me and Dead Rising never grabbed me as it should have done. Even over Christmas when I had a week off I didn't fire it up once.

                  Then the Titanfall beta came along and I started loving the console again. Even this weekend I fired it up again to sit with Dead Rising 3 and had a great time...after I finished downloading the 15gb patch, of course.

                  I immediately regretted getting the One at launch and had planned on selling it right after Christmas, but now I'm quite glad I've got it.


                    One... And enjoying it ... When I get the time ... See no reason to get a PS4 currently or for the foreseeable future.


                      Originally posted by Guts View Post
                      Same as Wakka pretty much.

                      I'm going to pick up a Wii U when Mario Kart 8 comes out, and there're way more other interesting games on it than on either of the big boys.
                      Name 10


                        Originally posted by Kron View Post
                        Bought both, Very happy with the Xbox One but regret the PS4 purchase.
                        Same here. I was undecided from the start. Got the X1 after christmas and never looked back. Xbox One is a brill machine.


                          Originally posted by charlesr View Post
                          Bought my Battlefield 4 machine and don't regret it.
                          This, but you're on XB1 and I'm on PS4. Not really much else I want to play on the machine until the recent Yakuza release, and that I'm holding off on buying for a while.


                            Originally posted by Brad View Post
                            Bad luck on the ps4s beardy. Mine is almost silent.
                            Yeah it sucks as I was enjoying War Thunder as well. I thought something must be up (with the noise), so I would advise anyone with PS4s that are loud to keep a close eye on it and if you get any of the beeping disk ejecting shenanigans get it in for repair asap.


                              I'll pick them both up in the future when their prices drop, the games library picks up and the games don't cost ?40-?50 each...

                              I'll probably get a PS4 first, especially as it's looking like the superior choice for multiplatform titles.


                                Bought a PS4, don't regret it (even though it has only been 3 days for me!). Seems like a massive step up.

                                Curiously, it's the little things that have impressed me the most. The fact that all the background stuff works so seamlessly thanks to the dedicated separate processor and RAM for background tasks. I can press the PS button in-game, bring up the PS Dynamic Menu, and access everything including the PS Store and everything runs instantaneously. This would have made the PS3 grind to a halt. Or the ability to broadcast gameplay over Twitch or Ustream, or the automatic recording of video that I can then upload to Facebook.

                                This has all impressed me much more than I expected it to, and highlights what a step forward the hardware is.

