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XSN Rallisport Challenge 2 - Season 1

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    go for your life MT, I'll sign up tomorrow


      Just letting you know that it looks like i was too late to enter season 1.

      I can enter the Season name and password etc and it brings everything up for me to try and compete, but it doesn't look like its gonna put my details up on the scoreboard.

      To be honest that not too much of a bad thing though as my best times after a few goes are no where near some of those already up there.


        I've just signed up to your Season mt50

        Should be good.


          Yay, we are rocking. 3rd place at the moment without too much effort. First place is mine .

          I can't join your season mt50 . There's no where for me to click join.


            Originally posted by Brats
            I can't join your season mt50 . There's no where for me to click join.
            if you do a search for ESTRANGED GAMERS you will beable to sign up that way, don't forget the password though


              Sorted . I've joined now.

              I see some others have laid down the Gauntlet and pushed me back into fifth place. This weekend will see mucho action I think .


                Looks like ive been pushed back down to fourth. Ive got an idea on how to approach those two right angles whilst keeping a fair bit of speed. Wont be able to try it till later though .


                  Wow. I'm well behind. I guess they'll be no Splinter Cell for me today.


                    At least you have the luxury of playing games all day - im stuck at work with a hangover!

                    Im going to be well behind you lot when i finally get on tomorrow.


                      hey no excuses, everyone has a whole week to trim their times took me an hour to get my 2.09.375


                        Haha, no excuses from me - i will beat you all!!!!!!



                          heh reasonable placing after 4 mins of play
                          lets see how well i do after an hour
                          David it says on the website that you have spent one hour and 42 mins on the track heh heh
                          needs to put some time in should be able to learn a track reasonably well in nearly two hours...
                          will climb up...


                            Destrukticor, that 1:42 must be the total for this tournament and the other two I'm taking part in


                              heh didn't think of that


                              still my point stands 4 mins on track 8th or so

                              plenty of room for improvement

                              though not first it would seem

                              interesting in the extreme though


                                I put a bit of time this evening, and am now a fairly respectable 2nd. I reckon I would beat David's time if I put all my best splits together, but getting that good run isn't easy.

