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DOA4 - Tournament / Team Battle Logistics

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    Right, Game's out here and most people will have played enough now to have got a grasp of it so will we start putting the plan in place for a massive tournament ?

    I was thinking we pick a night and all games must be played that night - was going to suggest we simply try packing 16 people into one lobby and see how it goes - If it lags out we create another lobby and have 2 of 8 - both play a tournament and then the winners/losers split off again into 2 lobbies and play anouther tournament - hey-ho results decided !!

    Of course, it may be we can't rely on the game to host the tournament but I suggest we try it this way first ?

    Any thoughts and can everybody on page 1 confirm they want in still ? Was thinking next Monday or Tuesday night say 8pm onwards ?


      I dunno if the game will cope with even 8 at the lobby (it still seems to be random lag). Suppose if all else fails split the rooms into 4 again, but that might take some admin, and need someone to be in charge. We could always use the forum to show the results of each lobby I suppose.

      Also need to stop picking random and start picking gyppo to get some practice in. Unless I use random as an excuse. Mmm, yes, I think I will when some ****er 'Greatest's me


        Tuesday night works best for me and I kow for a fact that if I am hosting in a lobby with more than 3 people it will lag. 3 or less and it runs perfect so personally I would like to see the tournament done as a series of 1v1 lobbies and we work it from there.

        That way we ensure as little lag as possible and there are no excuses available other than, you were **** and got caned

        Might need to revise character selection but should confirm how we are gonna pklay this out first.


          Kasumi's gagging for a face rape. Count me in and let me know what's going on.


            Yep, count me in, gonna be using Christie...

            Oh, I reckon Silvergun and Mardigan should be made to choose alternative characters that aren't Brad Wong or Kasumi to give those who suck (i.e. me!) a chance.


              Originally posted by Bleeders
              Yep, count me in, gonna be using Christie...

              Oh, I reckon Silvergun and Mardigan should be made to choose alternative characters that aren't Brad Wong or Kasumi to give those who suck (i.e. me!) a chance.

              I've been getting a bit of Hitomi practice in. I might try learning Kokoro.

              And no way did you suck - You're a damn good Christie player.
              Last edited by Silvergun X; 01-02-2006, 12:34.


                Originally posted by Silvergun X
                Kasumi's gagging for a face rape.

                Yea i'm in for whenever.Lets do this!


                  Aye Bleeders, your Christie launchers were different from the ones I usually try for her and they worked really well. Gonna revise my Christie based on how you use her if you dont mind, hehe.

                  Brad / Hyabusa / Hayate / Christie for the win!!


                    Originally posted by Akira

                    Yea i'm in for whenever.Lets do this!
                    She actually lets you eat her muff, its the most beautiful move in the game


                      Originally posted by Mardigan8
                      She actually lets you eat her muff, its the most beautiful move in the game
                      + Costume 5 = Mmmmmm.

                      Sorry, what were we talking about again?


                        Originally posted by Silvergun X

                        I've been getting a bit of Hitomi practice in. I might try learning Kokoro.

                        And no way did you suck - You're a damn good Christie player.
                        Thanks, nice of you to say mate, I hadn't played for a good few days, so was out of practice. Hence Brad and Kasumi saw to it I had to be on my game heh.

                        @Mardigan - Go for it mate, as Silver demonstrated countless times where Christie has a couple launchers, her back > punch one is the most popular and can be countered easily, so I try to mix it up a bit, keep my distance, change stance if need be as to try and keep the opponent off guard.


                          count me in also, I'll give it a go...

                          I'm not sure yet which one I will use.... Christy or Ayane....


                            Got my 360 back today so count me in. I'm outta practice, but I doubt that will matter considering my previous form

