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Should I sell my WE6:FE on Cube?

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    Just a little heads up for those still looking for the elusive WE6 FE.
    Play asia are restocking this (albeit used/ preowned) for $79.90/ ?44.61


    Best email them about availability/ condition and so forth.


      I thought i would come out and gloat for a bit as it was i who sold the winning eleven on ebay for ?82.

      I was hoping for about ?55 as the two copies sold on their before mine went for about ?60 i think. When i checked it to see it had risen to ?82 though i couldnt believe it. Since then though they have dropped back to about ?60 a copy. What makes it all the more strange is that all the other copies i've seen that have fetched a price in the ?60 region have come with a memory card included with the updates or a freeloader or both. Mine had no extras at all. I think it was one of those freak occurances that ebay throws up every once in a while.

      You ain't gonna see me complaining though.


        Originally posted by Mayhem
        Limited production run, probably more sales outside of Japan than inside... I'd say between 50-75k copies were sold total. And people really do want it because it's a great game (and imo better than WE7 in some ways) and the only decent one on the Cube.
        You've put your foot in it now man . This one ain't gonna leave you ever! EVER!


          Glad I found a copy for less 1500 Yen then... The only copy I found too, well next to the copies going for Y9000


            Originally posted by ?pint
            Originally posted by Mayhem
            Limited production run, probably more sales outside of Japan than inside... I'd say between 50-75k copies were sold total. And people really do want it because it's a great game (and imo better than WE7 in some ways) and the only decent one on the Cube.
            You've put your foot in it now man . This one ain't gonna leave you ever! EVER!
            As said, I meant "one" as in "football game" here

            But yeah... go crucify BPR&O, he deserves it
            Lie with passion and be forever damned...


              Been available NEW for ?36-00 HERE for a week or so.

              Can't be bothered buying a few and eBaying but I'm sure some of you devils will


                i brought this game last week for ?20 with a memory card from some guy i found in the paper, but i want to know what the cases should be like, as this is my first jap game?


                  - a cardboard slipcase.
                  - a snaplock plastic case that houses the game and instructions.

                  The JPN cases are smaller than regular sized DVD sized PS2/ Xbox cases.
                  Something like this:


                    Ah, thanks.

                    mine doesnt have the slip case. Will that damage its value much?


                      Originally posted by red yoshi
                      Ah, thanks.

                      mine doesnt have the slip case. Will that damage its value much?
                      yeah, that will really knock the value down. i'd say 50% less without it.


                        I got one in Japan for about 15pounds last year, and sold it on here a while back. It was a good game, but becomes far to easy after a while, even on the hardest of difficulties against the best teams.

                        Id much rather see it sold on here for a reasonable price, than sell it on ebay for 4 times the price, and contribute to a already hugely inflated price.

                        Might find a few more copies in Aki in a few months tho TBPFH!

