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Recommend me a stick for the 360 please :)

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    Apparently they were designed alongside Capcom.


      The TE stick is larger and has full Sanwa parts. The cheaper stick has generic parts but they can be swapped for Sanwa/Seimitsu parts


        no adapters available then?


          Originally posted by KIT786 View Post
          no adapters available then?
          No, not yet


            A shame, think I'll just get one for the 360 (considering i only want one for the Wii ATM for Tatsunoko vs. Capcom)

            Any links to place a preorder for the SF4 FightStick in the UK?


              Hey all, the EX2 is properly in stock at Amazon now, £39, I'm about to order it (signed up for the free Amazon Prime trial so I get free next-day delivery, says it'll arrive on Saturday).

              Good times...


                Nice one. I am still in two minds though! The more I read about the EX2, I read a lot saying it's hard to pull off semi-circle moves? Anyone find that?


                  Well at the bottom end of the joystck assembly, there's a gate which determines how the stick feels when you rotate it.

                  Most sticks have a square gate, so when you rotate the stick you can feel all four corners and it'll make a square shape. When people mod their sticks, they might put an octagonal gate in which means when you rotate the stick you can feel all eight corners, so it feels more like a circle.

                  The one in the Hori sticks is the top-right one. Looks quite ghastly compared with the others, eh?

                  I read a post on here once that made me ignore what gate I have in a stick. The guy said he trained himself to just move the stick enough until it clicks. If you try it, you won't even reach the edge of the gate and so won't notice whether the gate is square or whatever.

                  Regardless, it's something you'll just get used to. When I play at the arcades (Trocadero, say), they use square gates too I think and for me, buying a stick is investing in my arcade trips as well as my console games as if I kept using a pad I wouldn't play as well in the arcade on a stick.

                  Also, I doubt the internals are any different to the DOA4 stick that came before (that I had and had no problems with) and the Fighting Stick 3 on PS3, etc. The DOA4 one definitely felt much better than my DC stick at least.
                  Last edited by randombs; 12-12-2008, 08:39.


                    Personally speaking I never have much problems with the stick, and it's much easier than using a pad. I never used to be a 'stick player' but lately I have found myself prefering it over the pad, and it paid dividends on my honeymoon, where I happened upon an arcade and showed the yanks a thing or two on capcom vs snk 2


                      Lol show those yanks

                      I'm the same, even with the mighty Saturn pad I find supermoves like Chun Li's and Balrog's difficult to pull off, and also joystick helps with charge characters in general as my thumbs get tired holding down directions after a while


                        this might have shown up earlier but here is the uk amazon's tag for sf IV's controllers

                        so far the stick doesnt seem to show.
                        Last edited by concretesnail; 13-12-2008, 20:27.

