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    Originally posted by bowser123
    And this thread is about games that you want...
    in that case :
    Scud Racer for X-box (it's never gonna happen, but how nice would that be !) and Outrun 2 for X-box...... I had high hopes for this one but they are fading very fast indeed after all the rumours that it's won't be coming for X-box


      Originally posted by Firsty
      It suddenly occured to me while voting in the GOTY thread that I've only bought three 2003 games this year, the rest are all retro.
      I'm the same. In fact I don't think I've bought ANY 2003 games - only Retro ones. The only 2003 game that I've played this year (that's worth mentioning) is Panzer Dragoon Orta. The rest all seemed very average.

      I tend to get more excited about getting older games these days. PDO had me interested before it's release earlier this year, but without an XBox, it didn't last for long. And when I finally got the game I was a little disapointed (although it's still better than most other games released this year IMO). I was excited about the upcoming Sonic Heroes, but my interest in the game seems to have died off in recent weeks.


        Originally posted by TheForce
        Scud Racer
        Do you mean the Sega produced coin-op Scud Race (Super GT in the US)? If so I've been waiting for a home version of that since I first played it in the arcades back in 1997.

        And a home version of Outrun 2 would be ace as well.


          Originally posted by Baroque
          I've been thinking about this myself and to me it's like gamers Christmas have been delayed until Q1 04.
          But isn't that beeter in the sense that the games will (hopefully) be better due to the extra development time, rather than a rushed, half-assed effort put out in time for the Christmas rush just so the publisher gets the money rolling in?


            Originally posted by IcePak
            Originally posted by TheForce
            Scud Racer
            Do you mean the Sega produced coin-op Scud Race (Super GT in the US)? If so I've been waiting for a home version of that since I first played it in the arcades back in 1997.
            Yup, that's the one I mean. For me it's still the best racing game Sega has ever made. There are rumours of a beta DC version going around on the internet but I've never seen it,
            So now my hopes are high for OutRun2, I just hope they make it for X-box (analog gas and brakes, and X-box Live!)


              The anticipation for the new Zelda GC and Metroid GC titles are building up slowly but surely. Nothing, for me, ever can compare to the excitement around the time of the build up of the release of the next Zelda. Hell, as I have said many times, I would be more than happy with one or two titles alone along with the series...

              Not a great deal this year was released which sparked much interest? I haven?t brought a new game for a good?erm? 7months or so probably. But I am cool with that.

              Next year sees the release of Resident 4?finally. I am a big fan of the series and in particular the GC incarnations. So this will most definitely get me cheering near release. Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes is another? remake or no remake? this is going to be golden. Pikmin 2 of course. I can fully appreciate the first was not to everyone?s taste. I however thought it was generally a truly beautiful game. The second, promising to offer a great deal more, is most definitely getting me excited.

              I still haven't got round to getting myself an Xbox sadly. Not too fussed at the moment.. but i am very eagerly waiting to see the release of Halo 2 and Fable. Also, the release of Perfect Dark Zero and anything relating to Killer Instinct 3

              On the PC, i am dying for Half Life 2. Regrettably, a game i shall probaly never play .... there is no way in hell me PC could handle such a gem... but my anticipation for the release is strong nonetheless...
              ----Member since April 2002



                I look forward to stuff as much as ever.. although my interest in anything PS2 related seems to have evaporated over 2003 :/

                atm im looking forward to Mario128 cant wait to see what theyve come up with.. Pikmin 2, without the time limits this should be amazing.. Sphinx because it looks like starfox adventures :O ... Too Human or whatever original title Silicon Knights come up with next.. Giftapia = cant wait.. The next revolution game.. and too much other stuff to put into words *drools over the future gaming goodness*

                also really looking forward to opening up greogry horror show (i bought myself a xmas pressent im that sad.. or desperate to play with gregory!), BOF Dragon Quarter (from my gran! thanks dear) along with 1080 avalanche & mario & luigi from my parents..


                  Originally posted by Adam Stone
                  The anticipation for the new Zelda GC and Metroid GC titles are building up slowly but surely. Nothing, for me, ever can compare to the excitement around the time of the build up of the release of the next Zelda. Hell, as I have said many times, I would be more than happy with one or two titles alone along with the series...

                  Not a great deal this year was released which sparked much interest? I haven?t brought a new game for a good?erm? 7months or so probably. But I am cool with that.

                  Next year sees the release of Resident 4?finally. I am a big fan of the series and in particular the GC incarnations. So this will most definitely get me cheering near release. Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes is another? remake or no remake? this is going to be golden. Pikmin 2 of course. I can fully appreciate the first was not to everyone?s taste. I however thought it was generally a truly beautiful game. The second, promising to offer a great deal more, is most definitely getting me excited.

                  I still haven't got round to getting myself an Xbox sadly. Not too fussed at the moment.. but i am very eagerly waiting to see the release of Halo 2 and Fable. Also, the release of Perfect Dark Zero and anything relating to Killer Instinct 3

                  On the PC, i am dying for Half Life 2. Regrettably, a game i shall probaly never play .... there is no way in hell me PC could handle such a gem... but my anticipation for the release is strong nonetheless...
                  I had forgotten about Biohazard 4, i must be slipping in my old age.
                  That and Mario 128 are right at the top of my list.
                  Lets pretend Shenmue 3 is comming out next year, and it looks like 2004 couls be rather good

