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Outrun 2 rollcall

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    Originally posted by carrick
    Dude, I raced you the other day.

    I think on Sunday.

    my gamer tag is Mikey2003


      I'll have some of that

      Gamer tag; DIRTY ONE EYE


        just signed up for xbox live (again) especially for this, so I need some friends!

        i'm meester square


          Originally posted by E. Randy Dupre
          I've added most people to mine, I think.

          Oh, Soi's friends list is already full, btw.
          ****. I'll have to clear some spaces tonight then.


            Right, everyone, next time you log in make sure you add at least 5 tags from the list that you don't have already. That way if everyone does this we don't need to sit and do them all.




                Originally posted by g-funk
                Right, everyone, next time you log in make sure you add at least 5 tags from the list that you don't have already. That way if everyone does this we don't need to sit and do them all.
                good idea g-funk. i've only 2 friends on live *sob*


                  Finally thought I would join the outrun party, had a very nasty experience trying to play battlefront online so swapped it for this. Probably the best move I have ever made gaming wise. Should have quite a few of you on my friends list anyway.


                    You didn't like Star Wars either? I thought it pants compared to the joys of Black Arrow (that I like so much Halo 2 will have to be very good to beat it). Outrun 2 is great though.


                      Soi you've been racing my ghost on Plam (whatever) level haven't you how the hell have you got the same time as me but managed to go one place ahead, bastard.


                        Don't know mate

                        Perhaps it is because times are to 3 decimal places when you set them, but the score board only has times to 2 dp? Maybe I was a few thousandths faster.

                        Anyway, my Palm Beach time has room for improvement. Once I was beating PeteJ's time (XX.5 ish) up until the last bend and then somehow managed to ram the barrier. Doh!



                          & my mate



                            i finally got a pal xbox for this now.
                            i'll not be able to be back on live until next weekend though, but hopefully the times i'm setting offline this week will get uploaded when i do.
                            i already have a bunch of you guys on my list, so i'm looking forward to seeing some times...sure i'll get a big shock when i do log on, and see how rubbish i am.


                              I don't think the offline time trial times upload to the online tables, Fuddle - there's an Xbox Live-specific TT's option in the game that you can only access if your console is connected. You might not want to put too much effort into them until you get back on Live.


                                thanks for that, i'll concentrate on the 101 missions instead.

