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Street Fighter Anniversary Collection & CFJ: Gamertag list & Online Impressions

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    Thats a really interesting set up I've kept mine on default with my saturn pad. I really which that you could map the shoulder buttons and white/black buttons differently. Life would be much easier if I could map 3x K and 3xP to the shoulder buttons.


      Shend respect due, that setup makes my brain hurt XD

      unsurprisingly i go for LP,MP,HP

      Pretty boring stick setup, that i always thought everyone used tbh.


        Originally posted by Mr_Sands
        Thats a really interesting set up I've kept mine on default with my saturn pad. I really which that you could map the shoulder buttons and white/black buttons differently. Life would be much easier if I could map 3x K and 3xP to the shoulder buttons.
        yeah it's a pain, all the capcom fighters on xbox are like that unfortunately (well i know capcom vs snk 2 does, and anniversary, dunno about marvel vs capcom 2)

        hoping to get my magicbox soon so i acn use my saturn pad too...


          Originally posted by TheShend
          ...And how would i manage the above on LIVE since the start button brings up that menu?

          Our Dave has a theory that if you host the match on LIVE and say you've completed the requirements for unlocking Gill (and in doing so everyone's extra colours) offline. The challenger can then pick Gill and use the extra colours, even though he hasn't met the requirements offline himself?
          I assume you'd press BACK instead of start - works for live hyper sf2 anyway when picking character colours, dunno about TS as i've never used it in that...

          as for the gill thing, i played against someone who had unlocked gill and i chose him by accident (was aiming for yang!) but it hasn't happened on any other games i've played. i dunno if i've completed it on my xbox yet anyway


            Sands, get Yash to redo that avatar. I can't tell if it's Makato or Yang >_<


              I could pick Gill with Shim Sang Joon(sp?) hosting, didnt tho coz Gill's gimp (plus I might have lost then I'd have got depressed). I dont have the patience to unlock him on Xbox after doing it already on DC so he's not available with me.

              Really have to stop playin my mate online coz my game is defo getting worse because of it as mood taught me when I was trying to abuse him on recovery and kept getting thrown for my troubles ><


                Didn't stop you abusing me the rest of the time. However I picked. I need to practice more. That, or start picking Ken.

                [Tries to resist the dark side]


                  People, people: there's nothing wrong with choosing shotos. I've played some stupidly good Akuma players recently who kicked my Yun to the kerb.

                  Trick is to avoid the temptation to play them cheaply by spamming fireballs and using them properly.

                  Too much shoto hate on this forum.


                    Originally posted by Moodmon
                    Sands, get Yash to redo that avatar. I can't tell if it's Makato or Yang >_<
                    Lol are you blind! Yang!? That's great that Makoto is, hand over logo and everything. Pfft.

                    The less said about your 6 colour avatar the better. XD
                    Last edited by yashiro; 04-01-2005, 20:19.


                      Everyone in the channel is getting worried about resident SF god, Singho, aka teh Turbanator, losing his mastery on SF. In this latest episode, Big Ted reenacts just one such instance of his powers fading.


                        Good Matches Moodmon.
                        6-5 for you. As you see I don't know how to play with necro and alex. And my Ibuki is really weak. Which SA should I choose when I play with Ibuki?

                        You had chance guy, I have been disconnected just after you quit.
                        Darn now my server computer restarts when "he" wants.


                          Originally posted by Moodmon
                          Sands, get Yash to redo that avatar. I can't tell if it's Makato or Yang >_<
                          Shh you fool, in fact that avatar is so good it inspired me to beat you this evening. 9-8, good even matches but with that avatar on my side I couldn't fail


                            I would have beaten you if the football wasn't on. Yeah, the football. I'll just let your Yankato slide. Even if it does have a huge nose. And a greased up arm

                            Thank god you said you weren't good with Necro Marc. I thought you were taking the piss with all those Yoga Mummy type things. Didn't stop me falling for them of course ( >_< ) .


                              Originally posted by SonicMarmite
                              Everyone in the channel is getting worried about resident SF god, Singho, aka teh Turbanator, losing his mastery on SF. In this latest episode, Big Ted reenacts just one such instance of his powers fading.



                                Originally posted by gravity0
                                People, people: there's nothing wrong with choosing shotos. I've played some stupidly good Akuma players recently who kicked my Yun to the kerb.

                                Trick is to avoid the temptation to play them cheaply by spamming fireballs and using them properly.

                                Too much shoto hate on this forum.
                                Spamming Fireballs is not the case why imo there is hate towards shoto characters...parrying destroyed that tactic. Its nobbers who continually use them, for easy wins. I dont mind if someone uses Shoto characters, but im ****ed if i could just be the same character over and over again...tis bloody boring.

                                KEN in a nutshell

                                Cross over MK, MP, HP LP dragon
                                When in Doubt..LP dragon with no recovery and great damage
                                MK...into SA3

                                Rinse repeat, go learn someone else.

                                Now...Fighting a ken as anyone else but a shoto takes a lot of effort. More effort than i cba to sometimes. The point of a thread like this is so everyone can meet up and have a laugh playing eachother for exactly that. Its no fun if some nobber keeps on selecting shotos, and not even looking at other characters. I played some guy 20 matches the otherday...i went through the whole bloody cast...he was Ken all throughout...Thrilling

                                15-5 me

                                Thats why i believe there is hate towards the shotos...they are too good, and people just whore them. Seems alot of people on XBL are in a Tournament mode mentality where they just dont want to lose a single if they are at EVO. This thread luckily doesnt have people who just whore shotos...but it is great to defeat people online with Q\Twelve\Ibuki\Oro against their Ken ^_^.


                                Added some new tags to the first post. If i have missed anyone out, let me know. GAMERTAG LIST (CLICK)

                                Recently Added Tags

                                Billy Damashq~Bilal NTSC UK
                                Crisp Rapper~ Crisp Rapper*
                                Kotatsu Neko~Kotatsu Neko *
                                Mada ~Madabot*
                                MadMarc~ MadMarc52 *
                                Mr Sands~ SandCastle UK *
                                Pirotic~ Pirotic*
                                Razu~ RZU*
                                Sumire~Ai Kago*
                                Zanza~Tachikoma Loco*
                                Last edited by jassi singh; 05-01-2005, 03:15.

