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Edge = GamesTM ?

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    Originally posted by Ish
    Originally posted by Strider
    Yup, not a bad start indeed
    Indeed. Though I find it somewhat strange that they can be given a 'best editorial team' award after just 4 issues.
    Can't help you there as the nominations were before I started (i'm in issue 4 onwards).


      I think GAMES TM is a high quality magazine and it's trying to be more like Arcade then Edge. If it is like Edge, then it's Edge without the stuck-up attitude and general arrogance.


        Originally posted by Lorraine Kelly
        I think GAMES TM is a high quality magazine and it's trying to be more like Arcade then Edge. If it is like Edge, then it's Edge without the stuck-up attitude and general arrogance.
        I kinda miss Arcade, had decent features, and covered each sytem well enough and again the tongue in cheek makes it far easier to read not seen GamesTM yet, will have a look, can't be any worse than the last mag I read.


          It took an issue or two for GamesTM to really get going - the first issue did feel pretty rushed and might have put people off - but it seems to have hit its stride now. It's sufficiently different from Edge (even bearing in mind the original point of this thread ) to make buying both worthwhile. If you haven't already tried it (or if you've only seen the first issue), it's definitely worth tracking down. Having said that, yup, like Edge, it won't be to everyone's taste.
          Ah, Arcade, don't remind me... the slaying of a beautiful magazine by ugly financial reality. When that ended, I still had 11 months subscription, so was offered 3 years of Gamesmaster or something similar in compensation. Interesting equation


            Games TM

            Guilty Gear XX- 5 ROFL!!!!

            unbalanced according to the review


              To be honest, my thoughts are still up in the air with gamestm, its writing style is not as good as edges for me and some of its articles have been quite poor in my view. However its reviews section has a greater range than its competitor which balances it out. it`s marks I`m not too sure about yet, I think its a bit harsh or leinient, part of me suspects it tries to give the mark its readership expects in some cases.

              Overall, i`ll keep buying both till one really gets it wrong.


                Looking through my back issues I can honestly say Edge is improving with age. The reviews have always been a bit inconsistant but the articles/news/features and writing in general is going from strength to strength. The art department never cease to amaze me. They do some of the best work in publishing full stop.

                I can't say I'm wild about GamesTM. It's a bit bloated. The retro mag in particular lacks focus and tries to cover too much. For a new magazine it is going very well however. It's early days yet. I'm sure they'll establish more of a unique identity in future issues. They definately need to hire a new art team though. Their attempts at pixel art have been embarassing. You can't just take a game screenshot of NBA Jam, crop it badly, spread it across 2 pages and expect the end result to look attractive.


                  Originally posted by Molloy
                  The retro mag in particular lacks focus and tries to cover too much.
                  Watch this space, that's all I can possibly say (there's a change in the air)


                    Yep, they do seem to be covering too much too quickly. Theres only so much Retro, although saying that, it is a good read. As for the two being equal, i dunno. Its a good read and that, but Edge offers intresting topics (gaming mid-life crisis) and always has done. I still prefer Edge, although will normally buy both, as all the other mags are to childish for me (being 30 and all).


                      Originally posted by Afterbirth
                      Yep, they do seem to be covering too much too quickly. Theres only so much Retro, although saying that, it is a good read. As for the two being equal, i dunno. Its a good read and that, but Edge offers intresting topics (gaming mid-life crisis) and always has done. I still prefer Edge, although will normally buy both, as all the other mags are to childish for me (being 30 and all).
                      Since joining gamesTM, I firmly believe there's more than enough room for both mags. I agree that the writing in Edge is of a high quality, however their obnoxious attitude is rather tiring. Winning the award on Thursday night was a great achievement seeing we're still fresh and lets face it things can only get better


                        Games TM wishes it could be Edge

                        sadly its more C&VG



                          Originally posted by camps
                          Games TM wishes it could be Edge

                          sadly its more C&VG

                          And Edge wishes it won that award the other night

                          Still you're entitled to your opinion (however wrong it may be )


                            Originally posted by Strider
                            I agree that the writing in Edge is of a high quality, however their obnoxious attitude is rather tiring
                            I agree and disagree. That obnoxious view is really only apparent in the Forum, and only to deter rubbish. I dunno how they're new forum will change things. Prehaps it will be a more industry/programming orientated board.
                            That obnoxious view has in the past also been aimed at programmers, and ****e games so this is a clash of intrests (in some respects). It translated in they're decent reviews and professional/hardcore gamers not buying ****e.
                            That i do like, as all the other mags (before TM) cater for younger/mainsteam demographics. We do need more import reviews though, in both Games TM and Edge. I'm sure theres lots of stuff we're missing.


                              We do need more import reviews though, in both Games TM and Edge. I'm sure theres lots of stuff we're missing.
                              Definately mate, however there's only an set amount of space you have and besides it aint an easy task putting a mag together


                                Strider - you can stick up for your place of employment all you want but the truth of the matter is that Games TM was heralded as the new coming in videogame mags and it has failed to deliver - its reviews have been average to mediocre - spoiler ridden and full of 'jokes', its features have been good to average - the best thing i can say is that it has some good screenshots

                                Edge might be slipping in standards from what we have come to expect in terms of reviews - but Edge's strength has never been its reviews imo, its been the quality of the features and the strength of its exclusive interviews with people in the industry ---But Edge is still superior to every other console publication in the UK

                                To say Edge have been obnoxious - thats what happens when you are the industry leader for as long as they have been


