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Edge 266 (May 2014)

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    Kotaku is click bait bollocks but EDGE, while often well written, takes itself far too seriously.


      Originally posted by parkinho View Post
      Isn't a magazine cover supposed to be attention grabbing in one way or another?
      Yeah, I felt weird just typing that. I think it's the sensationalist nature I'm talking about, e.g. that most recent cover. All that's happened is PS4 is outselling XBone at the moment yet to see that cover you'd think that Microsoft were in constant crisis talks. It's not like there's a RROD situation going on.

      All that said, that cover is kinda cool looking so maybe yeah, someone did their job pretty well I guess.

      Also, I think I was probably thinking of CVG not kotaku lol.


        There's no denying that this cover is super-sensationalist, but I've found with other, similar issues the writing inside offers a much more balanced view on the topic than the "READ ME NOW!" headline approach.

        There's the odd person writing there who I like, but on the whole I can't bloody stand Kotaku.


          I have to stop reading Kotaku...its costing me a fortune importing the Japanese snacks they put in Snacktaku

          I find it interesting that people still bother reading magazines nowadays...I'd no more buy one than I would darn a sock or eat bully beef at tiffin.

          Does Edge etc really offer anything over the internet??


            You can't read the internet on a plane, if you have a flat phone battery or sat by the pool and don't mind it getting wet.


              True...though 2 months before flying to that pool you'd have already read the exact same thing whilst at work


                This issue really is an all time low for Edge. Who the fap cares what Tinie Tempah has to say. Any one who glanced at the cover would instantly think XboxOne was doomed. Think I'll not bother renewing my subscription if they keep on this BS track with constantly bashing MS.
                I own both PS4 and XboxOne, and don't side with either. But my game collection tells a different story as I've 11 XboxOne games to 1 PS4 game.


                  There are 11 XboxOne games?


                    There are 35 games out as of now.


                      Originally posted by spinpug666 View Post
                      This issue really is an all time low for Edge. Who the fap cares what Tinie Tempah has to say. Any one who glanced at the cover would instantly think XboxOne was doomed. Think I'll not bother renewing my subscription if they keep on this BS track with constantly bashing MS.
                      I own both PS4 and XboxOne, and don't side with either. But my game collection tells a different story as I've 11 XboxOne games to 1 PS4 game.
                      I'm not far of this but I have 16 XBO games 3 being Arcade and 3 PS4 games. I turn my XBO on every day as it's my preferred platform. Saying that I have noting against my PS4. Edge are talking crap.


                        Originally posted by fuse View Post
                        I actually do like Edge, contrary to popular opinion. The reviews are always interesting and well written even if I don't agree with the conclusions they come too, and there's typically lots of interesting articles and features.
                        We should all count our stars there's even EDGE to read these days. It's been a good magazine full stop since it's release and to keep its consistency of writing up all these years has been nothing short of amazing. They still get plenty of exclusive interviews and features too, you won't see the kind of candid interviews with people like miyamoto outside of its pages, so clearly the mag still holds respect from the industry.

                        Has anyone read mags like the official ones like nom, oxbox or even ps, ign online, kotaku? With there bought and paid for reviews? No thanks.

                        No ones perfect, but there pretty dam good.


                          Yeah edge is a very good magazine. Someone mentioned if it has anything worth reading over the internet and I'd say yes it does. The biggest problem with many games magazines is that they don't offer anything over what you can get for free online. Edge does manage to do that, which is part of the reason it 's still popular. I'm not always interested in its content, but im glad magazines like edge and gamestm exist.


                            I remember buying the first issue of EDGE back in 1993 and loving the magazine throughout the '90s. After 2000, it became more and more like an industry catalogue aimed at boring people. It became so soulless, to the point of always making me feel negative about gaming, that I had to stop subscribing in 2010. It felt like a magazine carrying an anti-gaming curse - I had to get it out of my life.

                            I can't believe Strider is saying EDGE is "very good." I love Retro Gamer with a passion, because it enthuses me with its positive energy. RetroGamer isn't just a great magazine by modern standards( which is easy ) but easily one of the best gaming magazines ever made. I'd love a magazine from the same people called Modern Gamer.

                            GamesTM( apart from the retro section ) has always been a worthless industry catalogue - and EDGE ended up being even more lifeless than GamesTM. Both magazines deserve to rot in the litter bins of purgatory.
                            Last edited by Leon Retro; 15-04-2014, 06:22.


                              Originally posted by Leon Ahoy! View Post

                              I can't believe Strider is saying EDGE is "very good." I love Retro Gamer with a passion, because it enthuses me with its positive energy. RetroGamer isn't just a great magazine by modern standards( which is easy ) but easily one of the best gaming magazines ever made. I'd love a magazine from the same people called Modern Gamer.
                              You've just made my evening


                                Originally posted by Leon Ahoy! View Post
                                I'd love a magazine from the same people called Modern Gamer.
                                Wow! Great idea!

                                Can you imagine a magazine that's actually passionate and excited about games, as opposed to either aloof or an industry mouthpiece?

