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The age effect

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    Originally posted by Superman Falls View Post
    I'm not dismissing those three generations, just putting across that the image that gamers often put out that it was a time of wonder with a conveyor belt of originality and stone cold classics isn't what was actually the case at the time. There was just as much drivel released, with just as many (if not more) lazy licensed software and iteration in titles but it's easy to remember the gold and forget the guff that gamers had to wade through at the time.
    Agreed, to some extent. One of the eye-opening things about reading old magazines is having a look at what was in the charts back then- some awful, awful stuff that shatters the rose-tinted view of things somewhat. Older classics have the benefit of hindsight and time to allow them to shine- I'm sure that there are a few "modern" games that will receive this sort of status and accolades in years to come but with the market having changed so significantly since the "golden" age, those new classics probably won't align with the tastes of an older generation.


      Originally posted by Wools View Post
      Racing Lagoon does not play great but it's one of the best games I've played in years. Honestly, it's not nostalgia talking... Now there's an oxymoron.

      I'm not going to defend DLC, patches, iPhone tap games, Fremium, Endless Shooters but it's so easy to forget the fatigue you felt as a kid, or were willing to put up with because you brought a **** game that would have to last you the next 5 months but the same **** happened in the 80's and 90's. Endless shooters and 2D Platformers, games released fully broken with no patching system available, **** add on technology, pointless peripherals, ?70 price tags, sequels, games marketed with fake screenshots, there was just as much, if not more bull**** in the old days as there is now.

      I have a fondness for the 90's and early 2000's but lets not be under any illusions, those days were not better and full of brilliance, just different but maybe more pioneering.
      Where did I say it doesn't play great? I said the handling isn't perfect but the weight of the cars and drifting is fantastic.
      But hey you loved Drive Club. All that power and one of the most medicine handling models in the business.


        Originally posted by nakamura View Post
        Where did I say it doesn't play great? I said the handling isn't perfect but the weight of the cars and drifting is fantastic.
        But hey you loved Drive Club. All that power and one of the most medicine handling models in the business.
        You said it has "less than perfect handling" which seemed to elude to the handling model not being the best. You left out the part about the drifting and weight model being fantastic though, so I was talking about the only information you gave to us.

        I did enjoy Driveclub, yes. Good Arcade handling model, lovely graphics, great sound and some alright tracks. But looking back, the handling did not reach the lofty Arcade heights of Project Gotham Racing 4, I hit a dead end on the Career mode and the tracks never revealed any subtle depths. I sold the game last month and Project Cars has replaced it, very different game though!

        So if you're hinting that I loved Drive Club then yes I did, for the 3 months I owned it and then got bored. Enjoyment is a subjective thing isn't it? Because hey, you love Racing Lagoon.


          Game gone in 3 months. I'm still playing all the Ridge games, NFS Underground, Forza Horizon etc etc. Truly top notch games.


            What's your point?

            I'm playing Project Cars every moment I can since it's release last week, play Gran Turismo 6 every time I'm round my brothers on his steering wheel set up and regularly fire up my PSone for WipEout 2097, Ridge Racer Type 4 and Gran Turismo 2.


              I am probably one of the few on here thats really enjoys modern gaming. I had a 3 hr session on dead rising 3 and titanfall last night and it was as just fun as playing something in 1970/80/90 etc. Coming to the end of bloodborne (and dabbling between demon/dark souls) and those games are as good (if not better) than adventure/rpg games of yore. (And yes i am talking about castlevania games etc). There is certainly a lot of rubbish out there as well, but no different to previous generations? In fact my retro set up hasnt been on in quite a while. Some cracking ps3/360 stuff too which i regularly go back to and shooters dont come any better than the raiden fighter aces collection.


                Well, I'm with you DVDX2, I enjoy modern gaming currently. There are caveats, but there were with each generation we've been through. Genres have come and gone, and sometimes come back again. I don't really like FPS much, so the current band of CoD/Battlefront etc, isn't really to my taste. As far as I go are Bioshock and Borderlands. And Gears of War, which is really third person, but that's as close to a CoD like game I've gotten heh.

                But for things that aren't as good today as they were back then, I dive into my retro collection to play games from previous generations because there's no real equivalent now.
                Lie with passion and be forever damned...


                  There are still some great modern games no doubt.


                    Games are obviously still amazing, I've been replaying the Uncharted series recently and the detail in those games is mind boggling, it blows me away that people can design those environments from nothing. I can't even begin to get my head round how they build every part of a world. Gaming has moved on a lot from what got me in to it in the first place, I'm just being a bit left behind by it all as a hobby since my tastes aren't really catered for any more. In the last week I've used every system in my house apart from the PS4 (at least for gaming) with probably 90% of that gaming time being taken up by retro games. I don't think the big games from today will still be played in 20-30 years time, certainly not by me in the way I would with say Bubble Bobble, R-Type, Metal Slug etc.

                    There are so many things I either don't like or have no interest in with how gaming is presented these days. DLC, online play, mobile games, games packaged with needless tat, games not working out of the box and more. I still love video games and playing them, just not so much the stuff being released right now.


                      Console games often feel like the experience is more important than the game. It feels like the balance has been lost between great game play and great cinematics.


                        Originally posted by nakamura View Post
                        Why just two or more kids? Is one pretty cheap then?
                        Well in most cases the kids don't like to share consoles and so you have to buy a console each for them too. That's been the case for most of my mates and family with 2 kids plus me or my brother never shared consoles either lol


                          Originally posted by Team Andromeda View Post
                          Well in most cases the kids don't like to share consoles and so you have to buy a console each for them too. That's been the case for most of my mates and family with 2 kids plus me or my brother never shared consoles either lol
                          My kids shares everything. Still doesn't make raising her cheap or easy.


                            I've still got a backlog of games on my GBA and the closest I've got to "next gen" was my recently acquired Vita.

                            Will say this though, gaming was more fun when it was undergound (nohipster) as a lot of modern game are just sequels where nothing changes, generic clones that are much the same or some other kind of crap that I have no wish to entertain.

                            Dreamcast was the last time I truly felt wowed by a generational leap as modern stuff truly feels like a sprucing up of the old Don Bluth Lazerdisc games where you watched for a while, pressed some buttons and watched a while more.


                              Originally posted by nakamura View Post
                              Game gone in 3 months. I'm still playing all the Ridge games, NFS Underground, Forza Horizon etc etc. Truly top notch games.
                              Ridge racers lol, I find them to some of the most overrated games of all time and if there was any games where the graphics were hiding basic gameplay and level design the likes of RR was it .


                                Originally posted by Team Andromeda View Post
                                Ridge racers lol, I find them to some of the most overrated games of all time and if there was any games where the graphics were hiding basic gameplay and level design the likes of RR was it [emoji14].
                                Hardly. The majority of them take skill to complete. You have to practice. Rage even had manual only cars to encourage learning, nowadays it's all assists and rewinds. Can't possibly have a player lose a race.

