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Outrun 2 rollcall

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    my tag is charlesr - got the game today


      Originally posted by yashiro
      There's usually me (PervertedHermit), Lyrical Donut and Kingston LJ online.

      There's hardly anyone else from here on; which shocked me as I expected every man and his dog to be on there.
      Just joined the site
      I'm gonna be online regularly and I think I raced against some of you guys recently.


        Aye. Hello warp5..or is warp10?


          I'll be playing a lot more often, as will my friend Kidderz (I'll try and persuade him to register on this forum.)

          If you guys are gonna be on, we'll have to arrange an all NTSC-UK race.


            i'll be on a fair bit, now i'm back at home.
            i've just run through a bunch of stages in time trial once, just to see where i stand, and it doesnt look like many people have bothered, as i'm reasonably high up on a few without even trying.
            i'll be doing the real races too, but dont expect to see me late at night.

            Edit: done all the reverse stages too now, theres less than 10 people on loads of them...i'll have to savour the moment of being 3rd, because i'm sure i wont be there for long.
            Last edited by Fuddle; 16-10-2004, 11:51.


              Originally posted by Fuddle
              i'll be on a fair bit, now i'm back at home.
              i've just run through a bunch of stages in time trial once, just to see where i stand, and it doesnt look like many people have bothered, as i'm reasonably high up on a few without even trying.
              i'll be doing the real races too, but dont expect to see me late at night.

              Edit: done all the reverse stages too now, theres less than 10 people on loads of them...i'll have to savour the moment of being 3rd, because i'm sure i wont be there for long.
              Same here. Wait until the US comes in, i'll be out of the charts in no time


                I got the game today, so if I can connect to live (not sure if my chipped machine will be blocked or not) I'll hopefully register and let everyone know my name.



                anyone and everyone can add me, I haven't tried a race yet, but I've done 6 challenges (woo! go me!) and had a try at the Time Trial on the first beach course. Currently sitting proud in 840th in an F50 - (gotta do more challenges - how long before I get an F40?)
                Last edited by charlaph; 18-10-2004, 20:35.


                  Originally posted by charlaph
                  (gotta do more challenges - how long before I get an F40?)
                  You get it for completing stage 3, but you're better off with the Daytona or the GTO (stage 1 I think). They're much easier to drive (and have better acceleration).


                    Had a few races against Lyrical Donut tonight and decided this game is genius. I raced some strangers last night but on courses I didn't know and obviously I didn't care who they were or how they raced and ended up not really enjoying it. Tonight was good though, although I still didn't know the later stages and still ended up losing, I was keeping the others within sight and enjoying the challenge. If I could be competitive over the first couple of stages then I considered that a victory (of sorts)

                    However, it's painfully obvious that I need a LOT of practise on all the stages. Especially Spooky Forest, that twists like a b*stard!

                    Oh, and I also like the F40 - nice balance of grip/drift and speed. Managed to get into the top 100 times for the beach track on TT.

                    I love this game!


                      I agree with you Charlaph when it comes to playing against people you get on with. I was playing some Aussies the other night and all they did was take the piss out of the game, saying its crap; this really ruined the racing.

                      When I'm lucky enough to find some people that really love OR2, its fantastic, the racing is really intense. Its just a shame that its not the most popular of games, though I'm still looking forward to the Americans, I have a feeling they will really enjoy it, then again it hasn't got any crazy pile-ups.


                        Oh dear. I just decided to fire this up again for some online races, and the lag is still absolutely horrendous. I'd expected it to have been fixed by now, but no - the only change is that you sometimes get a warning message before entering the pregame lobby, telling you that "network conditions may affect this game."

                        No ****


                          You always got that anyway when connecting to people with ****e connections. I'd imagine you're probably finding american games when you search now. Won't be long until they give up on it too, I expect

                          I'm still waiting for a fix for this too... :/


                            The US lot have just had the game become widely available at $19.99, so it's becoming a bit more popular over there now.

                            With luck, soon there might be more than 20 times set for latter stages soon...


                              i just played this a minute ago, never thought about playing it online, for some stupid reason i assumed it was just ghosts... i 'missed' the race option.

                              but it's awesome!

                              i don't consider myself any good at the game but soundly whooped everyone i played with. it IS a bit laggy but certainly no worse than other online games i've played.


                                JUUK i'm crap though

