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Nintendo WiiU : Thread 05

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    Going mobile-only would be about the most risky path they could take I think. Having to develop for different types of Android device would be the least of their worries. Eroding the value of their core brands would be the biggest I'd think.


      Originally posted by wakka View Post
      Going mobile-only would be about the most risky path they could take I think. Having to develop for different types of Android device would be the least of their worries. Eroding the value of their core brands would be the biggest I'd think.
      I think there's a disconnect between Nintendo's ethos and successful mobile games, also.

      The most successful mobile titles, in my experience, practice the modern equivalent of 90s arcade games with daft difficult bosses and unfair mechanics, designed to get players to pay "just one more" credit. Some would say it's harmless, on the other hand, it's argued that the purpose of the game is not truly to entertain, but to put the player into a suggestible state where they're willing to spend money.

      This of course is a huge generalisation. It isn't like mobile gaming is some kind of evil form of mind-control. Despite that, I think Nintendo operate on completely different lines, where they seek to provide the user a quality experience, and I think those tricks-and-traps just won't work for them.

      They may go down the route of trying to do "premium" games for the platforms, trying to get people to pay ?20 or so for a phone/tablet game - and they won't be the first. I'm just not convinced it would work out for them.


        I fully expect that Nintendo's mobile plans extend no further than them expanding their use of ip and potential revenue avenues like having Nintendo characters in Wreck it Ralph 2 or the rides at Universal, hence them having so few in development. I don't expect mobile gaming to have any connection to their console or handheld markets at all in real terms or be a factor in how NX turns out. I think they've just realised, especially after Amiibo, that they're sitting on potential gold mines but are relying on just two horses to rake in the cash but I doubt it'll work.


          There isn't exactly loads of titles from third parties being lined up for WiiU but I'd expect lines like this one to start becoming more common even if this particular one was to be expected to begin with:

          Slightly Mad Studios has cancelled Project Cars for WiiU. They're now placing any development on hold until Nintendo gives them more information about their plans for NX


            Not a shock, I wasn't interested in that game but since they were announced as Wii U titles I've suspected Yooka Laylee and Bloodstained will move from Wii U to NX.


              Originally posted by Fader209 View Post
              Someone posted a positive article about the WiiU?!

              Quick, everyone muscle in with their usual tired negativity to counteract it.
              We can't possibly have people enjoy their console choice.
              Haha. Spot on.


                Didnt think there was really that much left to be that positive about. What is there, half a dozen if even, games left for it? I be seriously starting to look else were if its all i owned.....


                  Originally posted by dvdx2 View Post
                  Didnt think there was really that much left to be that positive about. What is there, half a dozen if even, games left for it? I be seriously starting to look else were if its all i owned.....
                  Going by your logic we shouldn't be positive about any of the older consoles as there are no new games coming out for them.

                  Come on guys, time to stop playing the SNES and bin it.


                    Originally posted by dvdx2 View Post
                    Didnt think there was really that much left to be that positive about. What is there, half a dozen if even, games left for it? I be seriously starting to look else were if its all i owned.....
                    That's a pretty accurate statement but Wii U is still a great system, not every gamer is 30+, angry at the world and full of negativity. I've already played every major Wii U release to completion and they've given me over 1,000 hours of smiles and utter enjoyment.

                    I'm still using my Wii U too, currently I'm making my way through Earthbound for the first time ever (I paid less for my Wii U, SNES Classic Controller and the game on VC than a boxed Earthbound cart would cost me alone), after that I'll complete some Wii games I never saw the end of (Zelda: Skyward Sword and Super Mario Galaxy 2), then I'm probably going to get a PS4 (in anticipation of SFV) so will give MGS V a go to take me upto Star Fox (co-developed by Platinum) but I could just as happily play Paper Mario or Ocarina of Time on VC or who knows what will show up by then (Mother 3 one hopes)... What a machine! It didn't burn for long but it burnt bright!
                    Last edited by Pikate; 21-07-2015, 19:13.


                      Originally posted by dvdx2 View Post
                      Didnt think there was really that much left to be that positive about. What is there, half a dozen if even, games left for it? I be seriously starting to look else were if its all i owned.....
                      Their games offer longevity though. It is clear as day that the console isn't aimed at you, it became a Nintendo console for Nintendo fans (who are pleased enough with franchise updates) as soon as third party support was dropped. I pretty much share your sentiment, after selling mine, but I'd definitely consider picking up another for Splatoon. That game definitely appears to have legs.

                      Still, going by the metric of sales and third party support it is definitely a failure, no amount of "fun" can mask that.


                        Originally posted by Fader209 View Post
                        Going by your logic we shouldn't be positive about any of the older consoles as there are no new games coming out for them.

                        Come on guys, time to stop playing the SNES and bin it.
                        The older consoles have a massive selection of software; the wiiu hasnt. I am still find cracking saturn and ps1 games that i have missed from 20 years ago.


                          Plus, older consoles are, y'know, retro by definition. Not apparently going concerns, like WiiU's supposed to be. Daft analogy.


                            Going to buy a Wii U very soon. Personally can't wait to try out all the games I've missed. Tones of Wii games to give a go too. Going to be in Nintendo heaven for some time.


                              Yes you will. There are some excellent titles available and content only Nintendo can deliver. Can't beat that charm!


                                Do we know what's going on with the 3DS/WiiU Animal Crossing incoming games, then, for the UK?

                                I have pre-orders for both as a gift for my partner, but they have no firm release date and both titles have a top-tier pricing (?35-?40). However, what's the deal with their Amiibos and Amiibo cards?

                                I'm concerned about a situation where the games are full price, as well as requiring extensive Amiibo/card stuff to get the best experience from them. There's been various stuff thrown around about the games being free and needing Amiibos to play, or somewhere in-between.

                                I'd like an answer, mainly because if it is what I said above (full price then you need all the extra ****) Nintendo can **** right off and I want to cancel my orders.

