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Street Fighter Anniversary Collection & CFJ: Gamertag list & Online Impressions

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    Originally posted by billy_dimashq
    to gravity0, i'd like to apologise for our crappy game this afternoon - was having probs i think with my connection causing those kaillera-like pauses

    seems fine now (according to the adslguide speed test) so hoping to have some sf fun this evening.
    Ah, so it was you who I played against. I figured the NTSC UK bit in your Gamertag meant you're a forum member, but I couldn't remember who it was.

    Shame about the hideous lag we were getting - I couldn't pull anything off. :\

    If you're okay now and online tonight I'll try to make sure we get some games in. I rarely host matches due to my crappy upload, but I'll look out for you and send you a friend request.

    I don't use a headset on 3S, though, so don't expect to hear my voice. :P


      Dammit, if you are new then post your gamertags. God knows us crap players need someone to win against


        after a few weeks off i'm trying to get back into this, although i dont think i'm back to the level i was (and that wasnt great).
        i played quite a few matches so far tonight, all against chun li or ken...i lost quite a lot, even though i know i really shouldnt have.

        hopefully i'll get to play more folk from here again soon, and it wont be quite so boring/annoying.


          you on 128k upload gravity0?

          i'm on homechoice and had a really bad month a while back with the connection slowing down to stupid stuff like 250k, but for the past 2 months or so, it's been a solid 1mb down/288k up (yeah it's 288 so a teeny bit quicker than 256)

          i seem to be playing too many people who are crazily good, in a sort of kinda way, and it's really embarassing when people quit after 1 or 2 matches! but seeing as the rating goes up with the number of games as opposed to the win/lose ratio i don't really mind (although i would if it said 700 played, 50 won) and i tend to learn quicker playing pros than playing regulars like me.

          still, frustrating to play and lose lots, so if anyone's after an easy win then you better play me now before i get good!


            Not had many games vs members recently. Have been getting lotsa challenges from a mate that works in another store. Should really find someone else when you go 49:1 up but he plays with the headset on and it's too funny.

            Can feel myself getting worse with each match mind. But my rolling combo's and Oro play picked up a little. Well against crap people anyway.


              had some enjoyable matches with moodmon earlier

              despite my best efforts i couldnt get a taunt finish though.
              so nice to play people who actually switch between different characters though.
              ...i really should try to learn a few more myself, as theres only 3-4 that i feel comfortable with, even after all this time.


                Yes, as I am 100% rubbish with 100% of the characters. I blame the new stick. Not used to it. Yeah, that will do it.

                Same to Sands as well. Quitting when you were ahead eh? Bad form old chap. Looks like my Alex might have to get his hands on you again soon Good to see you are tons better than last time. Almost got a perfect on Oro with Makato.

                Elena didn't like that, so she had to return the favour. Tenfold.


                  i used to stick with ken but now i've been experimenting. i find getting chucked in the deep end is the best way to learn, so i've only been using the other characters online, i haven't touched arcade or training mode in yonks, i just sit online with my instruction book at try out the moves! surprising how well that works

                  btw moodmon, love your avatar

                  btw anyone here EVER try hyper sf2? i had a decent night in with that on friday and had some really sweet nostalgic fights - spent 1/2 hour against one guy and we just stayed on champ edition players


                    I'd be up for a few games, Moodmon; just PM me to arrange a time as left could be a bit hectic. It'd be nice to play someone about my level


                      Originally posted by billy_dimashq
                      you on 128k upload gravity0?
                      Yup. My connection on 3S pretty much varies from 'acceptable' to 'unplayable'. It's really frustrating when you go up against someone you know is pretty much at your level, but the connection hinders the match so much you both resort to out-turtling each other.


                        well Paul3704 has started a thread called "Who's Playing Tonight?"

                        go there and post away peeps. stick to the clean-cut, self-explanatory format as i'm sure the info is covered but you can add your own extra bits obviously (the *'d stuff), and the idea is to post there if you're hosting, and pm the host if you wanna play. for example:

                        GAME: SF3 Third Strike
                        DATE: 03/01/05
                        TIME: 11PM
                        *VOICE: YES
                        *N00BS: YES

                        should make those matches easier to find methinks. post away lads. you know it makes sense
                        Last edited by randombs; 03-01-2005, 21:41. Reason: needed more '=' signs


                          Well, i've been offline just completing arcade to get the extra character colours and some combo practice, (i want a red Oro too!).

                          But a Q? or two.

                          The setting of the difficulty level doesn't matter in order to get the extra colours? You just need to complete arcade mode with that character?

                          If i'm usng the magic box and a DC pad, what method or button do you need to hold down to select the new colours? On the DC game you held start down and then selected a button (START + Y for Q in green for e.g). Can i plug in a 2nd normal controller, or would i need to switch between them in character select.

                          And how would i manage the above on LIVE since the start button brings up that menu?

                          Our Dave has a theory that if you host the match on LIVE and say you've completed the requirements for unlocking Gill (and in doing so everyone's extra colours) offline. The challenger can then pick Gill and use the extra colours, even though he hasn't met the requirements offline himself?

                          Cheers people.

                          P.S. Yash, how do you do that thing with pink sean?


                            Originally posted by Moodmon

                            Same to Sands as well. Quitting when you were ahead eh? Bad form old chap. Looks like my Alex might have to get his hands on you again soon Good to see you are tons better than last time. Almost got a perfect on Oro with Makato.

                            Elena didn't like that, so she had to return the favour. Tenfold.
                            Heh heh, I was dieing to have a play arround with my new phone which my mate kept on reminding me that it was fully charged, finally I couldn't stand it anymore and was going to quit until I saw that I was 4-4 or whatever so I just had to hang arround for a dicider.
                            I found your Alex a right bitch to play against he seemed to have an answer to almost everything my matoko did ft:


                              Can i plug in a 2nd normal controller, or would i need to switch between them in character select.
                              you would need to switch between them.

                              Shend how do you play with the DC pad, or do you just use 4 buttons?

                              Im pretty sure you can pick Gill if the guy hosting has unlocked him (guess the same applies to colours)


                                My DC pad setup is as follows Pij.

                                X - LP
                                Y - HP
                                L - MP
                                A - MK
                                B - HK
                                R - LP & LK

                                I haven't ever really used the LK mainly because i haven't ever used it in any effective way.

                                MK i have recently realised seems to be the main link in basic combos i couldn't seem to pull off, i.e. jumping HP or HK > standing MK > Alex's slash palm / Oro's human pilar throw / any shoto special / Q's dash punch etcetc.

                                I always assumed it had to be a crouching kick after a jumping fierce for a combo, so i ditched LK after realising the above. I'm now pulling these combo's off on command now making matches much more fun.

                                I progressed onto 3S from playing Garou on the DC, which was ideal with only 4 buttons. When i did shift to 3S i continued to use the Garou setup (low and feirce on face buttons and x3 K and x3 P on shoulders for EX's and supers).

                                I've altered my setup to the one above to suit my preference of playing. MP and throw on the shoulders was down to my Q obsession, as his Kara throw(back+MP > LP&LK) is filth XD

                                I do realise i maybe hindering myself, as some of the higher level combo characters like Ibuki and Dudley use LK abit, ah well, 1 step at a time. ^^

