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Edge = GamesTM ?

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    Originally posted by Cacophanus
    Slightly erroneous reviewing aside, and it is getting better, gamesTM is a solid multiformat magazine. More so than EDGE simply because they actually cover games rather than advocate a banal pseudo-lifestyle.

    Out of Paragon and Future, the former is the better employer. The editors listen to what you have to say, and also have the rather nice bonus of actually knowing what you are talking about (generally).

    ** Edited **
    For the record, a 'fanboy' isn't someone who holds an opinion different to your own (unless you're happy condeming yourself by your own rationale...).

    Your apparent bitterness also distorts the validity of any opinion you hold.


      so people who prefer Edge to Games Tm are now fanboys? well tar me up and coat me in feathers then cos i be teh edge fanboy

      way to go on sticking up for your employers btw - hopefully you can persuade them to cut the spoilers out of their reviews


      ps Games TM to reach 123 issues - i think not

      btw topic title should read C&VG vs Games TM --- since thats the equivalant quality imho


        Couple of the posts have been edited. can we please be careful *not* to post any potentially defamatory or libellous statements please.


          I don't see why people read any of these mags at all - the same info is on the net for free in most cases a lot earlier.


            Originally posted by camps
            btw topic title should read C&VG vs Games TM --- since thats the equivalant quality imho
            good ole Camps its like your panzer days on the gamestle forums lol


              its not my fault you feel the need to stick up for your employers

              i have been saying since issue 1 that Games TM is a disappointment - and nothing in the preceding issues has made me change my mind



                Initially I though that GamesTM was ok, however on more closer reading I do find it to be inferior to Edge, who although are far from perfect I still consider to be the leading videogame magazine available. Ive no real need to subscribe to GamesTM in view of that, lack of time doesnt allow me the luxury of reading through two magazines a month. Good luck to GamesTM though, and good luck to Strider and Cacophanus with their articles.


                  Originally posted by camps
                  btw topic title should read C&VG vs Games TM --- since thats the equivalant quality imho
                  Are you honestly telling the truth here? I used to buy C&VG every month without fail, but I outgrew it (some while ago I might add). I feel C&VG is a mag for the younger market wereas GamesTM is for the older market. Hardly fair to compare the two. Do you mean the respective reviewing styles are the same?


                    the quality



                      even if you don't agree with Edge, it's reviews, articles, columns etc are all extremely well researched, written and presented. that's why i read it and it's why Games TM can't hold a candle to it. these are not the rantings of a fanboy, just someone who prefers a mag that writes about his hobby as seriously as he takes it.

                      Edge has humour but it's not misplaced. there's nothing worse than trying to get through a review full of crappy jokes and analogies.


                        Guys, enough. Please go re-read EDGE issues 1 - 4 and I'm sure you will agree that things improve with age. Hopefully we can keep two adult games mags for a while yet.


                          Originally posted by MIK
                          Guys, enough. Please go re-read EDGE issues 1 - 4 and I'm sure you will agree that things improve with age. Hopefully we can keep two adult games mags for a while yet.
                          but Edge was launched around 10 years ago, the bar has since been raised, yet it was still totally different to any other mag even back then.


                            Originally posted by Andy_T
                            Originally posted by MIK
                            Guys, enough. Please go re-read EDGE issues 1 - 4 and I'm sure you will agree that things improve with age. Hopefully we can keep two adult games mags for a while yet.
                            but Edge was launched around 10 years ago, the bar has since been raised, yet it was still totally different to any other mag even back then.
                            I agree, but it still wasn't very good until it got into its stride. Lets not judge Games TM untill its had a chance.


                              i am giving it chance, i've read a couple of issues. should we not be allowed to criticise it just because it's new? hopefully if someone writing for the mag sees these messages they'll take on board what we're saying. i'm afraid in this business, like any other you've just got to accept criticism.


                                Originally posted by Andy_T
                                For the record, a 'fanboy' isn't someone who holds an opinion different to your own (unless you're happy condeming yourself by your own rationale...).

                                Your apparent bitterness also distorts the validity of any opinion you hold.
                                Why? I care how games journalism is developing and, subsequently, how the medium of games is perceived as a whole. I, nor anyone else, should want it represented by ignorant and repressed Oxford graduates, par example, who don't know their arse from their elbow.

                                i am giving it chance, i've read a couple of issues. should we not be allowed to criticise it just because it's new? hopefully if someone writing for the mag sees these messages they'll take on board what we're saying. i'm afraid in this business, like any other you've just got to accept criticism.
                                Tell that to the EDGE staff, they really need to hear it.

