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The Official "What game did you play today?" Threa

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    Got my arse kicked by a fairly average looking Japanese woman at Initial D - Stage 3... ^_^;

    Also played Hot Gimmick by Psikyo (go look it up...), did quite well at it so my skills in that area are good. ^_^

    Although kicked some Japanese boys arse at Outrun 2 so hard it hurt my foot. Even got my name in the top 5 of the left machine in Taito Station in Shinjuku... ^_^

    Also played Gunbird 2 on one credit and only managed to get to Stage 3... I feel shame, I'll go away now...

    Anyway love Japanese arcades and there 100 to 50 Yen games. ^_^


      won far too many races on PGR2 on live, have only just come off it o_O... faaaar too addictive :S 5 hours solid...argh!


        Isn't it funny that sometimes no matter how many top quality games you have waiting to be played you end up playing the same old reliable things.
        So as usual I will be making a couple of trips into Biclops on Animal Crossing, continue in my attempt to 100% Tiger Woods 2003 (all previous memory wiped a couple of weeks ago ) and maybe a quick go on Prince of Persia on the XB. But my digital scart seems to have died so I don't like to play without a decent picture and surround sound.


          Oh my God. I'm not an EA hater, but I'm finally sick of EON and I'm taking it back. It's not a bad game, and it does pick up later on a tiny tiny bit, but OMG if they can hire that calibre of talent to do the voice-acting, to the art, to do the presentation - where are they getting their designers and programmers from? :/


            Oh man. 1am... I stop playing Halo:PC online. Shall I go to bed? One quick go on Legendary...

            ...I press 'continue' and continue my last saved checkpoint on Legendary, on the approach to the second canyon in Truth & Reconcilation.
            4 hours later (amidst much Hunter-matadoring -- into the pit in Silent Cart, or luring onto the bridge above the pyramid in AOTCR), and I'm like... damn... I had gotten to the Library and stopped from frustration and boredom - I didn't remeber Library being so difficult on Legendary [when I completed the Xbox version ON A PAD!]... but yeah, it's 5am and wow was that fun or what.


              also halo related, I played co-op on legendary on the xbox version with a mate from about 10pm to 3am last night.
              I don't have an xbox and have only played bits of Halo before, but it was great fun and probably the longest I've played any one game straight.
              Not very impressive I know but I thought it was so good


                the only game i've played on this last week is PGR2. have had 2 rounds on links aswell, and 1 game on SC2. but i must have spent 30+ hours on PGR2 since last thursday.

                is there anyway you can see how long you have been on it? offline and online.


                  Not much thanks to studying and work getting in the way, but now the exam's out of the way, I've started to play Deus Ex 2 on PC. Which in turn has made me want to go back and play the first one again to remember what the hell went on, so thats installing just now.

                  Had quick blasts of UT2004, Far Cry and PES3 during the week. Xbox hasn't been switched on in weeks and weeks....


                    Oh yeah - I did have a 'quick' go on PES3 - one match which led to a couple more, but I did have the restraint to stop eventually. Won 2-1 England vs Scotland with the winner in stoppage time like a second before the match ended. Best. Feeling. Ever.


                      Pokemon Colosseum!

                      It's a pretty solid game. Just as addictive as the other GBA games. I've almost completed it and got all the pokemon!


                        I took my "Hello, I'm a level 60 Vyse standing right outside the final boss' room" Skies save and finished it AGAIN for no other reason than to watch that ****ing gorgeous ending. Love that game so much.

                        Played a little Ninja Gaiden earlier, although I'm a little bored of gaming at the mo. I'm hoping FFXI will inspire me when I get with you chaps.


                          Well, today I moved into a nice little house and put up some garish wallpaper.

                          In order to pay for the house, I have to work for a prat raccoon (the guy who sold it to me) who sends me on silly errands dressed in a uniform that even McD's employees would cringe at.

                          Then I shook a tree to swipe some apples for brunch...

                          I retrieved a comic for a rat who'd lent it to a cat who'd lent it to an alligator who had lent it to a chicken. I then accidentally kicked said rat's (I think he's a rat...) basketball into a pond and he couldn't get it back.

                          I found a football in a forest and it now sits outside my house so I can have a kick-about in the mornings, and I also nicked other people's stuff from the Lost & Found.

                          I did a bit of feng-shui with my furniture, and forgot to turn out the lights.

                          I posted a vulgar message on the town message board, and composed the worst song you've ever heard.

                          What game did I play today? Go figure

