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    My mum came over when I was playing Silent Hill 2.

    Her only comment:-

    "Hmm... she's a pretty girl. I like her boots. I used to have a pair like that"

    I should get my mum to review games. She spots the most random things.


      My parents frown on me playing I am 27, own my own home and havent lived at home for since i went to uni yet it's still

      "dont you have anything better to do" which I do but hey


        Originally posted by iloveannie
        PSO on DC pissed my wife off. And it made me feel a complete nerd. I say this because when you buy a 20' phone lead to play at night it's getting bad. I hold my hands up and admit my shamefull behaviour. The scene was thus:

        Wife in bed to the right of me. Portable TV on dining table chair beside bed (my side). DC on floor. Controller in hands. Two pillows propping me up. Keyboard lying by side of me on bed.

        At 3am this means that body movement (to get keyboard) is slow and considered. Typing is a f***ing nightmare

        Sorry Annie, but you chose to marry me...
        Hahaha, that's funny! All that effort and risk just for a spot of PSO. Respect.

        Sounds like you've got your priorities sorted out there.


          My parents say they hate these games but one time i've let my dad play grand theft auto : vice city and Gran Turismo 3 and he actually liked it.


            My parents never liked the idea of the gameboy or consoles, but we always had a Spectrum, BBC or PC that dad and I used to play on. They finally caved in and let me get a snes, which I had confiscated once or twice .

            I then spent way too much money on games (and still prolly do). In away they where right it is like an adiction!

            I bought my dad grand prix legends a few years ago and he has played it a bit. But I am seriously considering getting him a ps2 or xbox for his birthday as they don't have a dvd player and I recon it would be a good hobby for him to have

            It is a very good thought about mothers..... hmm.... and game cubes are dirt cheap. I just don't think she would sit down long enough to enjoy playing it. We take for granted that we can just pick up and play most games. To her it would be like trying to fly a plane with no training! OR speak a totally dif language!

