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Cave titles confirmed for 360

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    Pretty sure you can just grab it with itunes account, may do this myself if release is limited.


      The release isn't limited, but the discount is. You can indeed grab this as long as you have an iTunes account - I can't play it yet on a device of my own but I've grabbed it just in case I get tempted by a future iPhone/iPad.


        I apologise for this being a bit off topic but it's only because of these games that I'm interested in this so it's almost on topic.

        I really don't want to buy a Japanese 360 to play these games so was thinking of possibly getting mine chipped to play imports but I've no idea about the state of chipping 360s.

        I've had a bit of a look online but I don't understand the technical stuff and all I seem to be able to find is info about pirating which is not what I'm wanting.

        Is it true that I'll be locked out of LIVE when playing the games or would it just be while playing the imported games? I'm not really an online gamer but I'm not willing to lose access to LIVE.

        Someone on here before mentioned something before about a software modification but I can't find any info now, as somebody who knows nothing about the inside gubbins of consoles I'm presuming this is going to be the easiest and hopefully cheapest way for me to make my 360 region free?

        I've got loads of UK 360 games and I don't want to lose access to UK games as I'd imagine all new games apart from these will still be bought over here, does chipping change the region to Region Free or does it change it to Japanese console which means I'm not going to be able to play them?

        I'd appreciate any help as I don't anything about this sort of stuff, cheers and hopefully I'll be able to join you lot shortly if this chipping stuff isn't too complicated for my completely non-technical brain!


          A slightly stupid comment this, but, if you can afford to buy these Japanese shmups you can probably afford a cheap J-360. The games are priiiicey.

          As for LIVE, any modification to your console will run the risk of it being banned from LIVE entirely. If you have any interest in being connected online, it's not an option.


            I didn't mention anything about not affording an import 360, I could easily afford to buy another one as well as the games if that was what I was wanting to do but I don't want to have to buy another console if there's a way to do what I'm wanting on a single machine.

            I just feel it's a little wasteful buying more than one console if one can do everything that I need it to and I wouldn't really want two 360s in the living room if it I can avoid it.

            From your reply it's seems that's not an option though which is a shame, I may just wait until this year's games shows in the hope of a PS3 announcement before opting to buy a second 360. I'm not really expecting it to happen but I don't want to buy another console to then find out I didn't need to.

            Thanks anyway.
            Last edited by JP; 10-04-2010, 20:23.


              If you were a true gamer, you'd want a second 360. In fact, like me, you'd have three from all the different regions, all in different colours, stacked in front of your TV. Because that's what a gamer would do.

              Flash this, chip that?

              That's Brian down the pub speaking. The man who plays Wii Sports with his mouth open, and always makes sure he puts on the rubber protective jacket on the Wiiremote. That's not you. Buy a NTSC-J 360. Then buy a NTSC-U 360. Put all three of them under your TV, take a photo and use it as your profile picture on Facebook. Get it sorted.


                If I was a "real gamer" I'd probably have some idea how to flash this and chip that!

                Is it only Mushihime-sama Futari and ESPGaluda II (Standard Edition) that are playable on a UK 360 at the moment? Not played either before so can't decide which to go for first. From what I've read I think I'll maybe go for Mushihime-sama Futari first.

                Please excuse what are probably going to be stupid questions but as much as I've loved games like this in the past but I'm completely new to it the 360!

                I've read on here about different versions of games such as 1.01, 1.5 & Black Label versions and some also have versions available to download. Will I be able to buy the extras on my UK account to play on a Japanese version of the game? I do have a Japanese account but have only used it for free stuff.


                  I think ESPGaluda 2 is better. I didn't rate Futari as much as the original tbh.


                    Originally posted by Zero9X View Post
                    I think ESPGaluda 2 is better. I didn't rate Futari as much as the original tbh.
                    I'm the opposite. I much prefer Futari to Galuda 2.


                      I think I prefer Futari as well, although both are awesome.

                      Originally posted by John Parry View Post
                      Is it only Mushihime-sama Futari and ESPGaluda II (Standard Edition) that are playable on a UK 360 at the moment?
                      Yep, that's right.

                      I've read on here about different versions of games such as 1.01, 1.5 & Black Label versions and some also have versions available to download. Will I be able to buy the extras on my UK account to play on a Japanese version of the game? I do have a Japanese account but have only used it for free stuff.
                      Here's the situation, modes in bold are available straight out the box;

                      Mushihime-sama Futari 1.5

                      -Ver 1.5 [Arcade (SD) / Xbox 360 (HD)]
                      -Arrange [Normal (HD) / Novice (HD)]
                      -Black Label [Arcade (SD) / Xbox 360 (HD)] (DLC)*
                      -Ver 1.01 [Arcade (SD) / Xbox 360 (HD)] (DLC)*

                      * = 1200MSP, Can be downloaded with UK gamertag
                      * = FREE, via code card found ONLY in 1st print run copies. Cannot be bought.

                      Espgaluda II

                      -Arcade [SD]
                      -Xbox 360 [HD]
                      -Xbox 360 Novice [HD]
                      -Arrange [HD]
                      -Black Label [HD]
                      -Black Label Novice [HD]
                      -Omake! [HD]*

                      * = Unlocked by 1CC-ing the game.

                      As you can see, pretty-much everything is self-contained in Espgaluda II with no DLC or anything to worry about. First-print copies also have a soundtrack CD included, so it's the better value package. Saying that, let's not forget that each of the modes in Mushi Futari has 3 sub-modes (Original, Maniac, Ultra), so content isn't exactly lacking even without the DLC. I wouldn't get too hung-up about whether you get the ver 1.01 DLC card or not tbh.


                        John the problem with chipping is it doesnt actually remove the region locks.

                        It only allows you to play copied games.
                        Region locked games will still be region locked & unplayable on a PAL 360

                        The only way round this is to pick up a J-Tagged 360 & these are fairly hard to obtain as they require an original X-Box 360 with the original Dashboard & NOT running the current Dashboard.

                        There are other benefits to the J-Tag including running MAME on a 360 but thats as far as I'm going for fear of Mod wrath & a google seacrh will explain the rest.



                          I get to a point with Jp 360s where I find it hard to justify having one for a couple of games and I end up selling, only to miss a Jp exclusive shortly after and hustle together a replacement. Last time I sold was shortly after Espgaluda's standard region-free release, and a day or so before Asada's statment on the future of releases. Doh!

                          But if I want to play these games then I need an additional system. It's the only way to go for me as DLC is important, as well as leaderboards and stuff (so I can see how utterly average I am ).

                          Strangely, this time the import exclusive I missed the most was Raiden Fighters Aces. And if Ketsui is region locked (which it seems it will be) then only a RRoD will see my new Jp 360 going the distance.

                          On the Futari / Espgaluda II front it's a tough call as they're both so different. But if I could only have one I think it would be Espgaluda II. Triggering a big Kakusei scoring bonus is simply incredibly satisfying. But thn I think about lvl 3 on Futari 1.5 and I think it doesn't get much better. Yeah, very tough call.


                            Originally posted by cavalcade View Post
                            If you were a true gamer, you'd want a second 360. In fact, like me, you'd have three from all the different regions, all in different colours, stacked in front of your TV. Because that's what a gamer would do.
                            If at least one of those consoles wasn't pretty much guaranteed to die on you at some point in the near future, this would be true. Perhaps when the slim is a reality, assuming MS don't drop the ball and introduce some other hardware problem, then this will become the case. But I'll have mine in different rooms. All ethernetted up


                              Best place to get a NTSC-j 360? (just asking.... I really shouldn't tho)


                                Originally posted by Vince View Post
                                It's out now, ?2.99, and from what I've played it's great, even the controls seem to work well.
                                Best 2.99 i've ever spent!!! Ok it has some slight framerate dips when the screen is packed but other than that it plays fantastically.

