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Anybody else unhappy with the 3d Sonic games?

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    Anybody else unhappy with the 3d Sonic games?

    Amusement Vision need to be let at Sonic and make him a proper game. Naka just isn't do the series justice anymore.

    What I look for in a Sonic game is focus. I don't want to play as Big The Cat or anybody else. Knuckles couldn't carry a game by himself so he shouldn't be involved either except perhaps in a baddie role.

    The jump in the last few Sonic games is floaty and indistinct. You never feel properly in control. Now I know Monkey Ball doesn't have jumping but that's a game with control. You can zoom about on a tiny wire and still know that it was your mistake if you fall.

    I want to run on loop the loops and navigate all the cool obstacles myself. Stop switching to dramatic camera angles and taking control away - where's the fun in that. Am I only alowed to run in a straight line now?

    Well they're doing their best to take even that away from me now. Sonic Heroes is all stop, start, stop, start. Run for 10 seconds, switch characters, inane puzzle, run for 10 seconds.

    Less is more. Get the simple things right and **** all the peripheral things that just distract you from the speed and the joy of navigating the environments.

    For Gods sake! Enough with the adventure platformers. Enough with the character swapping puzzle platformers. I just want an arcade platformer!

    Ive been giving this some thought of late too being a huge fan of Sonic games

    Although Im enjoying Sonic Heroes at the moment,the change from 2D to 3D hasnt really worked JMHO.I admit that I quite liked Sonic Adventure on the DC but the follow up was nothing short of dismal,again JMHO.

    I really loved the fluidity of the old Sonic Games,the way you could just pelt it from the start to the end of a level or take your time and try and collect every ring there was.

    Im craving a return of 2D platformers but I cant see it happening any time soon

    Anyway just my two cents worth


      Ah but what about the recent 2D Sonic games on the GBA? They've been junk as well.

      Clearly there is something more sinister at the core of Sonic's problems than simply the transition to 3D.


        ^^^ I couldnt agree more C

        Ive tried to love them but its just not working * sigh *


          I liked Sonic Adventure 2 ,it had a more direct route through most levels , but those "street" levels more rubbish. I don't want to see an oversized blue hedgehog with an attitude problem running around a city talking to humans, he should be in his own world. If they refined Sonic Adventure 2 by making the levels a bit more imaginative then it'd would be decent game I think.


            I think the "New" 3D sonic is a load of crap too. I mean, he's some sort of "Dude" wanker now ! Why the hell game companies think this is trendy I don't know. Sonic Adventure 2 was utter crap due to 4 main reasons.

            1. The level designs were pretty pathetic with far to many "Oops, did I die because of my own fault or because the computer just took over with a crazy camera angle".

            2. I want to play SONIC that's why it's called Sonic Adventure. I DON'T want to play as any of the other characters. They should be in the game but as part of the story.

            3. The music is total sh!t. I really hate it. Bring back the classic the Japanese and Euopean version of Sonic CD music !!

            4. Sonic's "Street Cool" attitude really pisses me off.



              I agree. The 3d Sonic games are pure badness. Yes, that includes SA1.

              2. I want to play SONIC that's why it's called Sonic Adventure. I DON'T want to play as any of the other characters. They should be in the game but as part of the story.
              Too bloody true.


                SA1 was the best 3D version out the lot, but it still wasn't a patch on the 2D games. Too much randomness with the camera, and you could never be sure if you were going to land on enemies bonces or not. Why anyone decided the Knuckles levels were a) Good enough in the first place and b) Worthy to be carried on in the next game beggers belief.

                Listen to the majesty of Chemical Plant Zone, or the end of Sonic 3. Compare it to Live and Learn. The only good music in the newer games has been the Egg Carrier music (which evokes the memory of the previous games).

                Sonic Adventure 2: Battle is one of the worst games of all time. It's a shame. The Sonic games are the ones that have had the greatest effect on my gaming outlook, even though I never owned Sonic 2 (up there with S3&K as the greatest Sonic game).

                I'm still set for someone to make a 2D Sonic game, in the vein of Viewtiful Joe. I'll be waiting a while, I think...


                  I love SA, its just perfect, apart from the bugs, the levels offer the right amount of speed and platforming to be extreamly fun, i enjoyed SA2 as well, some of the levels like the jungle forest are just pure class.


                    I havent enjoyed any of the 3D Sonics at all, none feel like a proper Sonic game to me. I havent played Heroes yet, but the negative reception it has been getting would suggest I wouldnt find much enjoyment in that either. Perhaps I am being a bit unkind though as I seem to dislike all of Sonic Teams output from the Saturn onwards.


                      Nagoshi should do the next Sonic game. The Monkey Ball and FZero games have the right feel and simplicity. They could even use the same engine.

                      Sonic games should be about speed and the thrill of navigating rollercoster style environments. That's something Amusement Vision have been doing very well recenty.


                        got to say, i also really loved the first sonic adventure.
                        it seemed like a perfectly logical evolution to me.
                        i thought the hub world and the exploration was really interesting, and then then you had the proper flying around bouncing off stuff for sonic's (and tails) levels. in the megadrive sonic games there were plenty of sections where the shear speed meant you were a passenger just like the adventure games.
                        i did really hate amy though, but big the cat really grew on me, and i ended up spending loads of time fishing.
                        plus tails' thunderbirds style bases are pure class

                        the second one i thought was a step in the wrong direction, absolutely no need for two sets of characters that are exactly the same...just felt like they were dragging it out to me, no hub meaning you have to go to a different part of the game to choose to redo a stage, and of course they totally ruined my obvious favourite tails.

                        from what i've heard i dont think i'll bother with 'heroes', but i still want a proper adventure 3.


                          wasn't Sonic Adventure 1 like the last game the true Sonic Team did tho? I thought Sonic Adventure 2 etc have all been handled by Sonic Team USA and merely supervised by Yuji Naka?


                            I just want Ohshima to stop being a whinging bitch and go back to Sonic Team to head up a new Sonic game. Sonic CD was ****ing awesome.


                              Originally posted by DJ Sack
                              I love SA, its just perfect, apart from the bugs, the levels offer the right amount of speed and platforming to be extreamly fun
                              Same here, I loved it. Tons of variety, lovely soundtrack, clever story (seeing it through all characters eyes), good level design and not as Americanized as the follow-ups. I don't want to see Sonic grinding and having to rescue the president.

                              And also, is it true that Knuckles swears in Sonic Heroes? NOM said he constantly says "****" when he gets hit. Pretty sad if so...

