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Crap RGB out of slimline PS2's?

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    Originally posted by Shakey_Jake33
    I remember a lot of moaning about the Ixos cable actually... you tried the Blaze with the slimline?

    Sorted,finally. Seems the slim US hates the Ixos,yet looks great through the ?8 Blaze one.

    The white chunky Jpn one doesn't make any difference so that now has the Ixos.

    Seems all the raving about ?20 Ixos cables,in my experience at least,is pure bull.

    At least it's finally done,as i was considering selling the slim for a US chunky it was so bad.


      IXOS cables are good, but personally I wouldn't bother with anything other than the official cables for consoles, especially after what happened with the Gamecube. (last-minute pin-out changes or something, so all 3rd-party cables are Composite SCART)


        Official cables are the fail-safe solution you generally can't go wrong with.
        I have today bought a Official PS2 Scart. 30 notes, and could only find it on the Sony page, but I know I'm not going to end up with crap.


          I never generally do stray,and the PS2 is the first time i have as those official cables are so damn hard to find/expensive.

          Learnt my lesson i guess.


            Originally posted by Nick Pavey
            Sorted,finally. Seems the slim US hates the Ixos,yet looks great through the ?8 Blaze one.
            Glad you got the Blaze one, it's also the Blaze RGB scart i'm using and the picture is ace. Honestly, when i read the headline Crap RGB out of slimline PS2 i was like is that all about because my picture is excellent through it.


              Originally posted by Nick Pavey
              I never generally do stray,and the PS2 is the first time i have as those official cables are so damn hard to find/expensive.

              Learnt my lesson i guess.
              I know what you mean. I've been searching for weeks to find them for cheaper than the rip-off price they are on the Sony page. In the end, I grudgingly went for it. It's a lot, but the long-term benefits outweight it.


                Originally posted by the_dude
                Glad you got the Blaze one, it's also the Blaze RGB scart i'm using and the picture is ace. Honestly, when i read the headline Crap RGB out of slimline PS2 i was like is that all about because my picture is excellent through it.
                All depends on your display, and how much of a videophile you are. I used to have a Blaze cable on my old PS2 (big one) and there was noticeable dot-crawl on reds.


                  Funny thing is its a Sony 28 inch widescreen,with digital tuner,and out of my numerous consoles,which ones give/gave me gip?


                  Would you Adam & Eve it?


                    I haven't noticed much difference between my PAL, Asian or US slimlines. I am using a PS1 RGB lead.


                      thats what i use an old blaze one from my ps1 and it works fine but the gamecube i think does the best rgb with them modded cables


                        IXOS cables are a load of ****e!!!

                        I have used them on a few occasions and everytime it has given me problems, ringing on the image is the main culprit, which is just bad cable design, or poor manufacturing standards, they used to be really good but I think they have got too big.
                        Same with Van Damme cables, I have one at the minute going from my scaler to the plasma and it is not very good at all for a ?150 cable, funny thing is I just tried a cheapy ?20 job from maplins (that I bought to plug the xbox into my projector) and that is giving an obviously better image, but it isn't long enough.

                        So I am going back to belden cable and crimped connectors.

                        I have always had excellent results from cheap RGB scarts on consoles, there are things that are obvious when an image is wrong, all this about the colours are stronger etc. etc. when using an expensive cable is bollox!
                        Last edited by gIzzE; 14-09-2005, 10:41.


                          Originally posted by andrewfee
                          No dot-crawl here, using the official ps2 cable.
                          Turns out this dot crawl is being caused by my Argos switcher.

                          Recieved my Sony cable today.... boy does this thing weigh a ton! It's reassuringly thick... anyway, plugged straight into the TV, gorgeous picture. Plugged into the swicher, dot-crawl =/ Can't be the Scart I'm using from the switcher to the TV cause it's one of them thick as **** STB cables Telewest use on their cable boxes...

                          It's probably because the Argos is a passive switch, but I just don't have the plugs for a amplified one.


                            Passive switches are usually better, all the $500+ video switchers are passive in the way they pass the video signal.


                              Dot-crawl normally means that you're getting Composite by mistake somehow - I'd at least take a quick glance and make sure that the 'RGB' button is pressed in on your Argos switcher.

                              I'm sure you've done this before, but it can't help to check; mine seems to get knocked off again on a semi-regular basis.


                                The Argos switcher boxes can become stuck on either RGB or composite. Mine is stuck on RGB

