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Help me like Halo 2

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    Help me like Halo 2

    I just got Halo 2 recently.
    I find live an absolute bore. No one ever talks or plans anything during team games. It's so dull and leaves me cold. What I'd like is to get together with a crowd of decent & sane people for some matches. Otherwise, I'll probably just sell it.

    Who wants some? N00bs encouraged.

    Are you not in the 'Tap Tap Throw' 3S offshoot Halo 2 clan?

    Ask Jassi for an invite, it'll be much more fun than random matches.

    When we ever actually play that is :/


      Heh, I'll play now if anyone wants ;D


        Yes Shend, except....NO ONE ****ING PLAYS!


          Hey, i'm all free wedensday evening for a mammoth session if everyone else is?


            Wednesday sounds good to me, but me, Singho and Firsty are jumping on now \o/


              I'm nowhere near my gear, where at the mother in laws house >_<



                I'll be on next week if anybody's bothered, hopefully. Same goes for SFIII.

                Don't expect me to be any good on either tho ^_^


                  Originally posted by Firsty
                  Yes Shend, except....NO ONE ****ING PLAYS!
                  Thats the reason i'm selling my Xbox, live is a great idea except no one is on it (unless you have brought 'Live's latest game'). Spent 30 minutes waiting for someone to play PES4 against and you finally get someone they drop.


                    the best team games on halo i've played have been with the cats from this site... you can tell the better players as they're constantly feeding you with info on say where the bomb/flag/enemy is.

                    i'll be on most of tomorrow evening as will a few others i'd imagine, give us a shout and we'll see what we can do to make you learn to love it.


                      Get four people in a party from your friend list, switch to matchmaking and select one of the small team games (4v4). Jump from server to server, playing random people from around the world...but always with the same four people on your side.

                      Gaming long as Moodman knows where to take the flag.


                        Originally posted by Firsty
                        I just got Halo 2 recently.
                        I find live an absolute bore. No one ever talks or plans anything during team games. It's so dull and leaves me cold. What I'd like is to get together with a crowd of decent & sane people for some matches. Otherwise, I'll probably just sell it.

                        Who wants some? N00bs encouraged.
                        I couldn't agree with you more. I've tried to like it too... but the whole white button thing takes away the team planning or friendly chatting that usually takes place. The levels are too big, and take ages to get round if you don't have a vehicle. Halo2 online is dull. (Don't get me wrong, I love it offline)

                        I did get Ghost Recon 2 for Live, and I can't express how good this is, it is far better than Halo 2 in my opinion. It isn't just an add on to the old Ghost Recons, it is really improved - including taking out the annoying 'press the white button to talk' rubbish. The action is also sped up, and the online co-op is out of this world. If you aren't loving Halo2 online, I suggest trying Ghost Recon2- it is perfect.*

                        *Except for the menu system, which was clearly designed by chimps.


                          How difficult is it to press a button in order to talk to your team, seriously? And you aren't finding the right games if your team doesn't communicate - teamwork is key!


                            Originally posted by PeteJ
                            How difficult is it to press a button in order to talk to your team, seriously? And you aren't finding the right games if your team doesn't communicate - teamwork is key!
                            It takes away the flow of conversation. You have to think before you speak, which stops chit chat. Things you might just say, are edited out by the whole process of thinking 'is it worth saying'... and games just become more and more quiet.

                            For example someone tells a joke, and nobody laughs. Or at least they do, but nobody hears them because they didn't press the white button. The person telling the joke thinks that nobody wants to talk, and the silence takes over.

                            I have played the game with the same people that I have played Rainbow Six with, during which we have tons of chatting and team work. There was none in Halo2, luckily we all bought Ghost Recon2!!

                            I also have a headset splitter, for when I have company online. This works brilliantly in Ghost Recon 2, but in Halo 2 I would have to press MY white button for my guest to speak using a HIS own headset!!! That annoys me.

                            Finally, I'm not saying other people can't get used to the white button rubbish, but surely nobody thinks it?s a good thing?

                            It?s just such a shame that there is a game as good as Ghost Recon 2 out on Live, and the Halo 2 people don't know what they are missing.


                              Its all about the players you are on with... get a comprehensive friends list and you will be sorted, better yet a clan list

                              I only have the voice off when playing Rumble Pit... love co-ordinating a warthog strike with team mate, hehe!!

