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Call Of Duty 2 - Call To Arms

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    Outfit demo blew that out the water then.

    Tonight or tomorrow (assuming no GRAW) ?


      Im up for playing it tonight. Not big fan of the outfit.


        Originally posted by Yoshimax-UK
        Outfit demo blew that out the water then.

        I do hope you're being sarcastic Yoshi?

        COD2 is broken niceness.

        The outfit is ****ING SHHHHHHHHITE!


          Nah didn't mean that Kevvy - what I meant was the arrival of the demo on marketplace put an end to the COD2 session planned for last night as everybody it seemed was dloading or playing it.

          It doesn't even qualify to wipe COD2's ass after it has been for a dump.


            Originally posted by don_caballero
            I do hope you're being sarcastic Yoshi?

            COD2 is broken niceness.

            The outfit is ****ING SHHHHHHHHITE!

            Comedy germans, big stupid tanks and the chance to assault bases in a wheel barrow. Surely by shhhhhhhhhhhhhite you actually meant Geeeeeeennniiiius.

            Seriously, I don't think I'd go out and buy it, but the the demo's going to stay on for a while as it's the most I've laughed at a live game in while.

            Just remember it's stratagy game and not a shooter and it all makes a little more sense.


              Originally posted by Yoshimax-UK
              Nah didn't mean that Kevvy - what I meant was the arrival of the demo on marketplace put an end to the COD2 session planned for last night as everybody it seemed was dloading or playing it.

              People still are spending alot of time on the xbox dashboard, i keep having to exit games to see if anything new has been added (such as a GRAW demo) but there is nothing new.


                I know - i mentioned in another thread there's a desperate need for a marketplace schedule of some sort !!


                  I'll be up for some of this for sure...after footy mind, send us an invite - when i come on if you lot are playing... im quite nifty with sniper rifle, so if dont see me for a while be very afraid


                    Originally posted by Mr Pump
                    Comedy germans, big stupid tanks and the chance to assault bases in a wheel barrow. Surely by shhhhhhhhhhhhhite you actually meant Geeeeeeennniiiius.

                    Seriously, I don't think I'd go out and buy it, but the the demo's going to stay on for a while as it's the most I've laughed at a live game in while.

                    Just remember it's stratagy game and not a shooter and it all makes a little more sense.

                    yea, my expletive outburst was from an initial judgement. I played one game and thought it was a fugly mess. i'm gonna give it the benefit of the doubt and give it a few more goes before it gets bashed to deletesville.

                    Totally of topic but...does anyone know if you can change your username here without creating a new profile? I want to use my gamertag as username but want to keep my post count and Pm's


                      pm the mods, I think they can sort it out for you.


                        sweet dude i think i will


                          we should really bring this bad boy back, been further neglected since GRAW


                            I'm up for this anytime - Still the best 360 live game at the moment (IMO) but where in the name of all that is good in the world is the ****ing patch ????


                              Petition for the patch if anybody is interested.

                              ****ing disgrace how long they've (IW) taken - they've gone right down in my estimations.



                                Originally posted by hoathenfold
                                The Xbox 360 version has just been patched!!! YAY - About bloody time!!
                                Check it out, can't believe we missed it

