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How is ChronoTrigger?

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    I'm amazed Speedy doesn't love them too, I absolutely adore them myself. They highlight the best of anime with great art, brilliant writing and amazing music. Not to mention the battles are great.


      I really enjoyed what I played of P3 and 4 but eventually got distracted from both and never finished them. Setting 4 to the lowest difficulty made it a little more fun, I could power through the dungeon stuff and just focus on the story but still eventually stopped playing. I will likely go back into 4 because I loved everything about it but I dunno why I always get distracted from the games.

      I'm not a huge anime fan, I've tried hard to watch quite a few but only ever actually finished one and that's probably because it was 12 episodes. I did start bleach sometime last year and was enjoying it but got distracted and stopped. Now I'm watching digimon...

      As for the tales games I've actually really wanted to like them and so I've put around 5-10 hours into all of them besides Destiny 2 and Innocence I think but I highly doubt those two would end up being my gems. So yeah, I can say they're all rather pants.
      Last edited by shaffy_oppa; 13-08-2015, 11:06.


        I've played 3 Tales games so far and do like the combat and boss battles in them but not much else apart from maybe Vesperia (which has better story/characters). Since there is a lot of combat that counts for a lot however and in that regard it's one of the best series I've seen.

        I've always really hated turn based combat though so I've missed out on a lot of potentially good JRPGs. Never given them much of a chance to be fair which is why I'm interested in this thread. I've seen Chrono Trigger mentioned very highly many times before over the years and was thinking of getting it on DS. Got demos of Fire Emblem and Bravely Default on 3DS to try too.
        Last edited by Shoju; 13-08-2015, 18:30.


          Leave Bravely. Please. If you hate turn based that much it's one of the worst examples.

