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Xbox Series S/X: Thread 02

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    Bloomberg reports lands on MS's plans failing to meet up to Sony's

    A lot of negative but I'm posting everything I find so it's just the absence of the opposite in the last few hours as to why


      Originally posted by MartyG View Post
      Given all the complaints about how expensive AAA are to make and why they have to have crunch all the time from publishers & developers, descoping probably isn't the worst idea in the world.
      It probably happens all the time. There will be loads of games or ideas that get binned because of technical restrictions. I just hate the idea that we aren't getting something on a seriesX (or PS5) because of the seriesS.


        $219.99 for those memory expansion cards though LOL


          Originally posted by Junko View Post
          $219.99 for those memory expansion cards though LOL
          Go check the prices on nvme 1tb storage... It'll be the same for the PS5 as well. That **** ain't cheap anywhere.

          Old titles backward compatible will still run off external drives btw...


            Originally posted by nonny View Post
            Go check the prices on nvme 1tb storage... It'll be the same for the PS5 as well. That **** ain't cheap anywhere.

            Old titles backward compatible will still run off external drives btw...
            Plus its gen4 nvme and not gen3, so we’re getting console mem cards right on the cusp of the new mem gen.


              Originally posted by Junko View Post
              $219.99 for those memory expansion cards though LOL
              Yikes! I know there’s a screenshot doing the rounds with that price but has it been made official?


                It will be accurate - this is how much 1TB Gen 4 NVME drives cost

                It isn't Microsoft doubling the price for profit - as mentioned, PS5 prices will be similar. This type of storage is expensive - MS is taking a hit on the retail price of these consoles.


                  Unless desperate, if buying the memory expansion is on anyones to do list then they should just get the X if they can then. Close to the same cost without the compromises


                    Originally posted by Neon Ignition View Post
                    Unless desperate, if buying the memory expansion is on anyones to do list then they should just get the X if they can then. Close to the same cost without the compromises
                    It would cost more to buy the Series S with the expansion - $520 instead of $499!

                    Think it will only be bought by Series X completionists or people who really feel they need more storage down the line, rather than at launch.


                      Originally posted by wakka View Post
                      It would cost more to buy the Series S with the expansion - $520 instead of $499!

                      Think it will only be bought by Series X completionists or people who really feel they need more storage down the line, rather than at launch.
                      I'm waiting to see how it all works storage wise. I've got an 8TB external drive right now for the one X but honestly it's pretty slow and I don't need that much space but I do like delving into older titles or those which I'm sure don't need to be on that nvme drive.

                      So I really want to see the disk management side of things and whether you can pick and choose, especially if for instance it's an old game like Forza Horizon 4 but has been enhanced.

                      Does it need to be on the internal drive or can it sit external?

                      As with anything prices in the 1TB plug in drives will come down and if I do end up getting another Xbox (Series S) for the study that might be a nice way to take games from one room to another without faffing around.

                      Right now though it's expensive and a bit too rich for me. I'll manage with what is there.


                        If the games output is as shat as it has been this gen, I couldn't give a flying fanny about specs this, tf that, ram spam thank you mam. Naff off!!

                        Mained the XB ecosystem the last two gens, 360 stunning, XB0 gashest since I've been gaming.

                        I had a weak flutter when seeing the, frankly, absurdly good hardware prices.

                        But if all you have are shat games to play...


                          This naming stuff is nonsense. No one is going to be confused with that price difference. It is worth pointing out that iphone names are more convoluted and everyone seems to be fine every year.


                            The only confusing thing for me is whether then Series S is more powerful than the One X. I've had conflicting messages. If it isn't more powerful (in every way, not just it has an SSD) then that is confusion because no new gen console has ever come out that wasn't more powerful than the generation before it. so that would be a new things for people to deal with.


                              People seem to cope with the different iPhone variants fine and we can extend that analogy: The Series S is an upgrade of the One S, the Series X is an upgrade of the One X in the same way the iPhone 11 is an upgrade of the iPhone 10 and the iPhone 11 Max is an upgrade of the iPhone 10 Max.

                              If you want to get really confused, go and take a look at Intel's CPU naming convention from generation to generation.
                              Last edited by MartyG; 11-09-2020, 11:48.


                                Never been done with a console before. Confusing.

                                Your phone analogy might make sense one day, if this sort of thing becomes normal but right now it is confusing. If it wasn;t we wouldn;t have gamers in here saying it's confusing.
                                Last edited by Brad; 11-09-2020, 11:56.

