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Street Fighter Anniversary Collection & CFJ: Gamertag list & Online Impressions

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    Originally posted by jassi singh
    Isnt it NAOMI boards and NOT CPS3 boards that suffer from suicide pretty sure CPS3 is fine on that front and can be replaced.
    Nope CPS3 sufffers the same fate as the CPS2 boards and are alot harder to replace
    Specs and stuff can be found here 8)
    And yea CPS3 stuff is by no means cheap as it still makes arcade op's plenty of money .....


      I still can't work out the way points are added up in this game. I was playing some bloke last night, ranked about 100 places above me with about 1000-odd points, but with only 128 matches played, and he was pretty ****e tbh.
      He could only play Ryu, continually spammed hurricane kicks, did no comboes, no parrying, nothing flash at all.
      I'm OK at the game, nothing amazing like, but I parry quite well, get comboes in, even scored a couple of perfects on this bloke last night, and I'm still hovering around 850 points, with over 500 matches played.
      Anyone got any insight into how the points system works because it seems fairly arbitrary to me.


        more points for beating higher ranks it seems.

        also figured the reason my live wasnt working is coz i'm a total spaz


          Just to let you SF3 junkies know, we're running another small tourney for 3s (amongst others) over on the hadoken site, it's for fun only - so no prizes this time sadly, but last time out there was some good competition.

          I know it's a bit of a pimp, but it'd be great to have even more people playing this time (especially if they beat singho ).


            *shakes fist @ s1ngho*


              GG's gravity0 - the first Ken I don't mind losing against

              Sorry I couldnt stay for longer, got a few things to do tonight


                Been on for the first time in a month, god im rusty and got completely pwned by Singho 11/3

                What a complete Git!


                  So I finally had some matches against Tom Salter... and the lag decided to creep in and ruin everything.

                  Oh well, at least I have him on my FL. We'll have some decent games soon enough, mate.

                  Oh, and I picked Urien by mistake - I can't play him (or charge characters in general) for ****! Could you tell?

                  Edit: Yeah, GGs, but could have been so much better.



                    The biggest fighting game tournament in the world returns. Get all the details on Evo’s three action-packed days plus the crowning of new World Champions.

                    Join up here, im sure you can get very far and maybe, win this tourney with your ken tbh. Few more places left. Be great if one of us NTSC peeps win it. :P

                    Although...i reckon Kanri will win overall, the guy is a beast.


                      GG's S1ngho one of the only people i dont mind losing against as i come away feeling i learned somthing like how to get beats lol jk


                        Originally posted by jassi singh

                        The biggest fighting game tournament in the world returns. Get all the details on Evo’s three action-packed days plus the crowning of new World Champions.

                        Join up here, im sure you can get very far and maybe, win this tourney with your ken tbh. Few more places left. Be great if one of us NTSC peeps win it. :P

                        Although...i reckon Kanri will win overall, the guy is a beast.
                        I'd love to join, but my performance is far too often dictated by how my ****ty connection decides to be on the night, so it wouldn't be fair to me or my opponent.


                          Dont worry about that, not like all them players are lagless people. Just join dude.

                          Also GG's Phix, Pij and Mr Fujisawa today.


                            I joined that tourney

                            Probably get beat early on but ill give it my best shot


                              GG's Shend...what happen at the last match?

                              Just when i finnally got the chicken dance to work...think i need a new pad, this one is on its last legs.


                                Not too sure about what happened to our connection man.

                                Anyway, what's the crack with the 'sleep' taunt? Boring you am I? Cheeky rip!

                                Ugh that Oro is a swine, its the poke strings and that foot stamp which lands just behind you, i ALWAYS get caught >_<

                                My sporadic play of this game isn't helping me improve methinks.

                                GG's jassi, i WILL provide you with competition one day! Now get on that stick so i can get more wins in XD

