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Street Fighter Anniversary Collection & CFJ: Gamertag list & Online Impressions

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    I always got a headache when I play jassi aswell... yeah... headache


      that's odd.. me too!


        lol you jokers

        i had the headache before i started! i played for about 1/2 hour or so then went to sleep

        i'm on now anyway so if anyone's up for a beating cmon down (no voice and no crappy <256k uploads please, sorry ntl'ers)


          Hey, i'd like to know a few more basic combo strings, if you know any, post them up!

          Ones i know atm which are real easy to do are:

          Dudley: Standing MK > HK > HP [3 hits]

          Ibuki: Standing LP > MP > HP xx QCB + HP [4 hits]

          Q: Jumping HP > MK > QCB + LP [5 hits]

          Q: Jumping HP > MK > HCF + P xx QCF + LP (Press and hold back after jumping to charge q's dash punch, you use HCF instead of just forward to form the first QCF for super arts 1 or 2.)

          Oro: Jumping HP > MK > HCB + HP [5 hits]

          Ryu: Jumping HP > MK > (EX) HCF + K > dragon punch follow up.

          Hugo: Opponent in corner. HCB + MK > (EX) QCB + P xx SA2

          Yang: Standing MP > HP xx QCB + HP

          I know more but can't remember now, anyone else?


            Originally posted by TheShend
            Dudley: Standing MK > HK > HP [3 hits]
            LK, MK, MP, HP is good at close range.

            I'd post more, but I have to go out.


              "Yang: Standing MP > HP xx QCB + HP"

              You can just use MP>HP>back+HP


                Originally posted by TheShend
                Hey, i'd like to know a few more basic combo strings, if you know any, post them up!

                Ones i know atm which are real easy to do are:

                I know more but can't remember now, anyone else?
                Other Dudley ones off the top of me head..

                LK, MK, MP, HP

                Crouching LP, MK

                MK, MK, HP (might be MP, MP, HP - memory is hazy :P)

                Walk in with HK (overhead hit) followed by MK.. this makes a lot of people block up.. a perfect opportunity to rinse them with crouching HK

                Crouching LK, MP, HP
                Last edited by Lyrical Donut; 09-01-2005, 00:34.


                  Hey guys. Singho pointed me this way, so I'll be in this here corner if any of you need me.

                  (Settles down)


                    Hey Kayin. Your nick sounds familiar. Have I played against you recently?


                      Hey Kayin!

                      Really good player from the scotchland Also...European Ninja Gaiden Master challenge winner

                      /me hands out Nurofen to the headache prone players

                      Might be playing again online today. Those that dont have me on their lists can send me a Friends Request to "S1ngho".

                      Who is gonna get the 1000th post? Dont make it a lame one ;p


             was me \o/


                      Lyrical! omg...Makoto the bitch with that finisher on Necro was just wrong! GG's ;D
                      Last edited by jassi singh; 09-01-2005, 01:52.


                        How was the lag on your side last night, Singho? I kept logging off and on to see if it improved on my side, but to no avail. I just couldn't get anything going last night because of the connection. You probably noticed.

                        I played for a little while longer and it did marginally improve, but I ended up switching it off in frustration after getting beaten by a scrubby Akuma player spamming hurricane kicks. You try parrying that **** with a < half-second input delay.
                        Last edited by gravity0; 09-01-2005, 10:46.


                          Lol just leave Gibraltar.
                          We don't get anywhere near that kinda lag.


                            Originally posted by Firsty
                            Lol just leave Gibraltar.


                              Originally posted by jassi singh
                              Lyrical! omg...Makoto the bitch with that finisher on Necro was just wrong! GG's ;D
                              Heh.. yeah

                              GG's man. I was suffering from quite a bit of input lag last night. It kept coming and going

                              Still, nice refreshing change to play against someone who can **** you up with anyone. I really must play this game more. I've got to start branching out a bit more and learning other chars properly.


                                Hi all just had the game a week or so S1ngho pointed me to the boards so i could find some more games be warned i am pretty crap at the mo
                                ehehe feel free to add me my live tag is Cortorized

