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GamesTM Issue 13

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    Originally posted by Strider
    So how is talking to our readers undermining the magazine?
    It depends on how you talk to your readers. "Jesting" can, and often is, used as a shield between the populace and the media. It is all the more insidious because you can entertain your readership whilst simultaneously subjugating them.

    Journalism should not be a form of entertainment.

    Maybe you'd prefer us to take a more elitist attitude and simply ignore you all?
    Not at all, but be wary of the fact that cheekiness begets cheekiness, and that somebody will call your bluff one of these days.


      Journalism should not be a form of entertainment.
      I'm writing an article for ntsc-uk on this very subject. I've always been torn on how a game should be reviewed, more of a discussion or just straight facts, so I'd like to get out a feature that questions everything I've previously stood for with what I write.

      Or something


        Originally posted by Shevek
        Journalism should not be a form of entertainment.
        Says who?

        Many rather entertaining reviews of games without a lot of the serious discussion. Gets over the feel of a game and boring the reader with facts, figures and polygon counts.

        I especially like the F-Zero GX review there seeing as it's my copy of the game that Chris is playing
        Lie with passion and be forever damned...


          I think that Journalism, in Pete's example of reviewing a form of entertainment, can, and in many cases should, be entertainment.

          I've found that it can be very enjoyable, and impressionable to review a game in the manner that a game is presented. If a game is meant to be funny and silly, like TimeSplitters 2, for example, it may be good to review it in a similar manner. But, a serious game like Knights of the Old Republic may be better reviewed in a more serious manner that reflects the game.

          I think that anyone should be allowed to present their journalistic article in any manner they choose, should it be appropriate. Joking about the deaths of American troops in Iraq for example would be tasteless and not appropriate... but in videogame journalism, a medium where the product the whole industry revolves around is meant to be entertainment, I see no reason why Journalism shouldn't be entertainment!

          I'd be very interested in your article Pete, and can't wait to hear your opinions. But, clearly, I believe that as long as you don't compromise the goal of informing the reader of the quality of the game, there is no reason why there can't be a balance of both quality and humour.

          I hope that you can take my opinion into account when you form your own!


            Originally posted by Shevek

            It depends on how you talk to your readers. "Jesting" can, and often is, used as a shield between the populace and the media. It is all the more insidious because you can entertain your readership whilst simultaneously subjugating them.
            I don't use jesting as a shield and to say it is insidious is quite frankly an insult. Judging by some of your posts, you're obviousley a wordly person so why you painting us with the same brush as every other journalist is beyond me.

            Originally posted by Shevek
            Not at all, but be wary of the fact that cheekiness begets cheekiness, and that somebody will call your bluff one of these days.
            What, because we've promised them a game's going to get a good score? Honestly mate, you're looking for stuff that isn't there.

            We come onto this forum because we can enjoy ourselves with like minded people. If your going to continue to tell me how I should and shouldn't represent the magazine I write for, I'll not bother posting. Judging by your posts, you seem to have a problem with people like me, but as I've already stated, we're not all the same.


              Originally posted by Shevek
              Journalism should not be a form of entertainment.
              Up until that point, I found alot of your posts to be interesting, and raised good points....
              But that is so unbelievably wrong, on so many levels as to be unreal.

              I feel the total opposite. Journalism, should be for the most, entertaining, unless its serious news, reporting on tragedy.
              News reporting, perhaps, but what about columnists.

              I find Paul Rose's journalism to be funny, entertaining and depraved all at the same time. Excellent stuff.

              If journalism was not an enjoyable, entertaining read, I wouldnt read half of the mag. I barely used to read 1/5 of edge, since in all honesty, it was boring, devoid of humour, and so depressing to the point where youd rather enroll as a celebate monk than continue playing games and continuing with a normal life.

              All of my favourite magazines, have had a good blend of humour and facts.

              Take Digitiser: I came for gaming facts, but stayed for the humour.

              Super Play: bright, funny at times, with a "joie(sp?) de vive" , heck, almost satisfying enough so as to sate your gameplaying needs.

              EGM: inane banter, import facts, good fun

              GamesTM: funny, informative, a mix of things. Take this months Japan feature, I found that very entertaining, facts go down more easily with some humour.
              A spoon full of sugar......
              And finally, why I dislike that statement so much. I have written a few freelance reviews, heck, Ive even submitted a few to this site.
              Several are online at on other sites.
              In all of my reviews, I make the point of injecting humour, and entertainment into the writing. Hey, it may not Dostoyevsky, but if it brings a smile to a potential game buyer, then Im pleased.

              Games like goemon need to be silly at times, for goodness sake, how can you get away with NOT jesting about high pitched squirell priests.

              I dunno, maybe Ive missed you point, or misinterprited it. Wouldnt have been the first time Ive gotten carried away.

              But I WANT the journalism I read to be entertaining. If it isnt, I stop reading, get bored, move onto to something else, or in the worst case scenario, as almost happened, I might even give up on gaming.

              Gaming is an entertainment medium of epic proprtions. (and an art, science, and for some a religion all roled into one )

              Journalism about gaming should be entetaining as well.


                I'd rather have friendly and down-to-earth writers, than stuck-up and obnoxious writers who insult their readership. I lost a ton of respect for Edge after finding out how rude and childish some of their writers were on their forum and stopped buying the magazine because I didn't want to support them, at least the Games TM staff can take criticism in a more mature manner.

                I wouldn't be surprised if someone in this thread works for Future.


                  Originally posted by Rollo
                  I'd rather have friendly and down-to-earth writers, than stuck-up and obnoxious writers who insult their readership. I lost a ton of respect for Edge after finding out how rude and childish some of their writers were on their forum and stopped buying the magazine because I didn't want to support them, at least the Games TM staff can take criticism in a more mature manner.

                  I wouldn't be surprised if someone in this thread works for Future.
                  They were bad on the forums as well?
                  heh, I stopped reading after redeye on a regular basis went out of his way to insult pretty much all serious gamers the world over.

                  As for someone from future posting here, my suspicions are that Shevek is none other than pipe smoking Steven Poole himself!
                  But I jest, they merely have similar writing styles, tis all....


                    Originally posted by Strider
                    I don't use jesting as a shield and to say it is insidious is quite frankly an insult. Judging by some of your posts, you're obviously a worldly person so why you painting us with the same brush as every other journalist is beyond me.
                    In all honesty, I do regard the gamesTM editorial with a particularly high regard (more so than any other games magazine of recent memory). I am just acutely aware of the fact that you may allow the "prestige" to get to one's head. You all seem like lucid chaps, I just want to make sure it stays that way.

                    What, because we've promised them a game's going to get a good score? Honestly mate, you're looking for stuff that isn't there.
                    No, I meant that you may feel disoriented when somebody is equally as cheeky in return. After all you work as an editor, with all the long hours that entails, so to have that snatched away by some upstart may come as a bit of surprise especially when you have graciously extended the arm of friendship to so many people.

                    We come onto this forum because we can enjoy ourselves with like-minded people. If your going to continue to tell me how I should and shouldn?t represent the magazine I write for, I'll not bother posting. Judging by your posts, you seem to have a problem with people like me, but as I've already stated, we're not all the same.
                    I know, and I do not necessarily regard all journalists in a similarly dim light (just a few of the more opportunistic ones rub me up the wrong way). I am just concerned that you will accidentally forfeit all your hard work in favour of some denomination of "limelight".

                    As for journalism not being a form of entertainment, I am not saying that journalism is incapable of entertaining the reader but it's main purpose is to inform and educate. If anything, these sensibilities are lofty and almost noble (after all they contribute and enrich the truly multifaceted global society we live in, rather than undermine it). So it drives me nuts when many journalists think that their profession is some form of attention seeking exercise (which is, more often than not, at the total expense of their readers).

                    I am not saying that journalism should not entertain at all, and a little bit of judicious entertainment can go a long way in this respect, but the excessive self-referential hedonism is fundamentally damaging to the profession and the integrity of its subsequent content.


                      Rest assured Shevek nothing has gone to our heads.

                      Sure, we're proud of our jobs and what we do, but we'd never use it as an opportunity to look down on our readers or assume that we're better then them.

                      We work hard to get the magazine out, and forums such as this are the perfect place to shoot the breeze with some like-minded people.

                      As far as I'm aware, we've not done anything in line with everything you've mentioned in your last few posts. So I'll simply assume that you're simply looking out for our well-being and making sure that we don't 'do an Edge'

                      Anyway, merry christmas, I'm going back to my Bongos

