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Favourite Level of All Time

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    Favourite Level of All Time

    For me, it has to be...

    Sky Deck - Sonic Adventure - DC
    It used to cause me so many problems, but its a master piece, challenging, looks nice...great! Not your usual Sonic stage as well

    Closely followed by

    Emerald Coast - SA - DC
    So fast in

    And lastly...

    Training Ground - Timesplitters 2 - Multi
    The memories! Monkeys, firestarted weapon set, with a sniper. JOY! Standout level of a (imo) classic game. Really tactical as well.

    Honourable mentions go to...
    Yoshimitu's Stage - Soul Calibur - DC
    Autumn Ring - Gran Turismo (not 2, or 3, in 3 they removed the hidden bump of doom!) - PS[/b]

    I have to admit, the Sonic series did have some very memorable levels, my personal faves would have to be Emerald Hill from Sonic 2, Scrap Brain from Sonic 1 and Death Egg from Sonic 3.

    The ones I absolutely hate are the horrible Carnival Night from 3 (or maybe S&K), because I could never figure out how to use those rotating tube things (you had to press up and down on them to make them move, I thought you had to jump to push them down, which took hours). Also hated is the Labarynth from the first game, as it was too slow.


      A level on the Playstation version of Worms. The levels were randomly generated, but you could keep the code and play the same level again. I think the code was 631603.

      We used to play it all the time, it had everything: Ice, huge chasms, a water bit...


        Originally posted by overlord uk
        The ones I absolutely hate are the horrible Carnival Night from 3 (or maybe S&K), because I could never figure out how to use those rotating tube things (you had to press up and down on them to make them move, I thought you had to jump to push them down, which took hours).
        That was from Sonic 3 and I had exactly the same trouble. It was so logical that you should jump on them, but Sega didn't seem to think so...


          Hardly ever played the game due to the SS versions being so poor, but the Sonic track on Daytona USA is/was amazing.

          Not a level as such, but when you discover the downed 'plane in D2. Incredibly atmospheric.

          Green Hill Zone, Sonic MD.

          When you leave the mansion in Resident Evil for the first time (when you thought the game was confined to that building), and go to the guardhouse.

          Any level in Jet Set Radio.

          The first level of Quake. That grimy dungeon is just so atmospheric.

          The Chozo Ruins in Metroid Prime.

          Ken's waterfront backdrop in Street Fighter II.


            Halo on Halo

            Phendrana Drifts on Metroid Prime

            Are two of my current favi's


              The Windmill stage in Soul Calibur 2 My jaw dropped when I first saw this, and continues to impress today.

              The extended course in classic Ridge Racer So perfectly formed that it can be flown around which proves exhilerating.

              Chemical Plant Zone Act 1 - Sonic the Hedgehog 2 So fast, with a great BGM and tons of routes.


                Phendrana Drifts - Metroid Prime

                Stealth Bomber - Area 88; crackling lightning & great, sinister music.

                E Honda Stage - SF2; water dripping from the bath, animated graffitti on the wall.

                Earth - Psyvariar; hooked, immediately - first time you buzz over 1000, you're hooked all over again.


                  Pretty much any of the levels of Nights. The first time you see the ground deform in Soft Museum, or the leap of faith on the final level. Oh, and any of the levels in Rogue


                    For me it has to be level 5 in Rez, the first time I experienced it was pure bliss.


                      Oh god, how could I have forgotten that? o_o


                        The snow level on mario 64 was orgasmic.


                          How could I not put NiGHTS?! My favourite game?! Because it's so ever-present in my mind I guess. Well, the whole of NiGHTS qualifies. Oh, and the level with the Dolphins and the Killer Whale in Burning Rangers.


                            The level with the swarming green background on SNES Super Aleste.

                            Las Vega stage in SF2 on SNES

                            The level in HALO with the mountains and the base in the middle where you have a huge battle and hide behind trees.


                              The first 2 Minutes of the Silent Cartographer on Halo - Legendary difficulty. Keep playing it until you save at least 2 marines and the warthog.

