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NTSC-UK Pro Evo 5 Knockout Championship (XBox)

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    You sound like me after our game fella. As you say, there's a fine line with loving Pro Evo one second, then detesting it the next.


      This game is so much like real football its scary. Has you woopin and cheerin one minute then smashing the pad and cursing Andrades terrible first touch the next its a beautiful game, hehehe.

      They have even joked about it in the commentary. At some points at teh end of games the commentators say, "Dont throw the controller"... they know what it does to people!!


        Right Goldbricker, am gonna be on from about 5.45 till 7 if you want to get the final played. Anyone fancy a game in the meantime ping me an invite.


          Sorry mate, I won't be back from work until 7. If you still want to play later on give me a shout.

          Should be available to play at 10.
          Last edited by goldbricker; 09-11-2005, 19:22.


            OK to play now?


              Was on 9.30 till ten and sent you friend request but you weren't on till later. Got couple games 6-7 and all stats fixed thank god.

              Will be on tonight from about 5.30, when you about?


                I saw you online and was setting up the game then you disappeared.

                I'll be back from 7 tonight so it would be good if we could play at 8?


                  Will try get on for 8. Have a game set up for then and I make sure I get on even if it just for that one game Will be on for wee bit before hand warming up and seeing what the Olympiakos line-up have to offer.


                    Goldbricker 1 : 0 Mardigan

                    I got a goal early on against the run of play then had to put up with some intense attacking from Mardigan for the rest of the half. I have no idea how he didn't score and my keeper made some great saves.

                    In the second half the more it went on the more my team was getting into the game and putting a bit more pressure on his goal. In the end I thought I finished the game better but again Mardigan was really unlucky not to score I think he even hit the post at one point.

                    Thanks for the game mate and good luck in the next tournament at the weekend.


                      Cheers man, a fair summary

                      Just wasn't going to happen for me in that game tonight, your keeper was in inspired form and I absolutely smacked the post with a 20 yarder. My boys really should have netted in that first half but your keeper was having none of it, hehehe.

                      Great game though mate, you took your chance when it was there and held on, well played. Am gonna sign that keeper for my Master League team, big prick

                      Looking forward to the next cup...

