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Street Fighter Anniversary Collection & CFJ: Gamertag list & Online Impressions

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    nice games with the fallows again this afternoon.
    including finally managing to pull of my bestest makoto combo (which i can do in my sleepin practice, but absolutely always fails on live). after that i was thinking the connection must be spot-on. but then you seemed to disapear, so perhaps not.
    but that one last match made me sooo happy


      Originally posted by Fuddle
      i could hear you talking a little during the match, but through the tv speakers i couldnt make any of it out. so if any of it was aimed at me i missed it.
      Don't worry it was nothing offensive, I was chatting to my daughter


        Good games MrDark and David

        Sorry about disconnection, my connection is being right crap tonight. Not only that I keep getting telesales phone calls, I?ve had 5 in just a few hours? 5 FFS!

        Add to this the fact I getting ownd, and you have a very frustrating night of live.


          Originally posted by Strider
          Don't worry it was nothing offensive, I was chatting to my daughter
          Yeah, I could hear some of that too while I was mullering you...

          "No, Emily - Daddy's the girl."

          After you left, I had one game against the bloke ranked second (can't remember his name... but I've seen him moaning loads in that droppers thread) and he demolished my Ibuki with Ryu. Ryu. How **** is that? I nearly took him in the second round thanks to a perfectly placed Yoroi-Doushi (sic?) but lost it in the end. Dang.


            Me dad.

            How good's this? Good games today, must have played around 20 different people.Takes some getting used to does this stick, can't control Hugo with it - although at least I can now select Yang/Yun.

            Played someone ranked #20+, beat him 1st match then signed out not giving him a rematch! How good's that? (I had to go to the pet shop anyway)

            I seriously need to start winning more now - I hope to have a 50/50 win/lose record by next weekend. How good would that be? Dead good that's what.


            Fuddle: Sorry for just standing still with Dudley, my mum was on the phone talking bollocks. This has happened a couple of times now. Might start pulling the line out when I go on live.

            Fallows is good. The only game I got off him was when I was Ken and he was Akuma. That said, he always picked Ken/Akuma whenever I picked Ryu. Which was annoying.
            Soz man, how many matches did we play shoto vs. shoto? I usually choose Yang against the shotos. Next time we play we'll kick off with Yang vs. Ryu!

            Salter you fat bastard! better get recording some of our matches!

            I'm having a pap connection today by the way, I blame me dad.
            Last edited by dataDave; 12-02-2005, 20:34.


              Originally posted by DavidFallows
              Fuddle: Sorry for just standing still with Dudley, my mum was on the phone talking bollocks. This has happened a couple of times now. Might start pulling the line out when I go on live.
              I think that was me... I was Yun


                Well that was....painful. Get off that stupid rock Grav. I can't believe how bad it was ;/


                  Had a game with gravity0 and the game was fine until I started getting the upper hamd, then it would be laggy as ****. when grav0 had the upper hand the game suddenly went back to normal (ended up loosing both bouts because the game was unplayable at my end).

                  I've noticed this a lot and it only ever seems to be when you're fighting against the top end players and winning (if only for a while), most strange...

                  Edit... seen grav's early probs and he obviously has some sort of connection problems... And there was me thinking you were doing some elaboate cheating that I haven't worked out how to do yet
                  Last edited by Strider; 12-02-2005, 21:44.


                    Originally posted by DavidFallows
                    Fuddle: Sorry for just standing still with Dudley, my mum was on the phone talking bollocks. ........... how many matches did we play shoto vs. shoto? I usually choose Yang against the shotos. Next time we play we'll kick off with Yang vs. Ryu!
                    i think it was a yun / yang match with me where you just stood there in the first round.
                    and it was those matches that gave me the most trouble. i can never seem to get those little chains everybody else can in proper fights with real people. but i do like...err...whichever one it is i use (no hat), but i do need more practice.
                    i seem to be getting a little better with remy though.

                    as for the shoto thing, if thats still aimed at me....not many i dont think. maybe only a couple of ryu/ken matches. but i do like having a few of those evry so fact i've only been playing people off here this past few days, and havent seen many shotos, so i'm not sick of them yet. so its all good.

                    also played lyrical donut tonight....whose dudly is a mean bast.
                    so many jugles, as has been noted by a few peeps, he never-ever screws them up.
                    but i think i did ok when he was other characters, although i seem to remember a few makoto double matches that went his way too


                      Originally posted by Strider
                      I've noticed this a lot and it only ever seems to be when you're fighting against the top end players and winning (if only for a while), most strange...
                      That's exactly how I beat the guy ranked #20+!!! It just went all laggy when I was in front! Made it easier tbh.

                      It also happened between me and Jassi when I was Alex if my memory serves me correctly.

                      Shoto vs. shoto debate aimed at Paleface btw...

                      Sorry to both fuddle AND jakeway for the pauses... I remember the Yun match when I was Dudley, and managed to scrape it by 1 pixel of energy when the time ran out immediately after the ex qcf+p!! That were dead good that.


                        OMG amazing games with Lyrical.
                        That Yun V Mako match. ooooo really fighting for each hit.
                        And OMG that mako beasting A rank. Was stunned tbh.

                        I can't believe how many times I ****ed up ?_?
                        Comes to the last few hits of the match, and I end up doing completely the wrong move by accident. I see a corkscrew blow coming and go to do you-hou, and end up doing a shoulder RIGHT INTO the corkscrew blow >.<


                          Originally posted by DavidFallows
                          Sorry to both fuddle AND jakeway for the pauses... I remember the Yun match when I was Dudley, and managed to scrape it by 1 pixel of energy when the time ran out immediately after the ex qcf+p!! That were dead good that.
                          Yes you did that very slyly.

                          You stood still again and I thought you where doing something again? so I stood still to wait for you? then I looked at the time and the energy dashed across the screen but it was to late.

                          .....very funny


                            Cheers for the games donut, I thought it was best to quit while I was doing ok

                            Been having a really **** time pulling supers off all night though and am considering getting a stick...


                              Originally posted by Fuddle
                              also played lyrical donut tonight....

                              I think a few Makoto vs. Makoto matches went your way too - I'm starting to warm to her more now (I got an S rank with her online the other day, and I rarely seem to score below a B++ most games these days o_O. She can do so much damage).

                              GG's to Firsty, Yun vs. Yun was teh lols. Loads of beastings from both sides there too, nice work man

                              And finally GG's Strider, Elena's a right tricky biatch. A lot of her moves are double hit, I keep forgetting this minor detail when attempting parries


                                Originally posted by Firsty
                                I can't believe how many times I ****ed up ?_?
                                LOL, so many games were like that for both of us I think.. it was hard to quit out of that set, but I had to eat :P. Agreed though, amazing games.

                                FFS, why didn't Capcom include a save replay option, the monkeys.

